Yay !
It's working... finally! thanks a lot Adiboy awesome
it was a pain in the ass for me so please next time test your stuff before releasing 50p
anyway I learned some coding so it's not that bad.
Now I want to add my txd file so where put the code ?
-- Script generated with
-- 50p MTA:SA MAXScript v0.1 (23/04/2010)
modelNames = { "red", "blue", "green", "yellow", }
function reloadModels( )
for i, modelName in ipairs( modelNames ) do
local temp = engineLoadDFF( modelName .. ".dff", 0 );
engineReplaceModel( temp, i + 4000 );
temp = engineLoadCOL( modelName .. ".col" );
engineReplaceCOL( temp, i + 4000 );
addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), reloadModels );
addCommandHandler( "reload", reloadModels );
thaaaaaanks !