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Everything posted by [UVA]ReSeT

  1. one thing i noticed, if you spam a clan thread the clan seems to die /me stops spamming after this post
  2. why not, hes a n00b aint he?
  3. N00bi3, i bet you were stoned when u seen the "UFO"
  4. Cant you see the rookie sign, Dont blame him Continous armor glitching when he was clearly told not to do it again =SGB=DJ: Rudolf type /quit, u have armor glitch [XEr]Rudolf: Nah.. =SGB=DJ: !kick rudolf '[XEr]Rudolf' is kicked by admin '=SGB=DJ': No reason [XEr]Rudolf has been kicked from the game. ROLF, i tolded him to not put [XEr] in hes name what does ROLF mean Tell that guy not to glitch so much cos people already hate XE
  5. they kick for that!! most be a bunch of loosers
  6. Cant you see the rookie sign, Dont blame him Continous armor glitching when he was clearly told not to do it again =SGB=DJ: Rudolf type /quit, u have armor glitch [XEr]Rudolf: Nah.. =SGB=DJ: !kick rudolf '[XEr]Rudolf' is kicked by admin '=SGB=DJ': No reason [XEr]Rudolf has been kicked from the game.
  7. lol they do armorglitch [XEr]Rudolf did it and wouldnt even restart his game
  8. [HAW] Seems to be coming along nice good friendly players
  9. bullits gonna get Murdered
  10. i got in there there was lots of beds in there and a big kinda map with pointers on it, dont bother looking in there the place is a maze...
  11. if your tellin the truth o_O in area 51 they test airships, they say so..O_o
  12. and he posted the same thing twice with different topic name
  13. try changing your VC Version in the options tab Close all windows i recomend before you start playing ( this error mostly happens with image hosting sites)
  14. try changing your VC Version in the options tab Close all windows i recomend before you start playing ( this error mostly happens with image hosting sites)
  15. try re-installing if i dosent work download a new mta
  16. lol i seen a HAW Clan picture its Pooh and the others with robber masks pretty cool
  17. or maybe your name changes colour when you pause so people know that your a pauser
  18. [UVA]ReSeT

    Hello all

    Hello annouce your coming to MTA Bravery
  19. Ooooh Kazaimusha your the guy that was in uva server saying this i think if you tried to spawn you will see people, maybe
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