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Everything posted by Drakath

  1. Drakath

    Friendly fire

    > type="script" author="Drakath" name="Anti-Kill" version="1.0.0" /> ="team.lua" type="server" />>
  2. Drakath

    Friendly fire

    Yes, its not client
  3. Drakath

    Friendly fire

    Still doesn't work...
  4. Drakath

    Friendly fire

    addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,function() createTeam("All") end) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,function() setPlayerTeam(source,getTeamFromName("All")) end)
  5. Drakath

    Friendly fire

    I am using "onPlayerLogin" but it steal doesn't work. There is no players in this team...
  6. Drakath

    Friendly fire

    This script you gave me doesn't work. It only works when player joins but when he logs in the team is gone...
  7. Drakath

    Friendly fire

    But how can I make friendly fire off for everyone without any teams?
  8. Help I accidentally created a house in the house and I can't delete it. How can I delete it?
  9. I have a suggestion. Can you make the blips like on the house system that blips showing when you are holding a button.
  10. Nvm, I did and it works.
  11. Do I need to make new resource or write this somewhere?
  12. Is there a resource to make all vehicles undestroyable?
  13. Drakath

    Friendly fire

    Okay, it worked thanks
  14. Drakath

    Friendly fire

    I don't know. Can someone make the code to enable friendly fire for all?
  15. Drakath


    Works, thanks.
  16. Drakath


    Well I will give a list of resources that can contain giveplayermoney: Shop from zombie apocalypse. Mabako services. Boat missions. Business system. Start money. Vehicles shop. Zombie scoreboard. Bank. Pirate bay. P-spawn.
  17. Drakath


    Like what?
  18. Drakath


    I keep getting these errors. How can I fix it?
  19. Drakath

    Friendly fire

    for index, theTeam in ipairs(allTeams) do setTeamFriendlyFire ( theTeam, true ) end end
  20. Drakath

    Friendly fire

    I can't get it to work help...
  21. Drakath

    Friendly fire

    Is there a resource that make players don't damage other players?
  22. Drakath

    Zombies ignore

    Yeah save works, but the problem is when there are these 2 scripts it making more lag. I need to make zombiegamemode work without other zombie scripts.
  23. How can I make it to allow weapons inside?
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