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Posts posted by Yodaa

  1. Hi. Recently alot of cheating n00bs play with names less than 4 characters, often similar to the start of other peoples names, e.g a cheater plays with the name geor and there's a player called george, who may get banned accidentally. Basically what I need is a script that assigns each player a ID number, which can be seen through a command, like !id . This ID also needs to be bannable > !banid . The server is running PRS 1.3, with an IRC echo, which would appear to assign each player who types something a ID in the echo:

    [u](3)[/u](SKC]HumanTrafiC ): right im gonna go 
    [u](0)[/u](7 SKC]Obelix ): bb 
    [u](3)[/u](7 [sKC]HumanTrafiC ): gg all 
    [u](7)[/u](7 [sKC]Yoda ): cya 

    Anyone know if theres already a script for this usable with PRS 1.3 or can make one? :) ty.

  2. And to the other guy: Yodaa:

    You obviously forgot the 2 first words.

    You stated "Grand Theft Auto", ergo, you think Grand Theft Auto is a strictly car game.

    Grand Theft --> wops? someone forgot.. it was actually possible.. once upon a time... to steal your own car.. a car of your choice.. whenever you wanted to.. whatever car you felt like stealing..


    Think before you write.


    Yeah, that made sense. :roll:

  3. Made this a while back, Forestry Circuit (Couldn't think of anything better lol)

    32 spawns, 3 laps (Lap 1=Infernus, Lap 2=Cheetah, Lap 3=Bullet) And a Turismo pickup at a jump.













  4. Making it into a bad cargame ruined GTA as I know it.

    I'm sorry, but 1: Grand Theft AUTO

    GTA is meant to be about the cars, and thats exactly what the MTA Team put back into the game when they developed Race. The single player game itself only contains 1 or 2 car missions, all of which, tbh, were crap.

    Also, yes, I too am becoming weary of waiting for this mod, and yes, GTA San Andreas is now an outdated game, since it was released in 2004. However, MTA Deathmatch will need the "useless" features tbh, because if all you could do was run around and shoot someone, with no effect apart from them dying, I would get bored pretty quick. The features add to the fun of the game, and if they weren't there in an initial release, you would probably be posting this same thing again just about the lack of features instead, not the lack of a mod to actually play.

  5. Sorry to bump an old thread, but does anyone have an alternative download link for the mod? Or know where I can get one? The original in Bob's post doesn't work.

  6. the dictionary defines my name as:

    Main Entry: Yoda

    Part of Speech: noun

    Definition: the last surviving master of Jedi skills who trains Luke Skywalker in "Star Wars"

    Etymology: "Star Wars" second film

    and this (my favourite):

    Main Entry: yoda

    Part of Speech: noun

    Definition: an extremely wise and knowledgable person, esp. a mentor

    Etymology: fr Yoda in "Star Wars" second film

    and as an acronym:

    YODA Young Opinionated Directionless Artiste

    YODA Your Office Devil's Advocate

    YODA Youth Order of Democratic Americans

  7. [offtopic]i always wanted something to sync the weather with the weather i saw outside, e.g if it was raining, it would be raining in game etc. :P[/offtopic]

    Id prefer to keep the time as it is, although i wouldn't mind a permanent night, just cruising around las venturas at constant dark..would be nice. but still, keep the time same ;)

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