lol, yeah, i should be done "buying" it in a day or two...
gonna take a look anyway. if it pique's my interest, i might consider investing. hopefully you have a Gunny free zone to play in
Come join perenolde server Warfire I'll take yeh threw instances with my 60 mage
So ur Saying Jesus would like people killing each other with guns and cars, than a bunch of different races quest party whatever, using stuff other than guns?? I don't think so lol.
Dude its common knowledge mages own pallys I have owned several hundred pally's myself evne higher lvl ones. So go learn something about good mages bubble boy lol.
NOOOO 60 mage FTW, mages eat pally's for breakfast!!, Alliance are immature compared to horde, admitted not all alliance, but all the little kiddies go for Nelves because of hte looks