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StormaX's Achievements

Punk-@ss B*tch

Punk-@ss B*tch (12/54)



  1. StormaX

    Big Script

    Ok harry , any peepz can make a lil RPG idea into the script?
  2. StormaX


    Ye, i think firefox is the favorite
  3. I know xP but making them custom is fun
  4. StormaX


    Haha , yeah IE is a piece of crap , also, IE 7 is crap to
  5. Aww , thats to bad. Would be cool though
  6. StormaX


    Haha , i also used that for a while. Who voted for IE?
  7. StormaX

    Time Script

    Yes I also even tested it with your script. And with Oli's GRS. Workx fine.
  8. Ah k , then dont base your clan on a pic of GTA3 if your MAINLY Sa-MP.
  9. StormaX

    Time Script

    Haha , Thanks alot toady But ye , i figgerd GRS works with $mta.level($1,$2) to , so most ppl use grs i think And if they have their own admin system , they can make this lil' command then self to Thanks for editing me toady
  10. Damn nice, but i like the current one
  11. Palster , if im not already out of the tourney , I will play with rohane.
  12. Hello, I post this for the los clan , since i help them out sometimes. And well , they need the people http://www.mta-nf.com , plz take a look there or http://www.mta-nf.com/forums > For the forums. Its still not linked But [LoS] Means - Legends of Stunting. They are also in DM, currently only in VC. You can see the servers they have a few. I also wish them good luck ! GL, StormaX
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