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  1. Hey guys, Does anyone need an additional mapper? I prefer trying to map for 'Destruction Derby'. I would really like to start mapping again. I haven't played MTA since 2007 (when MTA: Blue came out) and it's really nice. Please drop a message or send me a PM. Thanks!
  2. Is there a rank script for MTA:SA? Like n00bie, godfather and shit..? Thanks
  3. Whats wrong with this script? Its supposed to be like this, i want if i say.. brb then it sets my status to brb in the ini and if i say back then it removes my status from the ini.... This is my code... but why it doesnt work? on *:SIGNAL:mta.text: { if ($3 == brb) { if ($readini($scriptdir $+ status.ini,players,$mta.nick($1,$2)) == BRB) { mta.pm $1 $2 Your status are already set to "Be right back!" } else mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) will be right back! $iif($4,Reason: $4-) mta.pm $1 $2 Your status have been set to "Be right back!" !writeini -n status.ini Players $mta.nick($1,$2) BRB } if ($3 == back) { if ($readini($scriptdir $+ status.ini,players,$mta.nick($1,$2)) == $null) { mta.pm $1 $2 Your status are not set to "Away!" } else mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) is back, and better then ever! mta.pm $1 $2 Your status have been reset to normal. !remini -n status.ini Players $mta.nick($1,$2) } }
  4. Does anyone has a working !kill script for MTA:SA? (So i can kill players by typing !kill ?) Thanks!
  5. I want that if i type !admins then it says: the online admins ... I have the script already for that. its under this... and the the level behind it so like ..... Online Admin(s) : Recon (Level: 10) elseif ($3 == !admin) || ($3 == !admins) { var %aa = 0,%bb,%cc,%dd while (%aa <= $mta.server($1).cmax) { if ($readini($scriptdir $+ admin.ini,ADMIN,$mta.nick($1,%aa)) >= 2) { if (!%bb) %bb = $mta.nick($1,%aa) elseif ($numtok(%bb,32) <= 7) %bb = %bb $mta.nick($1,%aa) elseif (!%cc) %cc = $mta.nick($1,%aa) elseif ($numtok(%cc,32) <= 7) %cc = %cc $mta.nick($1,%aa) elseif (!%dd) %dd = $mta.nick($1,%aa) elseif ($numtok(%dd,32) <= 7) %dd = %dd $mta.nick($1,%aa) } !inc %aa } if (%bb) { mta.text $1 Online Admin(s): %bb if (%cc) mta.text $1 %cc if (%dd) mta.text $1 %dd } else mta.text $1 There are no online admins. } this is part of the Gus script.. I want to show the online admins with that, and it works. but now the levels for the players behind it.. like Online admin(s) : Recon (Level: 10) and that for each admin Thanks!!!
  6. How can i make a script that when i type this ingame: /test it will say: Testing a script? so with the / instead of a ! ... is it possible and how? Thanks!
  7. How i turn off respawn in my server config? Or what i need to do to disable respawn? and no shit like "Its already in some maps" READ my question. Thanks.
  8. What fucking idiot is gonna try that
  9. Disregard that, those scripts work perfectly. Test them yourself if you dont believe me. Or your just so noob u cant get the scripts to work. If you dont believe those work then PM me and ill show you on my server. EDIT 2: MOTHERFUCKER. Stealing my code and putting it in yours? Then giving it to someone else and saying its buggy and giving me the shit? Thanks a lot! EDIT 3: You probally dont understand scripting language, thats why u call them buggy
  10. Does anybody have a GetID script for MTA:SA? Like i type: !id Recon then it says: Recon's ID: 0 or something? Thanks!
  11. Those are not mine, so dont credit me for this Create those files and load them in with the mIRC admin. Filename: addcom.mrc Description: Addcom Script Commands: !addcom - !remcom - !listcom alias check.com { unset %check var %a = 2 while (%a <= $lines(addcom.ini)) { if ($gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) == $4) { set %check $calc(%check + 1) } !inc %a } } alias check.com2 { unset %check var %a = 2 while (%a <= $lines(addcom.ini)) { if ($gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) == $3) { set %check $calc(%check + 1) } !inc %a } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: { var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)),%u = $mta.nick($1,$2)) var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)),%u = $mta.nick($1,%a)) addcom $1- if ($3 == !addcom) { check.com $1- if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !addcom <Command> <Text> elseif (!$5) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !addcom <Command> <Text> elseif (%check >= 1) || (%check == 1) mta.pm $1 $2 Command Already Created! else { if ($left($4,1) == $chr(33)) { if ($gus.level($1,$2) >= 4) { mta.text $1 The command " $+ $4 $+ " has been added! !writeini -n addcom.ini addcom $4 $5- } else mta.pm $1 $2 You need to be level 5 to use this command! } else mta.pm $1 $2 You need a "!" infront of your command! } } elseif ($3 == !remcom) { var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)),%race = $mta.nick($1,$2)) check.com $1- if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !remcom <Command> elseif (%check = 0) || (%check == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Command Never Created! else { if ($left($4,1) == $chr(33)) { if ($gus.level($1,$2) >= 4) { mta.text $1 Command " $+ $4 $+ " Deleted! !remini -n addcom.ini addcom $4 } else mta.pm $1 $2 You need to be level 5 to use this command! } else mta.pm $1 $2 You need a "!" infront of your command } } elseif ($3 == !listcom) || ($3 == !listcoms) { var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)),%race = $mta.nick($1,$2)) var %a = 2 while (%a <= $lines(addcom.ini)) { if (!%b) set %b $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif ($numtok(%b,32) <= 9) set %b %b $+ , $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif (!%c) set %c $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif ($numtok(%c,32) <= 9) set %c %c $+ , $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif (!%d) set %d $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif ($numtok(%d,32) <= 9) set %d %d $+ , $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif (!%e) set %e $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif ($numtok(%e,32) <= 9) set %e %e $+ , $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif (!%f) set %f $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif ($numtok(%f,32) <= 9) set %f %f $+ , $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif (!%g) set %g $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif ($numtok(%g,32) <= 9) set %g %g $+ , $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif (!%h) set %h $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) elseif ($numtok(%h,32) <= 9) set %h %h $+ , $gettok($read(addcom.ini, %a),1,$asc(=)) !inc %a } if (!%b) mta.text $1 There are no Variables created else { mta.text $1 Created Command(s): %b mta.text $1 %c mta.text $1 %d mta.text $1 %e mta.text $1 %f mta.text $1 %g mta.text $1 %h } unset %b unset %c unset %d unset %e unset %f unset %g unset %h } } alias Addcom { var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)),%race = $mta.nick($1,$2)) check.com2 $1- if (%check == 1) || (%check >= 1) mta.text $1 $readini(addcom.ini,addcom,$3) } Filename: trace.mrc Description: Trace script Commands: !trace on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{ var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)) elseif (%a == -1) mta.pm $1 $2 Error - Absent ID if ($3 == !trace) do.trace $1 %a } alias do.trace { set %do.trace $1 $2 if (!$sock(do.trace $+ $mta.ip($1,$2))) sockopen do.trace $+ $mta.ip($1,$2) trace.servegame.com 80 } on *:SOCKOPEN:do.trace*:{ tokenize 32 %do.trace if ($sockerr > 0) { sockclose $sockname mta.text $1 Trace: An error has occured. } else { sockwrite -n $sockname GET /tools/whois.ch?&ip= $+ $mta.ip($1,$2) $+ &display=whois HTTP/1.1 sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: MSIE 6.0 sockwrite -n $sockname Host: trace.servegame.com sockwrite $sockname $crlf } } on *:SOCKCLOSE:do.trace*:{ unset %tr.* } on *:SOCKREAD:do.trace*:{ var %t sockread %t if (Location isin %t) { tokenize 32 %do.trace mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ 's Location: $gettok(%t,2-,58) } } Good luck! If you need any further help you can PM me, or just post it here.
  12. Anybody has a DM Script for me? So i can use it? Not PRS. But the code itself. So i can change the mode to DM and then who last survives wins. Like the maps with no rs.. Is this possible, or is there a script for this anybody can give me? Thanks!!
  13. on *:SIGNAL:mta.kill: { !writeini -n new-stats.ini kills $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($readini($scriptdir $+ new-stats.ini,kills,$mta.nick($1,$2)) +1) mta.pm $1 $2 You have now $readini(new-stats.ini,kills,$mta.nick($1,$2)) } Whats wrong with this thing?
  14. Hey guys... This is my code: But now i get this: Police Officer Recon is chasing Wizkid ! Wang Cars The suspect was last seen at: Wang Cars But i want it like this: Pollice Officer Recon is Chasing Wizkid ! The Suspect was last seen at: Wang Cars Can somebody fix this code for me? Im making it for MTA:SA Race Version Thanks!!!
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