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Couple of questions about a GUI spawn script
oversteerer replied to oversteerer's topic in Scripting
Solidsnake you are THE MAN!!!! That fixed the bug perfectly. Many thanks to you We are still unsure where we should place the setTimer. Even after reading the wiki page. We have a slow motion animation and a 'wasted' message that runs when the player is killed so we want those visible, not blocked out by an instant spawn window. I think it goes in the client.lua after the spawn window function? Sounds correct? -
Couple of questions about a GUI spawn script
oversteerer replied to oversteerer's topic in Scripting
Does that help anyone find the bug? I would really appreciate any suggestions... Pleeeease The spawn works great (almost) its just these two little things we would love to get fixed. -
Couple of questions about a GUI spawn script
oversteerer replied to oversteerer's topic in Scripting
Hi manve1, here is the end part of the the server spawn.lua. This includes the part with the VIP clans, only if the player cannot join do the other players see the spawn window. function joinForelli() setPlayerTeam(source,teamForelli) spawnPlayer ( source, -2211.9836425781, 1056.4545898438, 80.0078125, 180.99975585938 ) setElementModel(source,100) setElementHealth(source,100) giveWeapon( source, 23, 99 ) giveWeapon( source, 31, 333 ) setCameraTarget(source,player) end addEvent("setTeamForelli", true) addEventHandler("setTeamForelli",getRootElement(),joinForelli) ---------------------Developer Manager Clan---------------------- function joinDm() if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("DM")) then setPlayerTeam(source,teamDm) spawnPlayer ( source, -2530.6340332031, -13.738405227661, 16.421875, 87.817443847656 ) setElementModel(source,153) setElementHealth(source,100) setPedArmor ( source, 100 ) setPlayerMoney ( source, 24500 ) giveWeapon( source, 24, 99 ) giveWeapon( source, 27, 99 ) giveWeapon( source, 32, 333 ) giveWeapon( source, 31, 333 ) giveWeapon( source, 34, 99 ) setCameraTarget(source,player) else outputChatBox ( "You are not part of this group!", source, 255,0,0 ) triggerClientEvent("onTeamDm", getRootElement(),source) end end addEvent("setTeamDm", true) addEventHandler("setTeamDm",getRootElement(),joinDm) ------------------Monster Clan--------------------- function joinMonster() if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("ME")) then setPlayerTeam(source,teamMonster) spawnPlayer ( source, -1984.7640380859, 648.16845703125, 46.568286895752, 267.86129760742 ) setElementModel(source,123) setElementHealth(source,100) giveWeapon( source, 24, 99 ) giveWeapon( source, 27, 99 ) giveWeapon( source, 31, 333 ) setCameraTarget(source,player) else outputChatBox ( "You are not part of this group!", source, 255,0,0 ) triggerClientEvent("onTeamMonster", getRootElement(),source) end end addEvent("setTeamMonster", true) addEventHandler("setTeamMonster",getRootElement(),joinMonster) The createteamfunction is at the beginning of the server spawn.lua : function createTeamsOnStart () etc... etc... teamForelli = createTeam ( "Forelli", 126, 107, 78 ) teamDm = createTeam ( "DM", 185, 0, 0 ) teamMonster = createTeam ( "M.E", 0, 157, 0 ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), createTeamsOnStart ) I have included the team forelli which is a normal gang spawn, no log in required, no problem with that, not bugged. I hope this helps, thanks for your reply -
Hi, I am not a scripter but my friend made a GUI spawn selection script for our server and there are a couple of issues we cannot figure out. Im hoping you folk can point us in the right direction 1. There is a bug when someone attempts to join a VIP clan who is not logged in or not in that group.. Everyone in the server has the spawn window pop up on their screen forcing them to respawn (we do not have a close window button yet). 2. We want to set a short delay after a player dies before the spawn window appears. Currently the spawn window pops up instantly upon death, we would like 5 seconds before the player can respawn to reflect upon their death, vent rage etc Ive never posted up code on the forum so hopefully I do it right with the part with the bug. I dont want to post the whole script as I didnt write it and i read a lot about people stealing scripts This is from the end of the client.lua (where the VIP clans are: Development Manager and Monster Clan), i can post up other bits if required, just ask. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", leone, joinLeone, false) function joinForelli() triggerServerEvent("setTeamForelli", localPlayer) guiSetVisible(spawnew, false) showCursor(false) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", forelli, joinForelli, false) ----------------Developer Manager Clan------------------- addEvent("onTeamTrueDm", true) addEventHandler("onTeamTrueDm", getRootElement(), spawn) function joinDm() triggerServerEvent("setTeamDm", localPlayer) guiSetVisible(spawnew, false) showCursor(false) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", dm, joinDm, false) function flupp (thePlayer) guiSetVisible(spawnew,true) showCursor(true) end addEvent("onTeamDm", true) addEventHandler("onTeamDm", getRootElement(), flupp) ------------Monster Clan--------------- addEvent("onTeamTrueMonster", true) addEventHandler("onTeamTrueMonster", getRootElement(), spawn) function joinMonster() triggerServerEvent("setTeamMonster", localPlayer) guiSetVisible(spawnew, false) showCursor(false) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", monster, joinMonster, false) function flupp () guiSetVisible(spawnew,true) showCursor(true) end addEvent("onTeamMonster", true) addEventHandler("onTeamMonster", getRootElement(), flupp) if not guiGetVisible(spawnew) then guiSetVisible(spawnew, true) else showCursor(true) end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot,spawn) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin",getLocalPlayer(),spawn) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted",getLocalPlayer(),spawn)
Personally i would be fine with the worlds end caused by a meteor, universe implosion or some epic natural disaster. However i would be extremely ****ed off if the the worlds end was due to some worldwide debts, war or some other man made garbage! Theres only one thing for certain in life, were all going to die at some point so enjoy life ....NOW
For me it usually takes a few attempts to type out a /votekick *insert long hackers name here* and as such I rarely report them however i usually tell them to turn off there stupid hacks and sometimes somebody else on the server will callvote them off for me. (quite often causing them to return to kill me with avengence or votekick me off lol) I dont know if this is possible but heres my idea How about pressing a key when a cheater is on your screen that freezes you and gives invunerability, takes a screenshot and sends it to the server admin. While frozen you must select the name of the claimed cheater from a serverlist. Only after which you have an option to unfreeze or warp away from the cheater to safety. A notification is shown to the server that the person has pressed "report cheater" and the suspected cheater is exposed, All players then gets a votekick option to kick either... a: the reported cheater. (others may have already seen/reported the same player) b: the person placing the report. (in case of false cheat claim to avoid a legitimate kill) c: kick no one. (inconclusive)
Hi, Im pretty much a noob compared to you guys,played mta maybe 6 months to a year and ive noticed im in a rut playing the same old servers and its losing its appeal slowly, funnily enough i decided just 2 weeks ago i wanted learn to make an mta gamemode. I got lots of ideas and have started on the tutoriai and im stuck on the createvehicle function haha i think the mapbuilding is more suited to me than programming. Anyway... my idea was: a play server with a number of DM arenas around the standard map which 2 people could enter and basically have a deathmatch separated from others on the server. arenas could be entered thru a series of rooms allowing the players to select weapons, place bets on the fight, best of 1,3,5 fights, or any other options for the arena battle. Ideally the battles are held inside a transparent box to allow oustside players to observe if they want. Observers could possibly have triggers for activating features in the arena, (gravity, explosions, traps etc, maybe judging fights, placing bets on who will win) Also the arena's could be challenges for car races or stunts, drifting competitions anything.... its probably not a new idea but im keen to make this or help anyone wanting to make a gamemode (I would happily make arenas all day ) so i can get some experience in scripting. i got lots more ideas too but it takes me a while to type em out
Thanks for the reply winjax. I have discovered i can jump free of this network freeze by pressing jump repeatedly however it sometimes takes a minute of jumping before im free. The punch key seems to work faster so it is not such a big deal now i can get out of it.
Hi all, first post for me regarding an issue that ive been having the last couple of days. When playing on matrix, FSP and WCG etc after being killed and respawned i get a network trouble message which freezes me on the spawn spot however i can type messages and view scoreboard as normal. It doesnt seem like lag, just that im frozen and the network trouble message is there. This happens about 10 seconds after spawning and i can run away initially, jump in a car drive away etc but 50% of the time it warps be back to spawn frozen... if i type/kill i respawn again and am usually fine. If i have an admin warp me a car or bike then i can drive away fine and the lag is gone. I updated to 1.0.4 about a week ago using a nightly build then a few days later it updated itself again in game. Maybe i need to reinstall GTA but i thought id ask before going to such lengths, the game runs fine other than this new issue.