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Everything posted by Cornelis

  1. Click here! I think you need this resource?!
  2. When I want to login, I can check the box with: "Log me in everytime I visit", but when I check this box, I still have to login each time I visit. Is this a bug or my problem?
  3. Cornelis


    guiCreateStaticImage getGameType setGameType
  4. addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage",getRootElement(), function(attacker,weapon,bodypart,loss) if getWeaponNameFromID(weapon) == 16 then triggerClientEvent ( "onGrenadeEvent", root, "text" ) elseif getWeaponNameFromID(weapon) == 18 then triggerClientEvent ( "onMolotowEvent", root, "text" ) end end ) Didn't test it. Show us the client codes, then we can fix those.
  5. My intention is too make it MySQL, but I want the whole gamemode to be done first, then I'll re-script the login/register script with MySQL. *NOTE: I've my exams at the moment, so I won't script for another week or so. Screenshots coming later!
  6. I'm not sure, but I think this is a bit unnecessary: resetTimer ( payTimer )
  7. If you show your whole script, maybe I can help you further.
  8. Some more pictures coming tomorrow! Will spend some more time on the finishing touch! EDIT: Two pictures added!
  9. bool guiGridListSetItemColor ( element gridList, int rowIndex, int columnIndex, int red, int green, int blue[, int alpha = 255 ] )
  10. I know the name is a bit obvious, but I was searching for an abbreviation like wtf or omg. So I came with the idea Online Multiplayer Game..
  11. I didn't deleted it, but I just editted the sizes! Thanks for helping me!!
  12. Even why I'm not using "AlwaysOnTop" it ain't working
  13. Like you see in the picture I used a gridlist to made it look a bit better,, so that's why I'm using "AlwaysOnTop". Could that be the problem?
  14. Hi, I've got some problems with editing my login script (Login script made for: my gamemode) This is the code I'm using. The error I get is when I try to click on the edit, the cursor inside the edit isn't showing and I can't write in it... createCharacterWindowNameEdit = guiCreateEdit (0.475, 0.095, 0.475, 0.065, "", true, createCharacterWindow) guiEditSetMaxLength (createCharacterWindowNameEdit, 15) guiSetProperty (createCharacterWindowNameEdit, "AlwaysOnTop", "True") Picture: Thanks, Cornelis.
  15. Coming soon: OMG | Online Multiplayer Game The resource This resource is another Role Playing Game. This gamemode is a tribute to De simbad de Zeeman speeltuin. Features Login system (XML Based: 100%, but I want to make it MySQL based) Car shop (15%) Weapon shop (0%) More features coming soon! Screenshots Do you have any questions relating to my gamemode? Send me a private message.
  16. Hi, I'm creating my own gamemode, but I want to create a screen behind my login window. There is only one problem, it only changes one time. Could somebody help me? startCamera = { {1320.6896972656, -951.76672363281, 100.9468614891, 1364.1717529297, -800.80603027344, 75.560821533203}, {149.31686401367, 2386.1716308594, 65.455644607544, 400.84384155273, 2528.552734375, 16.574115753174}, {966.36157226563, 2589.4494628906, 10.156999588013, 966.626953125, 2588.5498046875, 10.503839492798, 0.7}, {-2770.24, -1133.92, 38.14, -2881.06, -907.75, 9.301} } function createCameraMatrix () local x, y, z, xx, yy, zz = unpack (startCamera [math.random (#startCamera)]) startCameraTimer = setTimer (setCameraMatrix, 5000, 0, x, y, z, xx, yy, zz) end function destroyCameraMatrix () killTimer (startCameraTimer) setCameraTarget (getLocalPlayer ()) end addEventHandler ("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() --Settings createCameraMatrix () end) Thanks!
  17. Cornelis


    Varez, in your script I have to put coordinates of hospitals right here? hospitals = { { 0, 0, 10 }, { 100, 100, 10 } { 200, 400, 10 } } //EDIT by Cornelis: If I start the resource I get 2 errors: - SCRIPT ERROR: myserver/spawnplayer.lua:14: '}; expected (to close '{' at line 11) near '{' and - WARNING: Loading script failed: myserver/spawnplayers.lua:14 '}' expcted (to close blabla same as first error!
  18. Cornelis


    addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement( ), function() setTimer( spawnPlayer, 2000, 1, source, 1607.2362060547, 1816.2670898438, 10.8303125) end ) So the coords of LV are: X = 1607.2362060547 Y = 1816.2670898438 Z = 10.8303125
  19. Cornelis


    I always get spawnen at LS hospital now!
  20. Cornelis


    That was my question, how to script something like this: If player dies in regio around San Fierro, spawn at San Fierro hospital.
  21. Cornelis


    Hi, I have a question about wasted. When somebody died in my server now he spawns at LV hospital, but I want a script that do these things: - When u die in SF, go to SF hospital. - When u die in LS, go to LS hospital. - When u die in LV, go to LV hospital. Can somebody help me? This is my simple code now: addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement( ), function() setTimer( spawnPlayer, 2000, 1, source, 1607.2362060547, 1816.2670898438, 10.8303125) end )
  22. Cornelis

    Not in list

    Hmm it is fixed for now, I hope it is for ever!
  23. Cornelis

    Not in list

    I reinstalled MTA, don't work Yeah, my IpV4 - adress changed. Maybe this question sucks but how to make my IP static?
  24. Cornelis

    Not in list

    I allready did that like I said: They joined one week ago but now it isn't in the list anymore and I didn't changed anything.
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