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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. 1: I recommend making it client side the creation of the marker. 2: I recommend using a table with the positions and money reward. 3: A route system is one first marker then another and another until it reach back to first.
  2. We don't accept requests here, learn how to do it or pay someone to do it for you.
  3. Try this: local gate = createObject ( 980, 1128.3000488281, -1541.0999755859, 16.10000038147, 0, 0, 180 ) local marker = createMarker ( 1128.3000488281, -1543.5999755859, 13.300000190735, "cylinder", 2, 255, 255, 255, 255 ) function moveGate ( hitPlayer, matchingDimension ) if ( getElementType ( hitPlayer ) == "player" ) and isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( hitPlayer ) ), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then if ( eventName == "onMarkerHit" ) then moveObject ( gate, 2000, 1118, -1541.0999755859, 16.10000038147 ) setTimer ( moveBack, 2000, 1 ) elseif ( eventName == "onMarkerLeave" ) then moveBack ( ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", marker, moveGate ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerLeave", marker, moveGate ) function moveBack ( ) moveObject ( gate, 2000, 1128.3000488281, -1541.0999755859, 16.10000038147 ) end
  4. @Joker: Your variable name is: "ambulancee", not "ambulance".
  5. Topic moved to "Scripting" section. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Ser ... _functions These are the MySQL and SQLite functions, in order to use MySQL, you need a MySQL server, that could be "xampp" ( is what I use ). SQLite doesn't require a MySQL server, you could either use the function which stores the data on "registry.db": executeSQLQuery, or the db functions which can open custom .db files.
  6. Castillo


    Nice work, yet, I agree with CrystalMV, if balls did rotate it would look a lot better.
  7. Castillo

    Server Password

    You're welcome.
  8. function clanes ( player, groupname ) local account = getPlayerAccount ( player ) local pname = getPlayerName ( source ) if ( not isGuestAccount ( account ) ) then local group = aclGetGroup ( groupname ) if ( group ) then local isInACLGroup = isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. getAccountName ( account ), group ) if ( not isInACLGroup ) then aclGroupAddObject ( group, "user.".. getAccountName ( account ) ) setPlayerTeam ( player, Um ) outputChatBox ( tostring ( pname ) .." agrego a '".. getPlayerName ( player ) .."' a el clan " .. groupname .. ".", root, 0, 255, 255 ) elseif ( isInACLGroup ) then aclGroupRemoveObject ( group, "user.".. getAccountName ( account ) ) outputChatBox ( tostring ( pname ) .." removio a '".. getPlayerName ( player ) .."' del clan " .. groupname .. ".", root, 0, 255, 255 ) setPlayerTeam ( player, nil ) end else outputChatBox ( "el grupo ".. groupname .." no existe.", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end else outputChatBox ( "Error el jugador no esta logeado.", source, 255, 100, 100 ) end end addEvent ( "clan", true ) addEventHandler ( "clan", root, clanes ) En: local pname = getPlayerName ( source ) tendrias que haber usado: 'source' no 'player.
  9. Si no posteas el script como vamos a ayudarte?
  10. Te olvidaste de: local row = guiGridListAddRow ( Players ) despues del 'if'.
  11. I don't understand what are you trying to do.
  12. Como queres que funcione si de elemento le pones la imagen, no el edit para buscar.
  13. Talvez el problema no este en esa funcion, postea el resto del script.
  14. Only runcode and the admin panel itself has these functions.
  15. If you stopped the resource and he has no admin rights to turn it back on, then someone else must be starting the resource again.
  16. Castillo

    Problem :(

    Topic moved to "Support for MTA:SA 1.x > Client".
  17. Are you sure that he doesn't has admin rights?
  18. You have a big security problem there, stop the resource "runcode" first, then you must restrict the resource to the "Admin" group in "acl.xml".
  19. Castillo


    Es que asi no se hace esto, podes cambiar el tipo de animacion en la settings del recurso "zombies".
  20. Castillo


    Esta todo mal, hasta el evento es incorrecto.
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