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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. He's not asking for help to fix something, he wants to make that script work on "race" game mode.
  2. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Debugging
  3. Donde esta definido: Blue y Red?
  4. La imagen del azul no carga porque pusiste: "images/Blue.png", pero en el rojo usas: "Teams/Red.png". Y el otro problema es que en guiGetSize te olvidaste del segundo argumento. botred = guiCreateStaticImage(0.2013,0.2517,0.2475,0.4467,"Teams/Red.png",true) botblue = guiCreateStaticImage(0.5575,0.225,0.2688,0.4917,"Teams/Blue.png",true) function bigImage ( ) if ( source == botblue ) then local gxb, gyb = guiGetSize ( source, true ) guiSetSize ( source, ( gxb + 0.075 ), ( gyb + 0.075 ), true ) playSound ( "Sounds/button.mp3" ) elseif ( source == botred ) then local gxr,gyr = guiGetSize ( source, true ) guiSetSize ( source, ( gxr + 0.075 ), ( gyr + 0.075 ), true ) playSound ( "Sounds/button.mp3" ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientMouseEnter", root, bigImage ) function smallImage ( ) if ( source == botblue ) then local x, y = guiGetSize ( source, true ) guiSetSize ( source, ( x - 0.075 ), ( y - 0.075 ), true ) elseif ( source == botred ) then local x, y = guiGetSize ( source, true ) guiSetSize ( source, ( x - 0.075 ), ( y - 0.075 ), true ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientMouseLeave", root, smallImage )
  5. MTA is a mod you install to GTA:San Andreas, if you don't have the game, you can't play MTA.
  6. Because other scripts from race also use the rankingboard, you must search for them and remove all mentions of it.
  7. El jugador de un nombre? si es asi, entonces usa: getPlayerFromName, pero si queres saber si un elemento de jugador aun existe usa: isElement.
  8. The design is very nice, good work.
  9. You have nothing else but the interface code, you must use the custom race event: onPlayerPickUpRacePickup and check if the pickup type is "vehiclechange" and if the model is 425.
  10. You need to remove the part of the script that disables nametag.
  11. Yes, we don't accept requests here.
  12. That game mode must have hidden it.
  13. By default MTA already has a nametag system.
  14. Functions: createMarker givePlayerMoney Events: onMarkerHit
  15. Castillo

    Install server

    You managed to start the MTA paradise game mode or not?
  16. Basically, he wants us to do it for him.
  17. Castillo

    Help please

    You have the maps for the "basemode" game mode?
  18. Castillo

    Server Password

    He's talking about the password of a server, not his. @Nathan: Go to: "MTA folder/MTA/coreconfig.xml", search for the host of the server you had the password, copy the password and use it on the second PC.
  19. They are not spam topics, asking for help is not spam. http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-unpack
  20. local positions = { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 5, 6 } } function getRandomCoordinates ( ) return unpack ( positions [ math.random ( #positions ) ] ) end Example: local x, y, z = getRandomCoordinates ( )
  21. First, you must hide the GUI after being created with: guiSetVisible, then you create a marker with: createMarker and use the: onClientMarkerHit event with guiSetVisible.
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