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Everything posted by Castillo
Could you stop making 3 posts one after other? " id="248" > Same problem as before.
"139" green="135" blue="250/> You got a missing: "
You may have miss understood me, it was not a fix to your problem, I was showing you where your problem is.
I don't understand your question.
"139" green="135" blue="250T There is your problem. Is at class "State Troopers".
You're welcome.
Yes, that should work.
These are the event arguments, pretty obviously .
The 'test' command is already being used in MTA ( not idea for what ), just change it to something else.
You're welcome.
Not a problem of the .map file, I tested it and it worked just fine.
I don't understand what do you mean, the syntax is the same as XML.
"Police" > "Police" friendlyfire="false" > "Police get paid to kill wanted players, even more to arrest! Use your nitestick to arrest, then take them back to the PD to get paid! Type /wanted to see the wanted list." /> "0" green="0" blue="205" /> "LV Police Officer" id="282" > "2294.6958007813" y="2451.6042480469" z="10.8203125" rot="91.98" /> "LV Traffic Officer" id="284" > "2294.6958007813" y="2451.6042480469" z="10.8203125" rot="91.98" /> "3" ammo="1" /> "22" ammo="133" /> "25" ammo="99" /> "2213.82" y="2391.22" z="18.86" /> "2240.29" y="2422.73" z="13.44" /> "SWAT" friendlyfire="false"> "Special Weapons and Tatics, Attackes and Arrests players with as much force as they want"/> "94" green="90" blue="219" /> "SWAT Unit" id="284" > "-1711.7279052734" y="1005.5422973633" z="18" rot="91.98" /> "-1711.9373779297" y="988.05816650391" z="20.8" /> "-1711.7279052734" y="1005.5422973633" z="18.5" /> "FBI" friendlyfire="false"> "Federal Bureau of Investigation, Attackes and Arrests players with as much force as they want"/> "11" green="9" blue="71" /> "FBI Agent" id="284" > "942.88903808594" y="1733.0454101563" z="11" rot="0" /> "3" ammo="1" /> "22" ammo="133" /> "25" ammo="99" /> "967.12762451172" y="1734.2667236328" z="16.8" /> "2294.6958007813" y="2451.6042480469" z="11.5" /> "US Marshals" friendlyfire="false"> "Protects Judicial Branch of the Govermant, Transports Prisoners, and More Badass :~!"/> "5" green="2" blue="87" /> "US Marshal" id="284" > "-2521.166015625" y="-623.02069091797" z="132.8" rot="0" /> "3" ammo="1" /> "22" ammo="133" /> "25" ammo="99" /> "-2521.6850585938" y="-613.5537109375" z="132.8" /> "-2521.166015625" y="-623.02069091797" z="135.8" /> "State Troopers" friendlyfire="false"> "Protects Judicial Branch of the Govermant, Transports Prisoners, and More Badass :~!"/> "139" green="135" blue="250" /> "State Trooper" id="284" > "2839.822265625" y="933.31652832031" z="10.8" rot="0" /> "3" ammo="1" /> "22" ammo="133" /> "25" ammo="99" /> "2871.5017089844" y="932.05114746094" z="22.4" /> "2839.822265625" y="933.31652832031" z="10.8" /> Your problem was at: "State Troopers" class.
Post the .map file.
You could try one of these: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=2020 https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=2513
Yes, that should work.
You can create a radar area and set "zombieProof" element data, that won't let zombies spawn inside it, but they can enter by walking. Functions you need: createRadarArea setElementData
Post your current script.
markers = { createMarker ( 308, 1813, 17, 'cylinder', 1.5, 255, 0, 0, 255 ), createMarker ( 318, 1813, 17, 'cylinder', 1.5, 255, 0, 0, 255 ) } local vehicles = { "Patriot", "Sanchez", "Barracks", "Hydraa", "Hunter" } addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) for _, marker in ipairs ( markers ) do addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", marker, onMarkerHit ) addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerLeave", marker, onMarkerLeave ) end end ) function createVehGui ( ) MainGui = guiCreateWindow(408,203,240,349,"Spawn bike",false) guiWindowSetSizable ( MainGui, false ) VehGrid = guiCreateGridList(14,32,180,256,false,MainGui) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(VehGrid,2) _bikes = guiGridListAddColumn(VehGrid,"Bikes",0.85) Spawn = guiCreateButton(15,305,96,35,"Spawn",false,MainGui) guiSetFont(Spawn,"clear-normal") Cancel = guiCreateButton(128,305,96,35,"Cancel",false,MainGui) guiSetFont(Cancel,"clear-normal") for index, vehicle in ipairs(vehicles) do local row = guiGridListAddRow (VehGrid) guiGridListSetItemText ( VehGrid, row, _bikes, tostring(vehicle), false, false ) end end function onMarkerHit ( hitElement ) if ( hitElement == localPlayer ) then createVehGui ( hitElement ) if ( MainGui ~= nil ) then guiSetVisible ( MainGui, true ) showCursor ( true ) guiSetInputEnabled ( true ) setElementFrozen ( hitElement, true ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", root, function ( ) if ( source == Spawn ) then local row,col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( VehGrid ) if ( row and col and row ~= -1 and col ~= -1 ) then local vehicleName = guiGridListGetItemText(VehGrid, row, 1) if vehicleName == "Patriot" then triggerServerEvent("spawnPatriot",localPlayer,vehicleName) elseif vehicleName == "Sanchez" then triggerServerEvent("spawnSanchez",localPlayer,vehicleName) elseif vehicleName == "Barracks" then triggerServerEvent("spawnBarracks",localPlayer, vehicleName) elseif vehicleName == "Hydraa" then triggerServerEvent("spawnHydraa",localPlayer, vehicleName) elseif vehicleName == "Hunter" then triggerServerEvent("spawnHunter",localPlayer, vehicleName) end else outputChatBox("Error: Please, select a vehicle of list.",255,0,0) end elseif (source == Cancel) then triggerEvent("closeWindow", localPlayer ) end end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick", root, function () if ( source == VehGrid ) then local row,col = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(VehGrid) if (row and col and row ~= -1 and col ~= -1) then local vehicleName = guiGridListGetItemText(VehGrid, row, vehicleName) if vehicleName == "Patriot" then triggerServerEvent("spawnPatriot",localPlayer,vehicleName) elseif vehicleName == "Sanchez" then triggerServerEvent("spawnSanchez",localPlayer, vehicleName) elseif vehicleName == "Barracks" then triggerServerEvent("spawnBarracks",localPlayer, vehicleName) elseif vehicleName == "Hydraa" then triggerServerEvent("spawnHydraa",localPlayer, vehicleName) elseif vehicleName == "Hunter" then triggerServerEvent("spawnHunter",localPlayer, vehicleName) end end end end ) function onMarkerLeave ( leaveElement ) if ( leaveElement == localPlayer ) then triggerEvent("closeWindow", localPlayer ) end end addEvent ( "closeWindow", true ) addEventHandler ( "closeWindow", root, function ( ) guiSetVisible ( MainGui, false ) showCursor ( false ) guiSetInputEnabled ( false ) setElementFrozen ( localPlayer, false ) end )