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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Oh, no me di cuenta de que esa funcion es solo server side, copia el codigo de nuevo y proba.
  2. Yo uso los parentesis porque me parece que queda mejor.
  3. Si, el tuyo tambien deberia funcionar, pero creo que el mio es mas eficiente.
  4. Yo diria que hay que ejecutarla con el evento: onClientPlayerWeaponFire. No estoy seguro si la camara ejecuta ese evento igual.
  5. function openall ( player, comando, modelo ) if ( tonumber ( modelo ) ) then for index, vehicle in ipairs ( getVehiclesOfType ( tonumber ( modelo ) ) ) do setVehicleLocked ( vehicle, false ) end end end addCommandHandler ( "abrircoches", openall ) Eso es mejor .
  6. Castillo


    Ese evento se ejecuta cuando un jugador remote se une ( no el cliente ).
  7. En la pagina dice: Nadie la hizo aun.
  8. Castillo


    The only way is having the server side script.
  9. Castillo


    We can't help you with it, since it could be a stolen script.
  10. Castillo


    Well, then it may have been stolen from a server, that's why it has missing server side.
  11. Castillo


    Where you got the client side script from?
  12. Castillo


    Yes, you must make the server side part.
  13. Castillo


    The server side part is missing.
  14. Castillo


    Es un string que luego podes transformar en tabla con: fromJSON.
  15. Castillo


    Lo que pasa es que yo le puse que guardase un JSON en lugar de un numero.
  16. Oh, so the problem is that is not inserting the account?
  17. They aren't stored anywhere, that's why it has to download them again. I guess they are on memory.
  18. Castillo


    You must store all the player weapons when he dies in a lua table, then loop through them and give them back on spawn.
  19. Castillo


    ACL must be messed up.
  20. Why does not work? does it output any debugscript error ( /debugscript 3 in-game )?
  21. Are you sure "c1" is returning: true or false?
  22. Castillo


    addCommandHandler( { "setvehiclecolor", "setcolor" }, function( player, commandName, other, r, g, b, r2, g2, b2 ) local r = tonumber ( r ) or 0 local g = tonumber ( g ) or r local b = tonumber ( b ) or g local r2 = tonumber ( r2 ) local g2 = tonumber ( g2 ) local b2 = tonumber ( b2 ) if ( other and r and g and b >= 0 and r <= 255 and g >= 0 and g <= 255 and b >= 0 and b <= 255 ) then local other, name = exports.players:getFromName ( player, other ) if ( other ) then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( other ) if ( vehicle ) then local data = vehicles [ vehicle ] if ( data ) then if ( data.vehicleID < 0 or exports.sql:query_free ( "UPDATE vehicles SET color1 = " .. toJSON ( { r, g, b } ) .. ", color2 = " .. toJSON ( { r2, g2, b2 } ) .. " WHERE vehicleID = " .. data.vehicleID ) ) then setVehicleColor ( vehicle, r, g, b, r2, g2, b2 ) outputChatBox ( "Changed the color of " .. name .. "'s " .. getVehicleName ( vehicle ) .. ".", player, 0, 255, 153 ) else outputChatBox ( "MySQL Query failed.", player, 255, 0, 0 ) end else outputChatBox ( "Vehicle Error.", player, 255, 0, 0 ) end else outputChatBox ( name .. " isn't driving a vehicle.", player, 255, 0, 0 ) end end else outputChatBox ( "Syntax: /" .. commandName .. " [player] [r] [g] [b]", player, 255, 255, 255 ) end end, true ) Proba eso.
  23. Your script must be set as server side ( type="server" ) at the meta.xml, but it should be client side ( type="client" ).
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