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Everything posted by Vigo.K

  1. Probably that knot is here... Script: local function updateNametagColor( player ) local nametagColor = { 127, 127, 127, priority = 0 } if p[ player ] and isLoggedIn( player ) then nametagColor = { 255, 255, 255, priority = 0 } if getOption( player, "staffduty" ) then for key, value in ipairs( groups ) do if isObjectInACLGroup( "user." .. p[ player ].username, aclGetGroup( value.aclGroup ) ) and value.nametagColor then if value.priority > nametagColor.priority then nametagColor = value.nametagColor nametagColor.priority = value.priority end end end end end setPlayerNametagColor( player, unpack( nametagColor ) ) end
  2. Greetings. I have problem with Nametag. I'm using MTA: Paradise Role-Play gamemode. Okay, I made one script, when I'm using: /duty, then player Nametag changes its color. Here is script: addCommandHandler( "duty", function( thePlayer, commandName, r, g, b ) if exports.players:isLoggedIn( thePlayer ) then local inPD, factionID, factionName, factionTag = exports.factions:isPlayerInFactionType( thePlayer, 2 ) if inPD and factionTag then giveWeapon ( thePlayer, 41, 500 ) setElementHealth ( thePlayer, 100 ) setPlayerNametagColor ( thePlayer, 176, 0, 0 ) end end end ) But, when I'm using: /duty its changes to red color, but after 3-5 seconds it's back on white color. Could you guys please, with your smart brains help me? Thanks anyway, waiting your answers. <3
  3. Nope, its doesn't work. I said, it's stay to red or blue. ;( That's problem.
  4. in the script i posted above it is turned on/off by the same command. Yes, but its stay on red/blue color not to white (default). ;(
  5. Yes guys, but how to make in this script, when can turn off that Emergency Lights. When I write /elights it's just stay on Emergency Lights mod. ;// Please help me. P.S. What's happened with http://Community.mtasa.com?
  6. Maybe someone of you have other emergency lights? Like - MTA Valhalla? :D
  7. :D Buddy, can you make please ready script? :D
  8. Hello, guys. I'm just download "Emergancy Lights". And there is some bug, can't turn off that lights and in consule it's shows: WARNING: vehicles\elights.lua:9: Bad argument @ 'killTimer' WARNING: vehicles\elights.lua:10: Bad argument @ 'killTimer' Script file: function EmergencyLights ( source ) theVehicle = getPlayerOccupiedVehicle ( source ) if ( theVehicle ) then if ( getVehicleOverrideLights ( theVehicle ) ~= 2 ) then setVehicleOverrideLights ( theVehicle, 2 ) setTimer ( setLight, 400, 1 ) else setVehicleOverrideLights ( theVehicle, 0 ) killTimer ( setLight ) killTimer ( setLight2 ) end end end function setLight ( ) setTimer ( setLight2, 400, 1 ) setVehicleHeadLightColor (theVehicle, 000, 000, 255) end function setLight2 ( ) setVehicleHeadLightColor (theVehicle, 255, 000, 000) setTimer ( setLight, 400, 1 ) end addCommandHandler ( "elights", EmergencyLights ) Waiting your answers.
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