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Everything posted by Kenix
Я думаю можно,Александр ведь реализовал как-то http://alexander.sannybuilder.com/?cate ... t_adjuster
Я думаю , что никто отвечать бесплатно не будет. Лучше изучи эту тему viewtopic.php?f=141&t=32458
addEvent( "GUIEditor_Button[1]",true ) addEventHandler( "GUIEditor_Button[1]",root, function( ) local acc = getPlayerAccount( source ) if acc then local accName = getAccountName( acc ) local PlayerMoney = getPlayerMoney( source ) if ( PlayerMoney >= 0 ) then elseif isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then takePlayerMoney( source,0 ) setGameSpeed( 10.0 ) outputChatBox ( "#FFCC00[" ..getPlayerName( source ) .. "]:#FF0000 Has killing by {shop}",root, 255, 0, 0, true ) else outputChatBox( "ERRoR Shop!", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end end end ) P.S You can tabulate your code in next time? P.S update code
Юзай событие https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnResourceStop
It's created only in plugin mysql.
Для начала https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/RU/ ... 1.82.D0.B0
better use getControlState
mysql (писал в первом посте). https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Mysql 1.2-release-3677 XP -> 7 P.S Проблема решена , обновил модуль более новой версии. P.S Так и не понял почему старый модуль работал на xp а на 7 нет.
До переустановки ос модуль мускул( mysql ) функционировал, но после переустановки когда сервер запускается модуль просто не находится. P.S Пробывал переименовывать модуль и в конфиге сервера всё тоже самое не находит и всё. Помогите пожалуйста.
viewtopic.php?f=108&t=33342 ?
Steps: 1.You need register in community center. 2.Login in bug tracker. 3.Search right top corner title "Project" and select "New Issues" 4.Search center button "Report Issue". 5.Report
You not know how report in bug tracker?
Request this in bug tracker
Your code syntax is wrong. http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/ Learn lua.
Your code is wrong variable sourcePlayer is nil and distance too. http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/ https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Event https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scr ... troduction https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnPlayerChat
Your syntax is wrong function giveMeVehicles(vehicles) if type(vehicles) == 'number' then vehicles = { vehicles } end local px, py, pz, prot local radius = 3 local playerVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if playerVehicle and isElement(playerVehicle) then px, py, pz = getElementPosition(playerVehicle) prot, prot, prot = getVehicleRotation(playerVehicle) else px, py, pz = getElementPosition(source) prot = getPedRotation(source) end local offsetRot = math.rad(prot) local vx = px + radius * math.cos(offsetRot) local vy = py + radius * math.sin(offsetRot) local vz = pz + 2 local vrot = prot local vehicleList = g_PlayerData[source].vehicles local vehicle if ( not vehicles ) then return end for i,vehID in ipairs(vehicles) do if vehID < 400 or vehID > 611 then errMsg(vehID ..' is incorrect vehicle model', source) elseif not table.find(getOption('vehicles.disallowed'), vehID) then if #vehicleList >= getOption('vehicles.maxperplayer') then unloadVehicle(vehicleList[1]) end vehicle = createVehicle(vehID, vx, vy, vz, 0, 0, vrot) if (not isElement(vehicle)) then return end setElementInterior(vehicle, getElementInterior(source)) setElementDimension(vehicle, getElementDimension(source)) table.insert(vehicleList, vehicle) g_VehicleData[vehicle] = { creator = source, timers = {} } warpPedIntoVehicle(source, vehicle) if not g_Trailers[vehID] then if getOption('vehicles.idleexplode') then g_VehicleData[vehicle].timers.fire = setTimer(commitArsonOnVehicle, getOption('vehicles.maxidletime'), 1, vehicle) end g_VehicleData[vehicle].timers.destroy = setTimer(unloadVehicle, getOption('vehicles.maxidletime') + (getOption('vehicles.idleexplode') and 10000 or 0), 1, vehicle) end vx = vx + 4 vz = vz + 4 else errMsg(getVehicleNameFromModel(vehID):gsub('y$', 'ie') .. 's are not allowed', source) end end end Use mta script editor or luaEdit
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), setWheels) Будет заменять при старте любого ресурса , по этому надо юазть resourceRoot вместо getRootElement( )
local spawnpoint function spawn( player ) local player = player or source if get( getResourceName( getThisResource( ) )..".spawnreset" ) == "onSpawn" then spawnpoint = getRandomSpawnPoint( ) end exports.spawnmanager:spawnPlayerAtSpawnpoint ( player,spawnpoint,false ) setElementModel( player, tonumber( getElementData( player,"tempSkin" ) or 0 ) ) fadeCamera( player, true ) setCameraTarget( player, player ) showChat( player, true ) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() spawnpoint = getRandomSpawnPoint( ) --resetMapInfo() is triggered in mapmanager for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do spawn(player) end end ) function joinHandler ( ) --spawnPlayer (source, -1969.2669677734, 137.71185302734, 30, 0, skin, 0) spawnPlayer (source, -1969.2669677734, 137.71185302734, 30, 0, 0, 0) fadeCamera (source, true) setCameraTarget ( source, source ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin" , root , joinHandler ) --[[ function spawnWasted(player, skin) repeat until spawnPlayer ( player, -2655.02, 625.30, 14.45, 180, skin, 0) fadeCamera(player, true) setCameraTarget(player, player) end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, function() setTimer(spawnWasted, 1800, 1, source, tonumber(getElementData(source,"tempSkin"))) end ) --]] function greetPlayer ( ) outputChatBox ( "Welcome to Zer0w's server" , source, 0, 159, 255 ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", root, greetPlayer ) function onPlayerQuit() local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount( source ) if playerAccount and not isGuestAccount( playerAccount ) then local playerMoney = getPlayerMoney( source ) local playerSkin = getElementModel( source ) setAccountData( playerAccount, "money", playerMoney ) setAccountData( playerAccount, "skin", playerSkin ) end end addEventHandler( "onPlayerQuit", root, onPlayerQuit ) function onPlayerLogin( ) local playerAccount = getPlayerAccount( source ) if playerAccount and not isGuestAccount( playerAccount ) then local playerMoney = tonumber( getAccountData( playerAccount, "money" ) ) local playerSkin = tonumber( getAccountData( playerAccount, "skin" ) ) if playerMoney and playerSkin then setPlayerMoney( source, playerMoney ) setElementModel( source, playerSkin ) end end end addEventHandler( "onPlayerLogin", root, onPlayerLogin ) function getRandomSpawnPoint( ) local spawnpoints = getElementsByType( "spawnpoint" ) return spawnpoints[ math.random( 1,#spawnpoints ) ] end addEventHandler( "onPlayerJoin", root, function() spawn( source ) end ) addEventHandler( "onPlayerQuit",root, function ( ) if getPlayerCount( ) == 1 and get( getResourceName( getThisResource( ) )..".spawnreset" ) == "onServerEmpty" then spawnpoint = getRandomSpawnPoint( ) end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, function( ) setElementData( source,"tempSkin",getElementModel( source ) ) setTimer( spawn, 1800, 1, source ) end )
You need create infinite timer( for update ) https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetTimer See in arguments local timers = { } function DestructionWin( ) local alivePlayers = getAlivePlayers( ) if #alivePlayers == 1 then local account = getPlayerAccount( alivePlayers[1] ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end setAccountData( account,"Race Wins",tostring( getAccountData( account,"Race Wins" ) or 0 ) +1 ) end local playername = getPlayerName( alivePlayers[1] ) outputChatBox ( "#FFA824The player " .. playername .. " won!", root, 255, 255, 255, true ) end end addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", root, function( ) local account = getPlayerAccount( source ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end setAccountData( account,"Race Loses",tostring( getAccountData( account,"Race Loses" ) or 0 )+1 ) end end ) function ratioCalculator( player ) local KDR_DECIMAL_PLACES = 2 local account = getPlayerAccount( player ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end local raceLoses = getAccountData( account,"Race Loses" ) if raceLoses == 0 then setAccountData( account, "Ratio", "-") else local kdr = round( getAccountData( account, "Race Wins" ) / raceLoses, KDR_DECIMAL_PLACES ) setAccountData( account, "Ratio", tostring(kdr)) end end end addEventHandler( "onPlayerQuit",root, function ( ) local account = getPlayerAccount( source ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end local timePlayed = getElementData( source, "Time played" ) if not timePlayed then setAccountData( account, "Time played","0:0:0" ) end local hours, mins, secs = unpack( split( timePlayed, ":" ) ) setAccountData( account, "Time played", tostring( hours or 0 ) ..":".. tostring( mins or 0 ) ..":".. tostring( secs or 0 ) ) end if isTimer( timers[ source ] ) then killTimer( timers[ source ] ) timers[ source ] = nil end end ) addEventHandler( "onPlayerLogin",root, function ( ) local account = getPlayerAccount( source ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end local raceWins = getAccountData( account,"Race Wins" ) or 0 local raceLoses = getAccountData( account,"Race Loses" ) or 0 local ratio = getAccountData( account, "Ratio" ) or 0 setElementData( source,"Race Wins",tostring( raceWins ) ) setElementData( source,"Race Loses",tostring( raceLoses ) ) setElementData( source,"Ratio",tostring( ratio ) ) end timers[ source ] = setTimer( function( player ) local account = getPlayerAccount( player ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end local timePlayed = getAccountData( account, "Time played" ) if not timePlayed then setElementData( player, "Time played","0:0:0" ) end local hours, mins, secs = unpack( split( timePlayed, ":" ) ) local hours = tonumber( hours ) or 0 local mins = tonumber( mins ) or 0 local secs = tonumber( secs ) or 0 local newsec if hours and mins and secs then newsec = secs + 1 if ( newsec >= 60 ) then newsec = 0 mins = mins + 1 end if ( mins >= 60 ) then mins = 0 hours = hours + 1 end setElementData ( player, "Time played", tostring( hours ) ..":".. tostring( mins ) ..":".. tostring( newsec ) ) end end end ,1000,0, source ) end ) function publicstatsinfo( ) if isElement( source ) then local account = getPlayerAccount( source ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end local askdname = getPlayerName( source ) local wins = getAccountData( account, "Race Wins" ) or 0 local loses = getAccountData( account, "Race Loses" ) or 0 local ratio = getAccountData( account, "Ratio" ) or 0 local timePlayed = getAccountData( account, "Time played" ) local hours, mins, secs = unpack( split( timePlayed, ":" ) ) if loses and wins then outputChatBox("#FFA824*" .. tostring( askdname ) .. " won " .. tostring( wins ) .. " times and he/she lost " ..tostring( loses ).. " times, his/her ratio is " .. tostring( ratio ) .. " and the total time played he/she is: " .. tostring( hours or 0 ) ..":".. tostring( mins or 0 ) ..":".. tostring( secs or 0 ), root, 255, 12, 15, true) else outputChatBox("*You don't losed or won" , root, 255, 12, 15, true) end end else outputChatBox( "Eror source is not player" ) end end addEvent( "stats", true ) addEventHandler( "stats", root, publicstatsinfo ) function checkCommand( message, messageType ) if messageType == 0 then if message == "!stats" then triggerEvent( "stats", source ) cancelEvent( ) end end end addEventHandler( "onPlayerChat", root, checkCommand )
Because source is nil and not output in chat Check it and write in next post what output function DestructionWin( ) local alivePlayers = getAlivePlayers( ) if #alivePlayers == 1 then local account = getPlayerAccount( alivePlayers[1] ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end setAccountData( account,"Race Wins",tostring( getAccountData( account,"Race Wins" ) or 0 ) +1 ) end local playername = getPlayerName( alivePlayers[1] ) outputChatBox ( "#FFA824The player " .. playername .. " won!", root, 255, 255, 255, true ) end end addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", root, function( ) local account = getPlayerAccount( source ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end setAccountData( account,"Race Loses",tostring( getAccountData( account,"Race Loses" ) or 0 )+1 ) end end ) function ratioCalculator( player ) local KDR_DECIMAL_PLACES = 2 local account = getPlayerAccount( player ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end local raceLoses = getAccountData( account,"Race Loses" ) if raceLoses == 0 then setAccountData( account, "Ratio", "-") else local kdr = round( getAccountData( account, "Race Wins" ) / raceLoses, KDR_DECIMAL_PLACES ) setAccountData( account, "Ratio", tostring(kdr)) end end end addEventHandler( "onPlayerQuit",root, function ( ) local account = getPlayerAccount( source ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end local timePlayed = getElementData( source, "Time played" ) if not timePlayed then setAccountData( account, "Time played","0:0:0" ) end local hours, mins, secs = unpack( split( timePlayed, ":" ) ) setAccountData( account, "Time played", tostring( hours or 0 ) ..":".. tostring( mins or 0 ) ..":".. tostring( secs or 0 ) ) end end ) addEventHandler( "onPlayerLogin",root, function ( ) local account = getPlayerAccount( source ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end local raceWins = getAccountData( account,"Race Wins" ) or 0 local raceLoses = getAccountData( account,"Race Loses" ) or 0 local ratio = getAccountData( account, "Ratio" ) or 0 setElementData( source,"Race Wins",tostring( raceWins ) ) setElementData( source,"Race Loses",tostring( raceLoses ) ) setElementData( source,"Ratio",tostring( ratio ) ) end setTimer( function( player ) local account = getPlayerAccount( player ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end local timePlayed = getAccountData( account, "Time played" ) if not timePlayed then setElementData( player, "Time played","0:0:0" ) end local hours, mins, secs = unpack( split( timePlayed, ":" ) ) local hours = tonumber( hours ) or 0 local mins = tonumber( mins ) or 0 local secs = tonumber( secs ) or 0 local newsec if hours and mins and secs then newsec = secs + 1 if ( newsec >= 60 ) then newsec = 0 mins = mins + 1 end if ( mins >= 60 ) then mins = 0 hours = hours + 1 end setElementData ( player, "Time played", tostring( hours ) ..":".. tostring( mins ) ..":".. tostring( newsec ) ) end end end ,1000,1, source ) end ) function publicstatsinfo( ) if isElement( source ) then local account = getPlayerAccount( source ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end local askdname = getPlayerName( source ) local wins = getAccountData( account, "Race Wins" ) or 0 local loses = getAccountData( account, "Race Loses" ) or 0 local ratio = getAccountData( account, "Ratio" ) or 0 local timePlayed = getAccountData( account, "Time played" ) local hours, mins, secs = unpack( split( timePlayed, ":" ) ) if loses and wins then outputChatBox("#FFA824*" .. tostring( askdname ) .. " won " .. tostring( wins ) .. " times and he/she lost " ..tostring( loses ).. " times, his/her ratio is " .. tostring( ratio ) .. " and the total time played he/she is: " .. tostring( hours or 0 ) ..":".. tostring( mins or 0 ) ..":".. tostring( secs or 0 ), root, 255, 12, 15, true) else outputChatBox("*You don't losed or won" , root, 255, 12, 15, true) end end else outputChatBox( "Eror source is not player" ) end end addEvent( "stats", true ) addEventHandler( "stats", root, publicstatsinfo ) function checkCommand( message, messageType ) if messageType == 0 then if message == "!stats" then triggerEvent( "stats", source ) cancelEvent( ) end end end addEventHandler( "onPlayerChat", root, checkCommand )
Check return value variable urfont
Try function DestructionWin( ) local alivePlayers = getAlivePlayers( ) if #alivePlayers == 1 then local account = getPlayerAccount( alivePlayers[1] ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end setAccountData( account,"Race Wins",tostring( getAccountData( account,"Race Wins" ) or 0 ) +1 ) end local playername = getPlayerName( alivePlayers[1] ) outputChatBox ( "#FFA824The player " .. playername .. " won!", root, 255, 255, 255, true ) end end addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", root, function( ) local account = getPlayerAccount( source ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end setAccountData( account,"Race Loses",tostring( getAccountData( account,"Race Loses" ) or 0 )+1 ) end end ) function ratioCalculator( player ) local KDR_DECIMAL_PLACES = 2 local account = getPlayerAccount( player ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end local raceLoses = getAccountData( account,"Race Loses" ) if raceLoses == 0 then setAccountData( account, "Ratio", "-") else local kdr = round( getAccountData( account, "Race Wins" ) / raceLoses, KDR_DECIMAL_PLACES ) setAccountData( account, "Ratio", tostring(kdr)) end end end addEventHandler( "onPlayerQuit",root, function ( ) local account = getPlayerAccount( source ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end local timePlayed = getElementData( source, "Time played" ) if not timePlayed then setAccountData( account, "Time played","0:0:0" ) end local hours, mins, secs = unpack( split( timePlayed, ":" ) ) setAccountData( account, "Time played", tostring( hours or 0 ) ..":".. tostring( mins or 0 ) ..":".. tostring( secs or 0 ) ) end end ) addEventHandler( "onPlayerLogin",root, function ( ) local account = getPlayerAccount( source ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end local raceWins = getAccountData( account,"Race Wins" ) or 0 local raceLoses = getAccountData( account,"Race Loses" ) or 0 local ratio = getAccountData( account, "Ratio" ) or 0 setElementData( source,"Race Wins",tostring( raceWins ) ) setElementData( source,"Race Loses",tostring( raceLoses ) ) setElementData( source,"Ratio",tostring( ratio ) ) end setTimer( function( player ) local account = getPlayerAccount( player ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end local timePlayed = getAccountData( account, "Time played" ) if not timePlayed then setElementData( player, "Time played","0:0:0" ) end local hours, mins, secs = unpack( split( timePlayed, ":" ) ) local hours = tonumber( hours ) or 0 local mins = tonumber( mins ) or 0 local secs = tonumber( secs ) or 0 local newsec if hours and mins and secs then newsec = secs + 1 if ( newsec >= 60 ) then newsec = 0 mins = mins + 1 end if ( mins >= 60 ) then mins = 0 hours = hours + 1 end setElementData ( player, "Time played", tostring( hours ) ..":".. tostring( mins ) ..":".. tostring( newsec ) ) end end end ,1000,1, source ) end ) function publicstatsinfo( ) local account = getPlayerAccount( source ) if account then if isGuestAccount( account ) then return end local askdname = getPlayerName( source ) local wins = getAccountData( account, "Race Wins" ) or 0 local loses = getAccountData( account, "Race Loses" ) or 0 local ratio = getAccountData( account, "Ratio" ) or 0 local timePlayed = getAccountData( account, "Time played" ) local hours, mins, secs = unpack( split( timePlayed, ":" ) ) if loses and wins then outputChatBox("#FFA824*" .. tostring( askdname ) .. " won " .. tostring( wins ) .. " times and he/she lost " ..tostring( loses ).. " times, his/her ratio is " .. tostring( ratio ) .. " and the total time played he/she is: " .. tostring( hours or 0 ) ..":".. tostring( mins or 0 ) ..":".. tostring( secs or 0 ), root, 255, 12, 15, true) else outputChatBox("*You don't losed or won" , root, 255, 12, 15, true) end end end addEvent( "stats", true ) addEventHandler( "stats", root, publicstatsinfo ) function checkCommand( message, messageType ) if messageType == 0 then if message == "!stats" then cancelEvent( ) triggerEvent( "stats", source ) end end end addEventHandler( "onPlayerChat", root, checkCommand )