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Everything posted by Mondim^^
Como iniciar no MTA
Mondim^^ replied to alex_coll's topic in Ajudas relacionadas ao MTA:SA (Cliente/Servidor)
Para colocares os mapas deverão tar em ZIP sem nenhuma pasta dentro ou em pasta. Vais a resources - Gamodes - nomedogamemode(race e etc..) - maps e metes ai o mapa -
Primeiro, deverás comprar um servidor numa empresa (:
Thanks guys, all are able to visit our multigaming (:
http://xg-clan.com Visitem Servidor sempre 32/32 cheio de PT's pros ^^
" microsoft studio c++ runtime library" MTA Crashing Someone know how to fix?
I have that maps already. Bye Tulio You are a nice mapper and a good person Hasta!
MTA:SA 1.1 Released: Harder, Better, Stronger, Faster
Mondim^^ replied to darkdreamingdan's topic in News
Great Job btw, voice chat bugged? -
no other guy made
Hello, I need help. I have server running in Windows System and appear some errors about compiled scripts. SCRIPT ERROR: race\config_server.lua: bad constant in precompiled chunk SCRIPT ERROR: race\tt.lua: bad constant in precompiled chunk Maybe because this only works in linux? Can you help me? Someone know?
Sniper, say it! But ok I ask u to join XG? LOL, you come to my server and give ur IP adress and say if I want ur scripts And I dont invite to XG Stolen maps? Ye, asia give it, and I delete some maps like (They Ask me) Bauss ask to remove ffs maps I remove all KodiaK say to remove maps I remove all. If someone want, I can remove without problems!
And last thing. - You stole SHC//Sniper scripts and he know that! So you will be banned FG - Second Hama. PS: They are stelling our blocks of XG website!
Maps stoled? Kodiak is old UA leader, if I stole UA maps, how I dont have KodiaK maps? Shut up or mouth! And spectators is not from AG. It's default spectators. -https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=1749 Speedometer is stoled? ROFL! See this! My friend acid post it. - http://alwclan.net/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=335 It's stoled? Hm, I dont think so LOL?» http://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=10823 It's not our speedo ROFL! ROFL ROFL ROFL! LOL? You dont have colour code in spectators! And feche make spectators for us and he is our scripter! GameR is old SG member he try join XG with stole scripts from SG ROFL! Xg is full of stolen? Tell me the scripts. - Speedometer is from alw community, they give us! - Stats System - Maked by cadu and pr0 old xg members and they make for us! And how FG have it? Nice stole! Want more?
I dont know what Timic is doing, now he dont have acess to XG and he isnt XG. I create this topic to alert only not to make confusion.
Ye, but dont worry XG now have new scripts like: - Spectators with colour codes. - Die Rank with colour codes. And Much more! DONT TRUST IN THIS GUYS!
Hello! ~[FG]~ is community with old xG members: Timic, Dracula, Tr0JaN, ViRuSs, GameR, RaZoR and much more. Timic is old XG leader and FG clan stole some scripts from XG and delete all from our FTP. You can see this screen taked in FG server with XG logo.
Hey People! Xtreme Gamers MultiGaming Community: xg-clan.com (700 members registed) is now founding a new MTA scripter. ✺ MultiGaming Community ✺ We have some games/teams like: ✺ COD4 ✺ ✺ SA:MP ✺ ✺ LOL ✺ And much more. We are looking for good scripter, we need some fuctions. All days we beat 32 players in MTA and 75 in SAMP so it's good investment. If you are interested post it here or in our website. The scripter will get special RANK in our community. We will open new servers soon.
Mondim^^ replied to SHC//Sniper's question in Client
Stoler and Hacker - Nice -
SERVER OPEN Hey Guys! Our server is now OPEN! [GTA-multi.com] ~XG~ Xtreme Gamers [DM/DD] | http://www.xg-clan.com IP: Port:7152 !JOIN US! Call your friends!
I can help you add xfire: vitormondim or msn: [email protected]
www.xg-clan.com Comunidade criado por 2 portugueses!
Hey People! Welcome to our community! Community Owners and Clan Leaders are Mondim^^, KrZ and Tr0JaN. ~XG~ means Xtreme Gamers. We are creating server (99%). Our server be open soon. Our gamemode is Race, [DM/DD]. Our scripters is Tr0JaN, Timic and [FOTL]n3m3s1s, Elson Ponte (upalala.net). Well.. We will be fast. It's small community introduction. One more time.. Welcome and call your friends! Greetings ~XG~ Leaders