OMFG Thats just fkn great, now those of us who tried dm race and chose to stay with normal race no longer have a choice?
It seems like that "Lost Source" reason is a bit of crap, I doubt everyone who had it threw it out just cause dm had started.
If that source could be found, the browser and the vista fix would be in order.
Toady, I want to stop short of calling you a lier, but you gotta understand that that pile is a little hard to choke down m8.
I really want to see the MTA Race players reaction when the browser stops working, this place is going to get a little crazy.
Please try to find that source, there HAS to be one somewhere.
It seems like we are being forced to go to dm to bring up the player count or something.
ps. really toady no offence intended, im not implying that you would noingly lie about it.