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Everything posted by Gamesnert

  1. Hmmm... That's the heck of a weird error... Go to your MTA directory and look in the folder Mods, is the folder Deathmatch in there? (I suppose it is)
  2. Gamesnert


    Ofcourse we can. What kind of script do you want? You can think of almost everything. (even scripts that mod vehicles(temporarily) for all players My script for that doesn't work yet, though...)
  3. Yes, you'll have to leave the quotes. In fact, that's always when programming except you're going to use a variable. Which you can't use in a XML. But i don't know if the problem is fixed, but you can also go in your server, press F8 and type "register [pass]". (without quotes, and no \ or /) Then later you can follow the steps to make your registered account admin. Hope it helps. EDIT: You'll have to login to have access to the admin panel by the way. So when you want to login, F8 and then type "login [pass]" (again without quotes, and no \ or /)
  4. Oh lol, didn't read he meant SA-MP. >.
  5. You can change 22004 in anything else. See the mtaserver.conf file in your MTA DM/server/mods/deathmatch folder. (open with notepad)
  6. Wiki would be your place to start: http://development.mtasa.com/index.php?title=Main_Page Go to Deathmatch Server Manual, and work you way through until you're the best there is. Heh joking
  7. 1. You do not need any more programs. 2. I do have Dual Core, but still even a single core is supposed to do the job. Might have some lag though... 3. I would suggest the wiki, just to start. Later on you can download example gamemode scripts and everything and find things out on you own. It's quite fun to do. 4. It is not recommended to just post personal information, no matter how small. You may want to post it, it's just that you don't know what people sometimes do with it. Also, keep your eyes peeled on the forums for questions and examples. Always a good way to learn.
  8. Hello everyone, I'm still quite new to making a MTA server, and now have some trouble. (again...) I want to mod the vehicles for my gamemode, but the script doesn't work... function installAuto ( startedResource ) if ( startedResource == getThisResource() ) then outputChatBox ( "A few mods are being loaded for this gamemode." ) txd = engineLoadTXD ( "hydra.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( txd, 520 ) dff = engineLoadDFF ( "hydra.dff", 520 ) engineReplaceModel ( dff, 520 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), installAuto ) function installAuto2 ( startedResource ) if ( startedResource == getThisResource() ) then txd = engineLoadTXD ( "androm.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( txd, 592 ) dff = engineLoadDFF ( "androm.dff", 592 ) engineReplaceModel ( dff, 592 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), installAuto2 ) function installAuto3 ( startedResource ) if ( startedResource == getThisResource() ) then txd = engineLoadTXD ( "cheetah.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( txd, 415 ) dff = engineLoadDFF ( "cheetah.dff", 415 ) engineReplaceModel ( dff, 415 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), installAuto3 ) function installAuto4 ( startedResource ) if ( startedResource == getThisResource() ) then txd = engineLoadTXD ( "copcarla.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( txd, 596 ) dff = engineLoadDFF ( "copcarla.dff", 596 ) engineReplaceModel ( dff, 596 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), installAuto4 ) function installAuto5 ( startedResource ) if ( startedResource == getThisResource() ) then txd = engineLoadTXD ( "turismo.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( txd, 451 ) dff = engineLoadDFF ( "turismo.dff", 451 ) engineReplaceModel ( dff, 451 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), installAuto5 ) And yes, I have used in the meta file . Furthermore I don't know what the problem is... Because this script is actually an a bit modified code that was listed between the resources. The F-18 script, used it as an example. The example worked, my script didn't. There are no errors by the way, not even warnings. The models just don't load... They download and all, but loading is a whole different thing... Thanks in advance, Gamesnert.
  9. Hello everybody, Since a few days i'm trying to make a MTA server to play on with my friends. I want it to be a TDM server, and the problems is the T for team... I paste the script and the error here, because i don't exactly know what's wrong. Only the important part, the part where it goes wrong is at "call(getresourcefromname....(etc)". Since i'm inexperienced and didn't find a topic to help, i posted this threat on the forums. And the Wiki tutorial doesn't work too, so that's why i didn't take that script. Before i forget, my reason for this script is to make spawnpoints for a certain team only. --3 spawnpoints voor Restricted Area: --1:283.339 1972.488 17.64063 --2:279.5817 2013.327 17.64063 --3:338.7903 2012.863 20.63943 --1 spawnpoint voor Airport Graveyard: --1:397.40676879883 2533.9304199219 16.544166564941 --Anderen moeten nog komen... addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(), function() local joinedPlayerName = getClientName ( source ) joinHandler(source) outputChatBox ( "Welcome " .. joinedPlayerName .. " to my server." , source, 255, 255, 255 ) end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(), function() setTimer(joinHandler,5000,1,source) end ) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getRootElement(), function(res) if res == getThisResource() then team1 = getElementByID("team1") team2 = getElementByID("team2") for _,player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setTimer(joinHandler,1000,1,player) end end end ) call(getResourceFromName("spawnmanager"), "setSpawnpointTeam", getElementByID("spawnpoint1"), getElementByID("team1") ) call(getResourceFromName("spawnmanager"), "setSpawnpointTeam", getElementByID("spawnpoint2"), getElementByID("team1") ) call(getResourceFromName("spawnmanager"), "setSpawnpointTeam", getElementByID("spawnpoint3"), getElementByID("team1") ) call(getResourceFromName("spawnmanager"), "setSpawnpointTeam", getElementByID("spawnpoint4"), getElementByID("team2") ) function joinHandler(player) fadeCamera(player,true) call(getResourceFromName("spawnmanager"),"spawnPlayerAtSpawnpoint",player) balanceTeams(player) end function balanceTeams ( thePlayer ) if not getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) then if countPlayersInTeam(team1) > countPlayersInTeam(team2) then setPlayerTeam ( thePlayer , team2 ) else setPlayerTeam ( thePlayer , team1 ) end end end I also paste the map file, except the map file and this one there is no other script for my server. (except for quite much lines for vehicles+spawn, but that just works.) <map mode="myserver" version="1.0"> <!-- Creeër teams --> <team name="team1" colorR="255" colorG="0" colorB="0" friendlyfire="true"/> <team name="team2" colorR="255" colorG="255" colorB="0" friendlyfire="true" /> <!-- Coalitie spawns --> <spawnpoint id="spawnpoint1" posX="283.339" posY="1972.488" posZ="17.64063" rot="270" skin="287"/> <spawnpoint id="spawnpoint2" posX="279.5817" posY="2013.327" posZ="17.64063" rot="270" skin="287"/> <spawnpoint id="spawnpoint3" posX="338.7903" posY="2012.863" posZ="20.63943" rot="270" skin="287"/> <!-- Oppositie spawns --> <spawnpoint id="spawnpoint4" posX="397.40676879883" posY="2533.9304199219" posZ="16.544166564941" rot="270" skin="287"/> <!-- Coalitie wapens --> <pickup posX="320.49975585938" posY="1961.5589599609" posZ="17.640625" type="31" amount="250" respawn="30000"/> <pickup posX="320.49975585938" posY="1956.5589599609" posZ="17.640625" type="29" amount="200" respawn="30000"/> <pickup posX="325.49975585938" posY="1956.5589599609" posZ="17.640625" type="16" amount="15" respawn="30000"/> <pickup posX="325.49975585938" posY="1961.5589599609" posZ="17.640625" type="34" amount="25" respawn="30000"/> <pickup posX="320.49975585938" posY="1951.5589599609" posZ="17.640625" type="armor" amount="100" respawn="30000"/> <pickup posX="325.49975585938" posY="1951.5589599609" posZ="17.640625" type="36" amount="5" respawn="30000"/> <!-- Oppositie wapens --> <pickup posX="415.55285644531" posY="2531.0788574219" posZ="19.17321395874" type="35" amount="10" respawn="30000"/> <pickup posX="413.05285644531" posY="2531.0788574219" posZ="19.17321395874" type="36" amount="5" respawn="30000"/> <pickup posX="415.55285644531" posY="2533.5788574219" posZ="19.17321395874" type="18" amount="5" respawn="30000"/> </map> Help would be very apriciated, Gamesnert. P.S. Sorry for most of the comments being Dutch, but there is no crucial information in it. EDIT: Foolish me... Forgot the error... "spawn.lua*: setSpawnpointTeam: Invalid variable specified as team. Element expected, got boolean. - Line: 47" * = This is a strange part since the script is called "script.lua", not spawn. Still the server file thinks so...
  10. Hello everybody, Since a few days i'm trying to make a MTA server to play on with my friends. I want it to be a TDM server, and the problems is the T for team... I paste the script and the error here, because i don't exactly know what's wrong. Only the important part, the part where it goes wrong is at "call(getresourcefromname....(etc)". Since i'm inexperienced and didn't find a topic to help, i posted this threat on the forums. And the Wiki tutorial doesn't work too, so that's why i didn't take that script. Before i forget, my reason for this script is to make spawnpoints for a certain team only. --3 spawnpoints voor Restricted Area:--1:283.339 1972.488 17.64063--2:279.5817 2013.327 17.64063--3:338.7903 2012.863 20.63943 --1 spawnpoint voor Airport Graveyard:--1:397.40676879883 2533.9304199219 16.544166564941--Anderen moeten nog komen... addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(), function() local joinedPlayerName = getClientName ( source ) joinHandler(source) outputChatBox ( "Welcome " .. joinedPlayerName .. " to my server." , source, 255, 255, 255 ) end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",getRootElement(), function() setTimer(joinHandler,5000,1,source) end ) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getRootElement(), function(res) if res == getThisResource() then team1 = getElementByID("team1") team2 = getElementByID("team2") for _,player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setTimer(joinHandler,1000,1,player) end end end ) call(getResourceFromName("spawnmanager"), "setSpawnpointTeam", getElementByID("spawnpoint1"), getElementByID("team1") )call(getResourceFromName("spawnmanager"), "setSpawnpointTeam", getElementByID("spawnpoint2"), getElementByID("team1") )call(getResourceFromName("spawnmanager"), "setSpawnpointTeam", getElementByID("spawnpoint3"), getElementByID("team1") )call(getResourceFromName("spawnmanager"), "setSpawnpointTeam", getElementByID("spawnpoint4"), getElementByID("team2") ) function joinHandler(player) fadeCamera(player,true) call(getResourceFromName("spawnmanager"),"spawnPlayerAtSpawnpoint",player) balanceTeams(player) end function balanceTeams ( thePlayer ) if not getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) then if countPlayersInTeam(team1) > countPlayersInTeam(team2) then setPlayerTeam ( thePlayer , team2 ) else setPlayerTeam ( thePlayer , team1 ) end end end I also paste the map file, except the map file and this one there is no other script for my server. (except for quite much lines for vehicles+spawn, but that just works.) Help would be very apriciated, Gamesnert. P.S. Sorry for most of the comments being Dutch, but there is no crucial information in it. EDIT: Foolish me... Forgot the error... "spawn.lua*: setSpawnpointTeam: Invalid variable specified as team. Element expected, got boolean. - Line: 47" * = This is a strange part since the script is called "script.lua", not spawn. Still the server file thinks so...
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