Hi there! I have a problem with my dx thing i made for resoulutions, i made it so it should be easier so dont have to count the math self on every dx element because the thing im making now is around 100 dx element, this is the code:
function fixSimsDXRes(r1,r2,r3,r4)
return sW*(r1/1360), sH*(r2/768), sW*(r3/1360), sH*(r4/768)
dxDrawRectangle(fixSimsDXRes(94, 677, 135, 28), tocolor(3, 20, 112, 255), true)
dxDrawRectangle(fixSimsDXRes(0, 612, 94, 129), tocolor(3, 20, 112, 255), true)
dxDrawRectangle(fixSimsDXRes(94, 612, 136, 29), tocolor(3, 20, 112, 255), true)
The problem is, i dont know how to make it stop fixing the resoulution all time, because it goes on and the positions get wrong.
How can i fix this??