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Everything posted by Castillo

  1. You obviously set the script as server side in the meta.xml, GUI functions are client side only.
  2. Because "showGUI" function is not defined. You must remove the "onClientResourceStart" event handler, and the parentheses ")" at line 26. Also, you should check if the element that entered the marker is the local player, because remote players can trigger client side markers aswell.
  3. Well, but dxDrawImage doesn't specify either which image types are supported .
  4. The javascript files are used for a web scoreboard, as far as I know, I'm not sure if that part is finished. As for the shader file, it's being used for the drawing part, not quite sure why though. To make your own scroll system, you can use render targets: dxCreateRenderTarget dxSetRenderTarget
  5. Yes, you can use "jpg" images. I don't know which other types, but my guess would be "jpeg", "jpg", "png", "bmp".
  6. Castillo

    Bullet fired

    Client side: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/On ... WeaponFire
  7. Castillo


    {name = "VIP", width = 80, data = function (element) return getElementData(element, "VIP") or "No" end }, Para que hiciste eso? solamente tenes que agregar la columna con la funcion exportada y luego usar setElementData.
  8. createRadarArea -- Area en el mapa/radar createColRectangle getPlayerTeam killPed Y el evento: onColShapeHit
  9. Castillo


    Si pones playerSource en el setElementData, entonces le pondra el element data al que uso el comando. Para eso es el getAccount y getAccountPlayer, para obtener un jugador de un nombre de cuenta ( si es que esta online ).
  10. Castillo


    addCommandHandler aclGetGroup isObjectInACLGroup aclGroupAddObject getAccount getAccountPlayer setElementData
  11. Castillo


    Ah, pero entonces no tenes un sistema de VIP, lo que significa que no podes hacer lo que queres, solamente ponerle el estado de "VIP" cuando se loguean y estan en ese grupo ACL. Deberias crearte un comando para agregar usuarios al ACL "VIP", que es muy facil.
  12. That's because 'source' is nil, you should bind it when the player joins the server. Use the event: onPlayerJoin
  13. That's because "team" is nil outside that 'if' statement.
  14. We don't give support with decompiled scripts. Topic locked.
  15. Castillo


    Osea, lo agregas manualmente?
  16. Ah, no vi bien que habia dicho hora del juego.
  17. No need "onClientResourceStart" for function onDownloadFinish.
  18. You put the wrong event name, is not "onClientDownloadComplete", it's "onClientFileDownloadComplete". https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/On ... adComplete
  19. Why would he use MySQL for a client side vehicle downloader?
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