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Everything posted by capitanazop

  1. save but dont load the money
  2. mmmmm. create you own dm gamemode with the skin selector posted in community.multitheftauto.com is very easy bye
  3. Relly nice map men Downloading
  4. hi i have a problem when use this function. function pack ( playerSource, commandName ) setPlayerSkin(playerSource, 280) setPlayerMoney (playerSource, 50000) setPlayerArmor ( playerSource, 20 ) end addCommandHandler ( "pack1", pack ) function packi2 ( playerSource, commandName ) executeCommandHandler ( "pack1", playerSource ) end addCommandHandler ( "pack2", packi2 ) and display this error in the console. WARNING: diversion.lua Access denied @ `executeCommandHandler´ line 476. plz help bye and srry for my english
  5. any samp cars to .map converter??? i can give you filterscipt, u can add vehicles to this FS, compile it, and run as fs. then go to your scriptfiles, you will get MTA.map file with vehicles. im not creator of this FS. // Luby's SA-MP to MTA Converter 2.0v © 2008 // GTAMScripting.info // To use : Paste your code in ToSave function, compile it and run as gamemode #include <file> #include <float> #include <string> native format(output[], len, const format[], {Float,_}:...); // Change this three lines <<<<<<<<< #define MAP_NAME "MTA.map" #define YOU "Reamis" #define YOUR_MOD "Masinos" // And leave others <<<<<<<<<< main(){} native print(str[]); forward OnGameModeInit(); public OnGameModeInit(){ fremove(MAP_NAME); new File:fhandle; fhandle = fopen(MAP_NAME, io_append); fwrite(fhandle, "<map mod=\""YOUR_MOD"\" author=\""YOU"\" version=\"1.0\">\r\n"); fclose(fhandle); print("Please wait ..."); if(ToSave()){ print("Done!"); new File:fhandle2; fhandle2 = fopen(MAP_NAME, io_append); fwrite(fhandle2, "</map>"); fclose(fhandle2); } return 1; } ToSave(){ //vehicles AddStaticVehicle(400,-2028.4436,125.2684,29.1714,0.6024,123,1); // landstalker SF //end return 1; } stock CreateObject(modelid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ){ new str[256]; format(str,256,"<object model=\"%d\" posX=\"%f\" posY=\"%f\" posZ=\"%f\" rotX=\"%f\" rotY=\"%f\" rotZ=\"%f\" /> <!-- Objektai is Sa-Mp \r\n",modelid, X, Y, Z, rX, rY, rZ); new File:fhandle; fhandle = fopen(MAP_NAME, io_append); fwrite(fhandle, str); fclose(fhandle); return true; } stock AddStaticVehicle(modelid, Float:spawn_x, Float:spawn_y, Float:spawn_z, Float:z_angle, color1, color2){ new str[256]; format(str,256,"<vehicle model=\"%d\" posX=\"%f\" posY=\"%f\" posZ=\"%f\" rotX=\"0.0\" rotY=\"0.0\" rotZ=\"%f\" color=\"%d %d 0 0\"/> <!-- Masinos is Sa-Mp --> \r\n",modelid, spawn_x, spawn_y, spawn_z, z_angle, color1, color2); new File:fhandle; fhandle = fopen(MAP_NAME, io_append); fwrite(fhandle, str); fclose(fhandle); return true; } stock AddStaticVehicleEx(modelid, Float:spawn_x, Float:spawn_y, Float:spawn_z, Float:z_angle, color1, color2, respawn_delay){ #pragma unused color1 #pragma unused color2 #pragma unused respawn_delay new str[256]; format(str,256,"<vehicle model=\"%d\" posX=\"%f\" posY=\"%f\" posZ=\"%f\" rotX=\"0.0\" rotY=\"0.0\" rotZ=\"%f\" color=\"%d %d 0 0\"/> <!-- Masinos is Sa-Mp --> \r\n",modelid, spawn_x, spawn_y, spawn_z, z_angle, color1, color2); new File:fhandle; fhandle = fopen(MAP_NAME, io_append); fwrite(fhandle, str); fclose(fhandle); return true; } wow thanks man ;D
  6. hi i have a problem whit my teleport cmd. i wanna teleport with my car but i can execute the cmd if i stay in a vehicle =S. this is the cmd. function drift ( hitPlayer, commandName, posX, posY, posZ, player ) setElementPosition ( hitPlayer,-759.8561,-240.8489,51.8462) end addCommandHandler ( "drift", drift ) if i dont have vehicle run perfectly they have no erros. why is the problem? bye and sorry for my english
  7. any samp cars to .map converter???
  8. hi i put this cars of sa:mp in mta but doesn´t work. AddStaticVehicle(411,-2323.5581,-1682.5283,482.1984,302.9525,8,0); // infernus 1 AddStaticVehicle(411,-2326.5210,-1679.4867,482.4064,303.0328,14,0); // infernus 2 AddStaticVehicle(411,-2328.7996,-1676.5475,482.5283,299.0234,13,6); // infernus 3 TO createVehicle(411,-2323.5581,-1682.5283,482.1984,302.9525,8,0); -- infernus 1 createVehicle(411,-2326.5210,-1679.4867,482.4064,303.0328,14,0); -- infernus 2 createVehicle(411,-2328.7996,-1676.5475,482.5283,299.0234,13,6); -- infernus 3 what is wrong? any samp cars to mta converter like mta map converter? bye
  9. hi i wanna put weapon models on mta .lua support that or objets and cars annymore? and is posible replace skin models and skin .txd? bye sorry for my bad english
  10. hi i wanna put a .gif image in mta is that posible? this is the image bye
  11. capitanazop

    [REQ] NPCs

    if can use streaming.
  12. this is my suggestion, is ability a voicechat (like cs) and editing and the posiblity to edit all sa (.dat,sounds,weapons,tc,ifp,skins,models, etc...) bye sorry for my english
  13. dp2 is currently version.... i can edit the weapons skill of m4 ak47 mp5 etc.. but not for sawn off uzi pistols etc...
  14. how can set 2 weapons? i set skill level to 999 and have 1 weapon =S. bye sorry for my english
  15. hi my suggestions are the posibillity of create peds or bots. and editing weapon.dat example: the damage, can use 2 m4. bye sorry for my english
  16. i can edit the fight style and the stat =D function changeBodyStrength ( player, commandName ) --Output whether the setPlayerStat was successful in changing the BODY_MUSCLE STAT if ( setPlayerStat ( player, 75, 999 ) ) then outputChatBox ( "you are skilled" ) else outputChatBox ( "you not are skilled" ) end end addCommandHandler ( "armas", changeBodyStrength ) bye
  17. hi i view this code and need some help plz. where put this code? setPlayerStat ( player, 77, 999 ) ) then ?? and how? bye sorry for my english
  18. my new suggestions is, mta support TC how gostown,san vice,speed island,miryad island etc... bye sorry for my bad english
  19. add a posibility of edit a weapon.dat in lua for add 2 m4 more speed, etc... bye sorry for my bad english.
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