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Everything posted by 12p

  1. 50p: OK, but maybe some users will want to play this. Mati: Mmm, it's true. If you can create a good Raccon City, thx you, because I'm not an expert creating tetric athmospheres... JesseUnit: No, thank you. I can do it by myself.
  2. But, if I can create custom car models, why not skins models? OK, I trust you because I heard about you . In that case, I will create some textures for Nemesis... Oh, and you now have the idea in the main post (GAMEMODE title).
  3. Hi, I'm new to this forum. Like the title says, I have an idea for a resource... As all you can see, I'm trying to create a Resident Evil 3 Gamemode. THE GAMEMODE: You start in a Safe Zone, far from any city, with $5000 to use in the weapon shop near to you. When you are ready, you go to the red markers. They teleport you to Raccon City Hospital. Then you must survive in the city, and you must found an exit from it. If you die, you lose everything (money and weapons), unless you have saved your progress in a savepoint. These "savepoints" are located in some interiors trought the city, like "Safe Zones". If you find the exit, then you get a helicopter to go anywhere in the map, including the SPENCER MANSION (if you know something about RE1, then you know where to find it). Raccon City is located in LS, not in SF or LV. CURRENT PROGRESS: So all you can see, I need help only in the Nemesis part. I don't know how to script the "Nemesis behaviour" (Ultra aggressive and very fast monster). NEEDED HELPERS: An excellent scripter, that knows how to create the Nemesis Behaviour, and with some "spawnpoints" (like slothman). Thanks to everybody for reading this message. I hope that somebody could help me...
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