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Everything posted by Piorun

  1. Piorun


    Thanks a lot. *Edit Ahm and my last question about MySQL. Where I must put a MySQL functions - into a server-side script or client-side?
  2. Piorun


    So what? The download link doesn't work, so???
  3. Piorun


    Hey again Now i'm looking for a MySQL module. Why? Because this link doesn't work.
  4. Piorun

    Next question

    O .. thanks a lot
  5. Piorun

    Next question

    Hey. My next question is how to get a distance from player to some element ?
  6. Piorun


    O .. thanks a lot. .
  7. Piorun


    Huh .. it's sounds really easy, but can you paste a code for example? .. I will be grateful.
  8. Piorun


    Meybe, check the movie in 2:24.
  9. Piorun


    Hey. I've got a question. Can i create in MTA some 3D text like in SA:MP? How? Like here: In 2:24
  10. Wow, it works. Thanks for all.
  11. I've got a problem. Here's a code: function build_Form( commandName, typ ) if (typ == "stworz") then showCursor ( true, true ) local gui = {} gui._placeHolders = {} local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local windowWidth, windowHeight = 451, 238 local left = screenWidth/2 - windowWidth/2 local top = screenHeight/2 - windowHeight/2 gui["_root"] = guiCreateWindow(left, top, windowWidth, windowHeight, "Tworzenie nowego biznesu cz. 1", false) guiWindowSetSizable(gui["_root"], false) gui["pushButton"] = guiCreateButton(80, 205, 75, 23, "Ok", false, gui["_root"]) gui["pushButton_2"] = guiCreateButton(290, 205, 75, 23, "Anuluj", false, gui["_root"]) gui["lineEdit"] = guiCreateEdit(10, 45, 431, 20, "", false, gui["_root"]) guiEditSetMaxLength(gui["lineEdit"], 32767) gui["label"] = guiCreateLabel(20, 25, 46, 13, "Nazwa", false, gui["_root"]) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(gui["label"], "left", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(gui["label"], "center") gui["radioButton"] = guiCreateRadioButton(40, 105, 41, 17, "Bar", false, gui["_root"]) gui["radioButton_2"] = guiCreateRadioButton(40, 125, 51, 17, "Hotel", false, gui["_root"]) gui["radioButton_3"] = guiCreateRadioButton(40, 145, 51, 17, "Sklep", false, gui["_root"]) gui["label_2"] = guiCreateLabel(20, 85, 46, 13, "Typ", false, gui["_root"]) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(gui["label_2"], "left", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(gui["label_2"], "center") gui["radioButton_4"] = guiCreateRadioButton(130, 105, 82, 17, "Bank", false, gui["_root"]) gui["radioButton_5"] = guiCreateRadioButton(130, 125, 82, 17, "Komisariat", false, gui["_root"]) gui["radioButton_6"] = guiCreateRadioButton(130, 145, 82, 17, "Klub", false, gui["_root"]) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", gui["pushButton_2"], guiAnulujClick, false) return gui, windowWidth, windowHeight end end addCommandHandler ( "biznes", build_Form ) function guiAnulujClick ( ) guiSetVisible ( gui["_root"], false ) showCursor (false) end And when I'm clicking a gui["pushButton_2"] window is still visible. Please, help
  12. Piorun


    No I don't have a script, but I'll try to change ID of pickup.
  13. Piorun


    Hey. My problem is : When I create an info pickup then i'm getting a weapon. Here a code: function systemBiznesow ( thePlayer, commandName, typ ) if (typ == "stworz") then x, y, z = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) createPickup ( x, y, z, 3, 1239 ) end end addCommandHandler ( "biznes", systemBiznesow )
  14. Piorun


    Hah it's really simple. Thanks.
  15. Piorun


    Hey! My next question is how create command likie this : /command example1 example 2 ... exampleX So if we write in chatbox command /command example1 We create a savanna. (This is example of cors). Thanks for all.
  16. Piorun

    URL sounds

    Ahm .. ok, I try it.
  17. Piorun

    URL sounds

    Uhh .. okey. Thanks.
  18. Piorun

    URL sounds

    I have a question. Can i play any sounds from URL adress? How?
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