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Everything posted by Ilidan
Could you please provide further details of what's broken? It is like this : the greenzone have the same size and same position ; but when u enter it u have no mesege that u entered safe zone and u still can use you weapons
im not a profesional but i love new chatbox ;D but one question ; i had resource ''greenzone'' in my server after i instaled this version it does not work anymore i instaled 1.0.3 again and it works with 1.0.3 ; it there any way to fix it ?
question for forum moderators
Ilidan replied to Ilidan's topic in Site/Forum/Discord/Mantis/Wiki related
hmmm i admit that i am wrong if he will make his map publick because i thougt that he is just advertising his server in wrong section ; i didnt wanted to advertise my server ,for real i just thinked why he posted there about his server and noone remove it ; so ; if he make it publick then i wrong ) -
no we was playing in server and then players said ''oh my screen is black" and ;mine was not ; tehn i restarted server and get taht mesege in server apnel ; ih never mind still the problem is gone ; its good that i good copy of all mta files ;D
question for forum moderators
Ilidan replied to Ilidan's topic in Site/Forum/Discord/Mantis/Wiki related
idkn what u asked (my english isnt good) but im making a server where players can play in it like that member did if i can realease anything then is is only my maps because i am good only in it i got good ideas in scripting but its hard for me to make them ''alive'' -
question for forum moderators
Ilidan replied to Ilidan's topic in Site/Forum/Discord/Mantis/Wiki related
what "...huh ??" i writed all nice ^^ -
idkn i just replaced it with new one ^^ and now it works perfect
question for forum moderators
Ilidan replied to Ilidan's topic in Site/Forum/Discord/Mantis/Wiki related
but u said it is in progress (and that user said this) but i was able to conect that server ''Insane zombie map'' ^^ 2 days before posting and 2 days while posted ; i know u cant check every post like that one and does his server started even it has to be in progress but if u move all ''not in place'' then i think it should have no diferent are server in progress or not becaouse stii server isnt resouce ^^ i do no teach you (and i have no rights to do this) but this situation couse me disapoitment becosue it was not right -
thanks u both ) kevin isnt smart to change sounds ''good'' ^^ i found that my acl.xml file was full of this s.h..i..t "[num][num][num]....and so on..." or something similar and all was black list ; i know how to use that file but it crashed it self unconsciously
Error parsing Acces Control List file ? what means that ?
question for forum moderators
Ilidan replied to Ilidan's topic in Site/Forum/Discord/Mantis/Wiki related
so it seems it hepened ; it would be nice from moderators side if they move all post ''not in place'' because i posted about my server in resource part (i knew that thas isnt right ; iwas testing) and similar post from other player was there before for 2 days... my post was moved in 1~our and other post-noone moved it ^^ discrimation it is just not right that is truth -
my question would be this : is it posible that i posted one thing here and u moved it into other direction of forums ?
thank u wery much ;D because if this helps at least for one man then it is good thing )
NOTE this is script for not pvp servers ; if u kill enemy u will be dead too i wont call even this recource but this make game just if u do not want kiling in u server i saw meny times kids admins that can make nothing to imortal hackers that kills other players ; now with this ''resource'' hacker or just team kiler will be dead himsef after he kills someone ; KILLER ALSO WILL GET -5000$ MONEY FROM HIS TOTAL CASH By the way someone told ''just turn of friendly dmg on client side'' ;first - thanks ; second - no ; next imagine situation ; my friend is standing surounded by 20 zombies and i just trown granade right to him because i do not care that he die because friendly fire is TURNED OFF ; absolutly no logic,you have to admit )p so i wanna to have bit ravenge in event they knew that friendly fire is not alowed but still they blow other players heads ;; have a fun ;D Uranus HERE IS THE LINK https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=799
It is not my script ; but still it is great script ; ok today i will put best of my jobs ) (i was busy with server few days ; one file crashed in my mistake so that s why i didnt upload them so long )
Hi everyone Time to release my maps ; i got nice colection of them because players always says "omg omg what is that !" or "can i get it plz plz plz" ;D so here is some videos of my server,u can see maps there ,it will be beter than screens,and later i will put 3x screens for every map that i will upload ; it wil be about 15 maps ,most of them with moving gates ; there is 3 or 4 rely awesome : huge size,so here is the videos and soon u will get uploaded maps too ) by the way - my server ,im trying to make it rpg ,i am making world under san fiero,unique shocking places,so if u wanna play in friendly non pvp map visit uss serve name is ''Lithuanian Ressident Evil;Zombies;Umbrela Corporation - Zombie Virus'' IP adress ; here is the videos of maps and server maded by Gladifear34 Station 21 based on Half Life 2 Dark Energy tower ; u will find map ar Sherman Dam in the desert ; west of area 51; u also got small base in the south of main base on high road ; just search for it;D https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=795 Station 20 and Station 19 ; 2 maps in one file now with screens https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=796 Heroes Base that can be used for admins's friends as outpost or himself as hiding place idkn ; do whatever u want with it https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ils&id=797 part 1 : NOTE : there is no more buyble minigun and rocket louncher in start location ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v45DqeZ5ocU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hE55adW3 ... re=related
trying to be nice,and who sended mesage to me ..f,,u. .c..k ...u ?.... do not act like nise person... not 19 ?...oh man then u real kid,u moto says live well is best revenge,so im hope one day u will have that ''good life'' .... u think the age shows how smart person is,no believe me no,specialy in u country beside,where all shit is legal,then think about u governor,then about u shit that u maded with u lies and then talk about my age...
by the way lier,i recently got 1 mesege from one man,and i expermanteted and it didnt disapeared....you are real madafucker,to dear to lie here for all and for me
Hi,i wanted to ask about player ski replacing with new and player model too,when this are mading,txd and dff is needed but does i need col too ? and maybe i can find somwhere exemple how to do it ? becouse i found just exemples for vechiles and texture models
yes i thought too that that is bug at first (i hoped) but then i saw that moderator was strange when i saked him,did he readed mesage...i think all just proof that he deleted it
so it means that moderator deleated it,but why he done this,i cant believe that he was lying ,he left me no choise but to remove his admins rights until he admit that he lyied and tell me what was writed in mesage and who sented it....
no u dont understand.i know where to find it myself but there is no mesages left.beside before i even didnt read it so could i t just disapear ? becouse i didnt read it after joining to server and is it posible that next time it was gone unreaded ?
Hi to all i have very simple question,i had a note something like this''u have one admins mesage'' when i conected to my server,at first i had not much time,and i didnt found it where i can read it. but when i founded where to look for mesages next time ,there was 0/0 unreaded messages i have maded one my friend admin to,maybe he readed it,but i asked him does he and he said that he saw it too but also didnt found the mesage.So is that possible that that messege disapeared? I do not want to think that my friend was lying to my,becouse i trust him much, so can anyone answer ? Thanks a lot,Nobert