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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Could you stop making 3 posts one after other? " id="248" > Same problem as before.
  2. "139" green="135" blue="250/> You got a missing: "
  3. You may have miss understood me, it was not a fix to your problem, I was showing you where your problem is.
  4. "139" green="135" blue="250T There is your problem. Is at class "State Troopers".
  5. Castillo


    Each and every function has one or more examples.
  6. Castillo


    executeSQLQuery dbConnect dbExec dbQuery dbPoll dbFree These are the MySQL/SQLite functions.
  7. Castillo

    im good?

    Is that a kind of joke? it's the same script with the same problems.
  8. Castillo

    im good?

    I guess so, where's 'player' defined?
  9. These are the event arguments, pretty obviously .
  10. Castillo

    im good?

    Arguments cannot be numbers. function tts ( 1, vehiclechange, hunter ) -- the 1.
  11. The 'test' command is already being used in MTA ( not idea for what ), just change it to something else.
  12. Not a problem of the .map file, I tested it and it worked just fine.
  13. I don't understand what do you mean, the syntax is the same as XML.
  14. "Police" > "Police" friendlyfire="false" > "Police get paid to kill wanted players, even more to arrest! Use your nitestick to arrest, then take them back to the PD to get paid! Type /wanted to see the wanted list." /> "0" green="0" blue="205" /> "LV Police Officer" id="282" > "2294.6958007813" y="2451.6042480469" z="10.8203125" rot="91.98" /> "LV Traffic Officer" id="284" > "2294.6958007813" y="2451.6042480469" z="10.8203125" rot="91.98" /> "3" ammo="1" /> "22" ammo="133" /> "25" ammo="99" /> "2213.82" y="2391.22" z="18.86" /> "2240.29" y="2422.73" z="13.44" /> "SWAT" friendlyfire="false"> "Special Weapons and Tatics, Attackes and Arrests players with as much force as they want"/> "94" green="90" blue="219" /> "SWAT Unit" id="284" > "-1711.7279052734" y="1005.5422973633" z="18" rot="91.98" /> "-1711.9373779297" y="988.05816650391" z="20.8" /> "-1711.7279052734" y="1005.5422973633" z="18.5" /> "FBI" friendlyfire="false"> "Federal Bureau of Investigation, Attackes and Arrests players with as much force as they want"/> "11" green="9" blue="71" /> "FBI Agent" id="284" > "942.88903808594" y="1733.0454101563" z="11" rot="0" /> "3" ammo="1" /> "22" ammo="133" /> "25" ammo="99" /> "967.12762451172" y="1734.2667236328" z="16.8" /> "2294.6958007813" y="2451.6042480469" z="11.5" /> "US Marshals" friendlyfire="false"> "Protects Judicial Branch of the Govermant, Transports Prisoners, and More Badass :~!"/> "5" green="2" blue="87" /> "US Marshal" id="284" > "-2521.166015625" y="-623.02069091797" z="132.8" rot="0" /> "3" ammo="1" /> "22" ammo="133" /> "25" ammo="99" /> "-2521.6850585938" y="-613.5537109375" z="132.8" /> "-2521.166015625" y="-623.02069091797" z="135.8" /> "State Troopers" friendlyfire="false"> "Protects Judicial Branch of the Govermant, Transports Prisoners, and More Badass :~!"/> "139" green="135" blue="250" /> "State Trooper" id="284" > "2839.822265625" y="933.31652832031" z="10.8" rot="0" /> "3" ammo="1" /> "22" ammo="133" /> "25" ammo="99" /> "2871.5017089844" y="932.05114746094" z="22.4" /> "2839.822265625" y="933.31652832031" z="10.8" /> Your problem was at: "State Troopers" class.
  15. You could try one of these: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=2020 https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=2513
  16. You can create a radar area and set "zombieProof" element data, that won't let zombies spawn inside it, but they can enter by walking. Functions you need: createRadarArea setElementData
  17. markers = { createMarker ( 308, 1813, 17, 'cylinder', 1.5, 255, 0, 0, 255 ), createMarker ( 318, 1813, 17, 'cylinder', 1.5, 255, 0, 0, 255 ) } local vehicles = { "Patriot", "Sanchez", "Barracks", "Hydraa", "Hunter" } addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) for _, marker in ipairs ( markers ) do addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", marker, onMarkerHit ) addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerLeave", marker, onMarkerLeave ) end end ) function createVehGui ( ) MainGui = guiCreateWindow(408,203,240,349,"Spawn bike",false) guiWindowSetSizable ( MainGui, false ) VehGrid = guiCreateGridList(14,32,180,256,false,MainGui) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(VehGrid,2) _bikes = guiGridListAddColumn(VehGrid,"Bikes",0.85) Spawn = guiCreateButton(15,305,96,35,"Spawn",false,MainGui) guiSetFont(Spawn,"clear-normal") Cancel = guiCreateButton(128,305,96,35,"Cancel",false,MainGui) guiSetFont(Cancel,"clear-normal") for index, vehicle in ipairs(vehicles) do local row = guiGridListAddRow (VehGrid) guiGridListSetItemText ( VehGrid, row, _bikes, tostring(vehicle), false, false ) end end function onMarkerHit ( hitElement ) if ( hitElement == localPlayer ) then createVehGui ( hitElement ) if ( MainGui ~= nil ) then guiSetVisible ( MainGui, true ) showCursor ( true ) guiSetInputEnabled ( true ) setElementFrozen ( hitElement, true ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", root, function ( ) if ( source == Spawn ) then local row,col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( VehGrid ) if ( row and col and row ~= -1 and col ~= -1 ) then local vehicleName = guiGridListGetItemText(VehGrid, row, 1) if vehicleName == "Patriot" then triggerServerEvent("spawnPatriot",localPlayer,vehicleName) elseif vehicleName == "Sanchez" then triggerServerEvent("spawnSanchez",localPlayer,vehicleName) elseif vehicleName == "Barracks" then triggerServerEvent("spawnBarracks",localPlayer, vehicleName) elseif vehicleName == "Hydraa" then triggerServerEvent("spawnHydraa",localPlayer, vehicleName) elseif vehicleName == "Hunter" then triggerServerEvent("spawnHunter",localPlayer, vehicleName) end else outputChatBox("Error: Please, select a vehicle of list.",255,0,0) end elseif (source == Cancel) then triggerEvent("closeWindow", localPlayer ) end end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick", root, function () if ( source == VehGrid ) then local row,col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(VehGrid) if (row and col and row ~= -1 and col ~= -1) then local vehicleName = guiGridListGetItemText(VehGrid, row, vehicleName) if vehicleName == "Patriot" then triggerServerEvent("spawnPatriot",localPlayer,vehicleName) elseif vehicleName == "Sanchez" then triggerServerEvent("spawnSanchez",localPlayer, vehicleName) elseif vehicleName == "Barracks" then triggerServerEvent("spawnBarracks",localPlayer, vehicleName) elseif vehicleName == "Hydraa" then triggerServerEvent("spawnHydraa",localPlayer, vehicleName) elseif vehicleName == "Hunter" then triggerServerEvent("spawnHunter",localPlayer, vehicleName) end end end end ) function onMarkerLeave ( leaveElement ) if ( leaveElement == localPlayer ) then triggerEvent("closeWindow", localPlayer ) end end addEvent ( "closeWindow", true ) addEventHandler ( "closeWindow", root, function ( ) guiSetVisible ( MainGui, false ) showCursor ( false ) guiSetInputEnabled ( false ) setElementFrozen ( localPlayer, false ) end )
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