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Everything posted by Castillo
Bajate un programa llamado "notepad++" y desde ahi abris los archivos y le cambias la codificacion ( no se si dira "Codificacion" en el menu del notepad++, es el quinto menu ).
You had forgot to hide it after create it, copy the code again.
All client side: GUIEditor = { button = {}, label = {}, window = {}, } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() Window = guiCreateWindow(385, 158, 478, 385, "Buy A Vehicle", false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], false) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(26, 98, 326, 34, "Infernous : $30000", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], "sa-header") bBuy = guiCreateButton(373, 108, 86, 29, "BUY", false, GUIEditor.window[1]) end ) local buyVeh = createMarker(1940.5185546875, -1707.1162109375, 13.3828125, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 170) function showGUIp(hitPlayer) if ( hitPlayer == localPlayer ) then setElementFrozen ( localPlayer, true ) guiSetVisible ( Window, true ) showCursor ( true ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", buyVeh, showGUIp )
Create an event server side, then trigger it from the client.
Ese mensaje quiere decir que esta usando una codificacion vieja, cambiala a "UTF-8".
When you take money client side, it won't sync with the server side, so it won't really take it, it has to be server side.
You're welcome.
showFishignArea = createRadarArea ( 3122.1650390625, -2894.99829, 10000, 10000, 0, 255, 255, 100 ) fishingArea = createColRectangle ( 3122.1650390625, -2894.99829, 10000, 10000 ) fishingAllowed = { } local fishTimes = { {4000}, {4000}, {4000}, {4000}, {6000}, {8000}, {8000}, {8000}, {8000}, {8000}, {8000}, {8000}, {8000}, {10000}, {10000}, {10000}, {10000}, {10000}, {2000}, {2000}, {2000}, {2000}, {2000}, {2000}, {12000}, {12000}, {12000}, {12000}, {12000}, {12000}, {12000}, } local fishAmount = { {100}, {100}, {100}, {100}, {100}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {110}, {120}, {120}, {120}, {120}, {120}, {120}, {120}, {120}, {120}, {120}, {120}, {130}, {130}, {130}, {130}, {130}, {130}, {130}, {130}, {130}, {130}, {140}, {150}, {160}, {170}, {180}, {190}, {200} } payTimers = { } function unpackTimes() return unpack(fishTimes[math.random(#fishTimes)]) end function unpackAmounts() return unpack(fishAmount[math.random(#fishAmount)]) end addCommandHandler ( "startfish", function(player) fishing = true local timer = unpackTimes() if (getElementData(player, "Class") == "Fisherman") then if (fishingAllowed [ player ]) then setPedAnimation ( player, "SWORD", "sword_IDLE") payTimers [ player ] = setTimer ( payPlayer, timer, 0, player ) end end end ) addCommandHandler ( "stopfish", function(player) ---Required Arguments player fishing = false setPedAnimation(player,false) if isTimer(payTimers [ player ]) then killTimer(payTimers [ player ]) payTimers [ player ] = nil end end ) function payPlayer(player) local amount = unpackAmounts() givePlayerMoney( player, amount ) resetTimer ( payTimers [ player ] ) end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", fishingArea, function( thePlayer ) if getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" then fishingAllowed [ thePlayer ] = true end end ) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", fishingArea, function( thePlayer ) if getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" then fishingAllowed [ thePlayer ] = false end end ) --Anti-AFK function afkCancler(player) if (fishing) then outputChatBox("You Have Been Automatically Stopped Recieving Fish To Prevent Afking, Please Do The Command Again To Start Again!!", source) setPedAnimation(source,false) if isTimer(payTimers [ player ]) then killTimer(payTimers [ player ]) payTimers [ player ] = nil end end end setTimer( afkCancler, 600000, 0 )
This will remove HEX codes from the name. local root = getRootElement() local timers = {} --[[ -- check Nick -- -- Checks if the nick currently used by the given player -- is protected and if he is allowed to use it. -- -- @param player player: The player whose nick should be checked -- @return -- ]] function checkNick(player) -- player changed nick, just joined or timer ran out (possible running timer is no longer necessary) killTimerForPlayer(player) -- fetch information about the player's nick local nick = getPlayerName(player) if isPlayerAllowedToUseNick(player,nick) then return end -- # nick is protected and player has (currently) no right to use it --outputDebugString("tell player "..getPlayerName(player).." to login or change nick") local secondsForLogin = tonumber(get("timeForLogin")) if toboolean(get("useTextDisplays")) then warnPlayer(player,"Your nick '"..nick.."' is protected. Please login or change nick within "..secondsForLogin.." seconds.") end outputMessage("Your nick '"..nick.."' is protected. Please login or change nick within "..secondsForLogin.." seconds.",player,0) timers[player] = setTimer(checkNickAgain,secondsForLogin*1000,1,player) end --[[ -- checkNickAgain -- -- Called by the timer to check if the player is now allowed to use the nick, -- or otherwise take action. -- -- @param player player: The Player -- @return -- ]] function checkNickAgain(player) if isPlayerAllowedToUseNick(player,getPlayerName(player)) then return end if toboolean(get("changeNickInsteadOfKicking")) then changeNickToRandom(player) if toboolean(get("useTextDisplays")) then warnPlayer(player,"Your nick has been changed because you used a protected nick.") end outputMessage("Your nick has been changed because you used a protected nick.",player,0) else kickPlayer(player,"Used protected nick.") end outputDebugString("take action on "..getPlayerName(player).." (change nick or kick)") end --[[ -- changeNickToRandom -- -- Creates a random nick which is not currently used and sets it as -- new nick for the given player. -- -- @param player player: The player who's nick should be changed. -- @return -- ]] function changeNickToRandom(player) local randomNick = "Player"..math.random(100,999) while getPlayerFromName(randomNick) do randomNick = "Player"..math.random(100,999) end setPlayerName(player,randomNick) end --------------------------------------------------- -- ### Getting and modifying data from the database --------------------------------------------------- --[[ -- getProtectedNickData -- -- Gets the data for a protected nick from the database -- -- @param string nick: The nick you want to get the data from -- @return mixed false/result: Returns either false if no result was found or a table with the desired data -- ]] function getProtectedNickData(nick) local result = executeSQLQuery("SELECT *, ((JULIANDAY('now') - JULIANDAY(lastUsed))) AS lastUsedDaysPassed FROM nickProtection WHERE protectedNick = ?",nick) if #result == 0 then return false end return result[1] end --[[ -- removeExpiredNicks -- -- Removes expired nicks (depending on the mode set in the settings) -- ]] function removeExpiredNicks() local expireMode = tonumber(get("protectedNicksExpireMode")) if expireMode == 0 then return end local expiresAfterDays = tonumber(get("protectedNicksExpireAfterDays")) local expiredNicks = executeSQLQuery("SELECT rowid, * FROM nickProtection WHERE (JULIANDAY('now') - JULIANDAY(lastUsed)) > ?",expiresAfterDays) for k,v in ipairs(expiredNicks) do local accountString = "user."..v.accountName if expireMode == 2 or not hasObjectPermissionTo(accountString,"resource.nickProtection.extended",false) then outputDebugString("Removing expired nick: "..tostring(v.protectedNick).." (last used "..tostring(v.lastUsed)..")") executeSQLQuery("DELETE FROM nickProtection WHERE rowid = ?",v.rowid) end end end --[[ -- updateLastUsed -- -- Updates the lastUsed field when the nick is used. -- -- @param string nick: The nick. -- ]] function updateLastUsed(nick) executeSQLQuery("UPDATE nickProtection SET lastUsed = DATETIME('now') WHERE protectedNick = ?",nick) end --[[ -- isNickProtected -- -- Checks if the given nick is protected by someone. -- -- @param string nick: The nick that should be checked. -- @return boolean true/false -- ]] function isNickProtected(nick) local data = getProtectedNickData(nick) if not data then return false end return true end --[[ -- getProtectedNicksByAccountName -- -- Returns a table with protected nicks associated with the given account name. -- -- @param string accountName: The name of the account, e.g. "Adnan" -- @return table protectedNicks: A table of protected nicks (could also contain no elements at all) -- ]] function getProtectedNicksByAccountName(accountName) local protectedNicks = executeSQLQuery("SELECT *, ((JULIANDAY('now') - JULIANDAY(lastUsed))) AS lastUsedDaysPassed FROM nickProtection WHERE accountName = ?",accountName) return protectedNicks end --[[ -- isPlayerAllowedToUseNick -- -- Checks if the player is allowed to use the given nick, -- so if it is protected at all and if the player is the one -- who protected it. -- -- @param player player: The player who claims ownership of the nick -- @param string nick: The nick who should be checked -- @return boolean true/false -- ]] function isPlayerAllowedToUseNick(player,nick) local data = getProtectedNickData(nick) if data == false then return true end -- if player is logged in to the required account, return local playerAccountName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if data.accountName ~= nil and data.accountName == playerAccountName then -- consider nick used, when the rightful owner tried to take it updateLastUsed(nick) return true end return false end -------------------- -- ### Player Events -------------------- --[[ -- playerJoined -- -- Simply calls checkNick() as soon as a player joins. -- ]] function playerJoined() checkNick(source) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,playerJoined) --[[ -- playerLeft -- -- Clears up when a player leaves the server. For now it only kills -- the timer (if necessary). -- ]] function playerLeft() killTimerForPlayer(source) end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,playerLeft) --[[ -- playerChangedNick -- -- Checks on change of nick if the player is allowed to use the new nick. -- If so, nickChangeSpamProtection is also called if enabled. -- -- Event Handler for onPlayerChangeNick. -- -- @param string oldNick: The nick previously used -- @param string newNick: The nick the player wants to change to -- @return -- ]] function playerChangedNick(oldNick,newNick) if isPlayerAllowedToUseNick(source,newNick) then killTimerForPlayer(source) -- check for nick spam if enabled if toboolean(get("enableNickChangeSpamProtection")) then nickChangeSpamProtection(source) end
Vos no lo creaste, ese recurso es publico.
My public gang system now has gang color selector.
Usa setAccountData para borrar la informacion de la cuenta ( como te dije por PM hace dias ).
Try this and see what it outputs to chat: function oncolehit ( thePlayer ) if ( getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" ) then local pname = getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) local seat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat ( thePlayer ) if ( veh ) and ( seat == 0 ) then local qh = dbQuery ( handler2, "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE Name = '".. pname .."'" ) local result, num_affected_rows, errmsg = dbPoll ( qh, -1 ) outputChatBox ( "Rows: ".. tostring ( num_affected_rows ) ) if ( result and type ( result ) == "table" and result [ 1 ] ) then if ( result [ 1 ] [ "Wert" ] == "1" ) then outputChatBox ( "Danke das du das Parkhaus besuchst!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0 ) eschrankefunc ( ) else triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "openGUI", thePlayer, veh, pname ) end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", cole, oncolehit )
Is "Wert" data set to "1"? also, seems like "result" is not returning what it should.
Try copying it again.
Which line is that? because that script only has 20 lines.
With Mr.Pres[T]ege's script it'll only bind the key to the one who hit it.
Use this then: -- local mark1 = guiCreateStaticImage( 0.52, 0.51, 0.035, 0.035, 'blip.png', true, map ) -- -- addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick', guiRoot, function ( ) if ( source == mark1 ) then guiSetVisible ( windowMap, false ) showCursor ( false ) elseif ( source == mark2 ) then ... elseif ( source == mark3 ) then ... end end ) Unless you want to hide 'windowmap' when you click on several buttons, then you can do: addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick', guiRoot, function ( ) if ( source == mark1 or source == mark2 or source == mark3 ) then guiSetVisible ( windowMap, false ) showCursor ( false ) end end )
-- local mark1 = guiCreateStaticImage( 0.52, 0.51, 0.035, 0.035, 'blip.png', true, map ) -- -- addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick', mark1, function ( ) guiSetVisible ( windowMap, false ) showCursor ( false ) end ,false ) Try that.
Try this: function oncolehit ( thePlayer ) if ( getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" ) then local pname = getPlayerName ( thePlayer ) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) local seat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat ( thePlayer ) if ( veh ) and ( seat == 0 ) then local qh = dbQuery ( handler2, "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE Name = '".. pname .."'" ) local result, num_affected_rows, errmsg = dbPoll ( qh, -1 ) if ( result and type ( result ) == "table" and result [ 1 ] ) then if ( result [ 1 ] [ "Wert" ] == "1" ) then outputChatBox ( "Danke das du das Parkhaus besuchst!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0 ) eschrankefunc ( ) else triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "openGUI", thePlayer, veh, pname ) end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", cole, oncolehit )
Castillo replied to PhantomDamn's topic in Ayuda relacionada al cliente/servidor
Osea que ya funciona? -
Why it doesn't work? any errors?