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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. Then change this: dataToFindPlayersJob = "Occupation" to: dataToFindPlayersJob = "gang"
  2. Post the part where you create the object.
  3. You could create an account or use "Console" one, then save the peak as account data.
  4. You don't have to change that, you have to change the script which compares the element data to team.
  5. Castillo

    HELP :D

    local state = true outputChatBox ( "Press ~[F2]~ to Show/Hide vehicles.", 0, 166, 255, true ) bindKey ( "F2", "down", function ( ) state = ( not state ) if ( state ) then for _, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( player ~= localPlayer ) then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) if ( vehicle ) then setElementDimension ( vehicle, 0 ) setElementDimension ( player, 0 ) end end end outputChatBox ( "[iNFO] the vehicles are visible now.", 166, 255, 6 ) else for _, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do if ( player ~= localPlayer ) then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) if ( vehicle ) then setElementDimension ( vehicle, 1000 ) setElementDimension ( player, 1000 ) end end end outputChatBox ( "[iNFO] the vehicles are invisible now.", 255, 100, 0 ) end end )
  6. Try making your script client side.
  7. What do you mean by that?
  8. Castillo

    HELP :D

    local state = true outputChatBox ( "Press ~[F2]~ to Show/Hide vehicles.", 0, 166, 255, true ) bindKey ( "F2", "down", function ( ) state = ( not state ) local pVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) if ( state ) then for _, vehicle in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "vehicle" ) ) do if ( vehicle ~= pVehicle ) then setElementDimension ( vehicle, 0 ) end end outputChatBox ( "[iNFO] the vehicles are visible now.", 166, 255, 6 ) else for _, vehicle in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "vehicle" ) ) do if ( vehicle ~= pVehicle ) then setElementDimension ( vehicle, 1000 ) end end outputChatBox ( "[iNFO] the vehicles are invisible now.", 255, 100, 0 ) end end )
  9. You don't have to create the font, guieditor will do it for you, you just set the font of your label to a custom one selected from that list.
  10. By add fonts you mean create your own fonts? if so, you can set a custom font with guieditor if you have one on a resource.
  11. I don't see anything that could cause to give you double ammo.
  12. Is that the code your posted first?
  13. Oh, I didn't read correctly your last script, it doesn't load on login, nor saves on quit, is just for when they die, it shouldn't double ammo.
  14. local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( player ) ) That's wrong, your player argument is: "playerSource".
  15. local camTable = { { 1262, -1154, 96,1190, -1195, 58 }, --cs,cy,cz,cpx,cpy,cpz { 512.2, -1263.57, 32.53,542.16, -1287.07, 17.24 } } local cameras = { } function firstSlider ( ) cameras [ source ] = 0 setTimer ( function ( thePlayer ) cameras [ thePlayer ] = ( cameras [ thePlayer ] + 1 ) setCameraMatrix ( thePlayer, unpack ( camTable [ cameras [ thePlayer ] ] ) ) fadeCamera ( thePlayer, true, 1 ) end, 1000, 2, source ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), firstSlider ) Try it.
  16. Well, there you got the reason of why you got double ammo, you got two weapon save systems.
  17. Lo que tenes que hacer es lo siguiente: al iniciar el recurso, usar triggerServerEvent, ahi te fijas si estan en algun grupo de esos, si lo estan, entonces envias otro evento al cliente para remplazar los skins usando triggerClientEvent.
  18. Queres que se remplazen skins y autos solo para algunos grupos de ACL?
  19. It doesn't "freeze", it just returns the same random camera twice.
  20. local camTable = { { 1262, -1154, 96,1190, -1195, 58 }, --cs,cy,cz,cpx,cpy,cpz { 512.2, -1263.57, 32.53,542.16, -1287.07, 17.24 } } function firstSlider ( ) setTimer ( function ( thePlayer ) setCameraMatrix ( thePlayer, unpack ( camTable [ math.random ( #camTable ) ] ) ) fadeCamera ( thePlayer, true, 1 ) end, 1000, 2, source ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), firstSlider )
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