Captain Cody Posted July 21, 2014 Share Posted July 21, 2014 1.How can I make it so when the cars explode they wont respawn 2.How can I make it so when I do /respawn it respawns the cars at the peoples houses who bought them Client GUIEditor_Window = {} GUIEditor_Button = {} GUIEditor_Label = {} localPlayer = getLocalPlayer () local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() function showCarBuyMenu( price ) showCursor ( true ) GUIEditor_Window[1] = guiCreateWindow(0.3281,0.35,0.2362,0.2778,"This car is for sale",true) GUIEditor_Label[1] = guiCreateLabel(0.0265,0.088,0.9418,0.228,"Price: "..tostring(price).."$",true,GUIEditor_Window[1]) guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor_Label[1],255,255,255) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(GUIEditor_Label[1],"top") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor_Label[1],"left",false) guiSetFont(GUIEditor_Label[1],"sa-header") GUIEditor_Button[1] = guiCreateButton(0.1905,0.352,0.6243,0.252,"Buy",true,GUIEditor_Window[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor_Button[1],"sa-header") GUIEditor_Button[2] = guiCreateButton(0.2831,0.7,0.4101,0.16,"Close",true,GUIEditor_Window[1]) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor_Button[1], function () guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor_Window[1], false ) triggerServerEvent ( "acceptBuyCar", getLocalPlayer()) showCursor ( false ) toggleAllControls ( true ) end ,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", GUIEditor_Button[2], function () guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor_Window[1], false ) toggleAllControls ( true ) setControlState ( "enter_exit", true ) showCursor ( false ) end ,false) end addEvent( "showBuyCar", true ) addEventHandler( "showBuyCar", getRootElement(), showCarBuyMenu ) Server cars={} buycarpickup={} maxcars = 0 addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), function () local root = xmlLoadFile ("cars.xml") local houseroot = xmlFindChild (root,"cars",0) if (houseroot) then for i,v in ipairs (xmlNodeGetChildren(houseroot)) do local carmodel = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"model") local x = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"x") local y = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"y") local z = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"z") local color1 = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"color1") local color2 = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"color2") local owner = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"owner") local price = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"price") local lock = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"lock") local a = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"a") cars[i] = createVehicle ( tonumber(carmodel),tonumber(x),tonumber(y),tonumber(z), 0, 0, tonumber(a) ) setElementInterior ( cars[i], 0 ) setElementData (cars[i],"xpos",tonumber(x)) setElementData (cars[i],"ypos",tonumber(y)) setElementData (cars[i],"zpos",tonumber(z)) setElementData (cars[i],"angle",tonumber(a)) setElementData (cars[i],"owner",owner) setElementData (cars[i],"price",tonumber(price)) setElementData (cars[i],"lock",tonumber(lock)) setElementData (cars[i], "num", i ) setVehicleColor ( cars[i], tonumber(color1), tonumber(color2), 0, 0 ) if(lock == 1) then setVehicleLocked ( car, true ) end if getElementData ( cars[i], "owner" ) == "Nobody" then buycarpickup[i] = createPickup ( x, y, z, 3, 1274 ) attachElements ( buycarpickup[i], cars[i], 0, 0, 1.9 ) end maxcars = maxcars+1 end outputDebugString ("Cars loaded!") end end ) function saveCars () local root = xmlLoadFile ("cars.xml") local houseroot = xmlFindChild (root,"cars",0) if (houseroot) then for i,v in ipairs (xmlNodeGetChildren(houseroot)) do local color1, color2, color3, color4 = getVehicleColor ( cars[i] ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "model", getElementModel(cars[i]) ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "x", getElementData(cars[i], "xpos") ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "y", getElementData(cars[i], "ypos") ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "z", getElementData(cars[i], "zpos") ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "a", getElementData(cars[i], "angle") ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "color1", color1 ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "color2", color2 ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "owner", getElementData(cars[i], "owner") ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "price", getElementData(cars[i], "price") ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "lock", getElementData(cars[i], "lock") ) end xmlSaveFile(root) end end function adminCreateVehicle ( source, cmd ) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then local root = xmlLoadFile ("cars.xml") local houseroot = xmlFindChild (root,"cars",0) local createdcar = xmlCreateChild ( houseroot, "vehicle" ) local carmodel = xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "model", "451" ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( source ) local xa,ya,a = getElementRotation ( source ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "x", x ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "y", y ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "z", z ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "a", a ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "color1", "0" ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "color2", "0" ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "owner", "Nobody" ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "price", "0" ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "lock", "0" ) cars[maxcars+1] = createVehicle ( 451,x,y,z,0,0,a ) setElementData (cars[maxcars+1],"xpos",x) setElementData (cars[maxcars+1],"ypos",y) setElementData (cars[maxcars+1],"zpos",z) setElementData (cars[maxcars+1],"angle", a) setElementData (cars[maxcars+1],"owner","Nobody") setElementData (cars[maxcars+1],"price",0) setElementData (cars[maxcars+1],"lock",0) xmlSaveFile(root) maxcars = maxcars+1 else outputChatBox ("Error: You can't use this command",source, 255,255,127 ) end end addCommandHandler ("acarcreate", adminCreateVehicle) addCommandHandler ("acarsave", saveCars) function getCar ( car ) return cars[car] end function enterVehicle ( source, seat, jacked ) local playercar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) if(seat == 0) then if (getElementData ( playercar, "owner" )) then if(getElementData ( playercar, "owner" ) ~= "Nobody" ) then if(getElementData ( playercar, "owner" ) == getPlayerName ( source )) then outputChatBox ("It is your car!",source, 255,255,127 ) else outputChatBox ("This vehicle owner: "..getElementData ( playercar, "owner" ).."",source, 255,255,127 ) end else local price = getElementData ( playercar, "price" ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "showBuyCar", source, price) toggleAllControls ( source, false, true, false ) return true end end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), enterVehicle ) function AcceptToBuyCar ( ) local playercar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) if(getElementData ( playercar, "owner" ) == "Nobody") then if(getPlayerMoney ( source ) > tonumber(getElementData ( playercar, "price"))) then setElementData ( playercar, "owner", getPlayerName ( source )) takePlayerMoney ( source, tonumber(getElementData ( playercar, "price" ))) toggleAllControls ( source, true ) outputChatBox ("You buy this car!", source, 243,149,72 ) destroyElement(buycarpickup[getElementData(playercar,"num")]) saveCars () else outputChatBox ("Error: You don't have enought money", source, 243,149,72 ) setControlState ( source, "enter_exit", true ) end end end addEvent("acceptBuyCar",true) addEventHandler("acceptBuyCar",root,AcceptToBuyCar) function playerCarLock ( source, cmd) for i,v in ipairs (cars) do if(getElementData ( cars[i], "owner" ) == getPlayerName ( source )) then setVehicleLocked ( cars[i], true ) setElementData (cars[i],"lock", 1) outputChatBox ("You closed your car",source, 243,149,72 ) saveCars() end end end addCommandHandler ("lockmycar",playerCarLock) function playerCarUnLock ( source, cmd) for i,v in ipairs (cars) do if(getElementData ( cars[i], "owner" ) == getPlayerName ( source )) then setVehicleLocked ( cars[i], false ) setElementData (cars[i],"lock", 0) outputChatBox ("You opened your car",source, 243,149,72 ) saveCars() end end end addCommandHandler ("unlockmycar",playerCarUnLock) Other function adminSetCarModel ( source, cmd, model ) if(model) then if((tonumber(model) > 399) and (tonumber(model) < 612))then local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then if(isPedInVehicle(source)) then local playercar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) setElementModel (playercar,tonumber(model)) saveCars() else outputChatBox ("Error: You isn't in car",source, 255,255,127 ) end else outputChatBox ("Error: You can't use this command",source, 255,255,127 ) end else outputChatBox ("Error: Model ID must be between 400 and 611",source, 255,255,127 ) end else outputChatBox ("Правильно: /acarmodel vehicle model",source, 255,255,127 ) end end addCommandHandler ("acarmodel", adminSetCarModel) function adminSetCarColor ( source, cmd, color1, color2 ) if(color2) then local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then if(isPedInVehicle(source)) then local playercar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) setVehicleColor (playercar,color1,color2,0,0) saveCars() else outputChatBox ("Error: You isn't in car",source, 255,255,127 ) end else outputChatBox ("Error: You can't use this command",source, 255,255,127 ) end else outputChatBox ("Correct: /acarcolor [color 1] color 2",source, 255,255,127 ) end end addCommandHandler ("acarcolor", adminSetCarColor) function adminSetCarPrice ( source, cmd, carprice ) if(carprice) then local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then if(isPedInVehicle(source)) then local playercar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) setElementData(playercar, "price", tonumber(carprice)) outputChatBox ("You set car "..tostring(playercar).." price $"..tostring(carprice).."",source, 243,149,72 ) saveCars() else outputChatBox ("Error: You isn't in car",source, 255,255,127 ) end else outputChatBox ("Error: You can't use this command",source, 255,255,127 ) end else outputChatBox ("Correct: /acarprice car price",source, 255,255,127 ) end end addCommandHandler ("acarprice", adminSetCarPrice) function adminSetCarPark ( source, cmd) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then if(isPedInVehicle(source)) then local playercar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( source ) local xa,ya,a = getElementRotation ( source ) setElementData (playercar,"xpos",x) setElementData (playercar,"ypos",y) setElementData (playercar,"zpos",z) setElementData (playercar,"angle",a) outputChatBox ("You set car "..tostring(playercar).." spawn point",source, 243,149,72 ) saveCars() else outputChatBox ("Error: You isn't in car",source, 255,255,127 ) end else outputChatBox ("Error: You can't use this command",source, 255,255,127 ) end end addCommandHandler ("acarpark", adminSetCarPark) function playerCarPark ( source, cmd) if(isPedInVehicle(source)) then local playercar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) if(getElementData ( playercar, "owner" ) == getPlayerName ( source )) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( source ) local xa,ya,a = getElementRotation ( playercar ) setElementData (playercar,"xpos",x) setElementData (playercar,"ypos",y) setElementData (playercar,"zpos",z) setElementData (playercar,"angle",a) outputChatBox ("You parked your car, don't forget to close it!",source, 243,149,72 ) saveCars() else outputChatBox ("Error: It is not your car!",source, 255,255,127 ) end else outputChatBox ("Error: You isn't in car",source, 255,255,127 ) end end addCommandHandler ("carpark",playerCarPark) function playerCarSell ( source, cmd) if(isPedInVehicle(source)) then local playercar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) if(getElementData ( playercar, "owner" ) == getPlayerName ( source )) then setElementData (playercar,"owner","Nobody") givePlayerMoney ( source, getElementData ( playercar, "price" )/100*50 ) outputChatBox ("You sold your car!",source, 243,149,72 ) saveCars() else outputChatBox ("Error: It is not your car!",source, 255,255,127 ) end else outputChatBox ("Error: You isn't in car",source, 255,255,127 ) end end addCommandHandler ("carsell",playerCarSell) Link to comment
Captain Cody Posted July 21, 2014 Author Share Posted July 21, 2014 There is a command in here to save the car location but it doesnt respawn at the persons house with the scripts I have Link to comment
Captain Cody Posted July 22, 2014 Author Share Posted July 22, 2014 why do barly any of my posts get answerd ive posted at least 4 things that still have yet to be solved Link to comment
diesel974 Posted July 22, 2014 Share Posted July 22, 2014 Hello cody. no need to be sad or angry. If nobody is helping you is either because they dont have much time, or they dont know how to help u. Not all of us have a lot of free time I will try to help you, but i also dont really have much time. TO start, i saw your command and you are savin the data in xml file. So tell me, when you open the cars.xml file, do you see the data you wanted to save?? Link to comment
Captain Cody Posted July 22, 2014 Author Share Posted July 22, 2014 well 1. Every other post was answerd that ive seen 2. I just though of it I dont think I saved it as a folder Link to comment
diesel974 Posted July 23, 2014 Share Posted July 23, 2014 Oka, i had some free time and i read your codes. Apparently when a vehicle is destroyed, it is not respawned. Theres no function for that in this resource, so therefore i dont see why you want to create a function that when a vehicle is destroyed, it should not be respawned ! Unless its the contrary that you want. If you want that the vehicle is respawn, then yes, this will require a function to do that. And for your second question: 2.How can I make it so when I do /respawn it respawns the cars at the peoples houses who bought them. Here, you mean all the cars or a specific vehicle?? I asked this question because what you are asking here is something that can easily be done. All you need to do is firstly changed the masked or unnamed function that triggers when the resource is started to a name function. Serverside, line 5 to 44. Rewrite it like this : function spawnVehicles() local root = xmlLoadFile ("cars.xml") local houseroot = xmlFindChild (root,"cars",0) if (houseroot) then for i,v in ipairs (xmlNodeGetChildren(houseroot)) do local carmodel = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"model") local x = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"x") local y = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"y") local z = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"z") local color1 = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"color1") local color2 = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"color2") local owner = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"owner") local price = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"price") local lock = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"lock") local a = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"a") cars[i] = createVehicle ( tonumber(carmodel),tonumber(x),tonumber(y),tonumber(z), 0, 0, tonumber(a) ) setElementInterior ( cars[i], 0 ) setElementData (cars[i],"xpos",tonumber(x)) setElementData (cars[i],"ypos",tonumber(y)) setElementData (cars[i],"zpos",tonumber(z)) setElementData (cars[i],"angle",tonumber(a)) setElementData (cars[i],"owner",owner) setElementData (cars[i],"price",tonumber(price)) setElementData (cars[i],"lock",tonumber(lock)) setElementData (cars[i], "num", i ) setVehicleColor ( cars[i], tonumber(color1), tonumber(color2), 0, 0 ) if(lock == 1) then setVehicleLocked ( car, true ) end if getElementData ( cars[i], "owner" ) == "Nobody" then buycarpickup[i] = createPickup ( x, y, z, 3, 1274 ) attachElements ( buycarpickup[i], cars[i], 0, 0, 1.9 ) end maxcars = maxcars+1 end outputDebugString ("Cars loaded!") end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(),spawnVehicles) All i did was changing the masked function to a named function. Now, if you want to respawn all the vehicle when you type the command /respawn , all you will have to do is create a function that will call the spawnVehicle function.. and all this should happen when you type in the command. Here it is : function respawnVehicle(thePlayer,command) spawnVehicles() end addCommandHandler("respawn",respawnVehicle) When you type the /respawn command, it will trigger the respawnVehicle function, which in turn will call the spawnVehicles function to recreate all the vehicles. However, if im not wrong, there will be one issue. When you will type this command, the vehicles that were created when the resource had started will not be destroyed, and will be at the same place. This means when you will type the command /respawn, there will be more probably 2 vehicles with the same location coordinates, same owner, price ..... etc.. If you want to fix this, you will have to destroy all the vehicles that were created before by this resource so that there should not be 2 vehicles of the same data. This can easily be done by a loop. Also, if something is not working, type /debugscript 3 in the chat, and see if there are any errors that appears below on your screen. If yes, post them here. I hoped i helped you the way you wanted. And next time, dont be sad or angry if nobody is helping you, because time is something that most of us dont really have much. All you need is to wait. Have a nice day! Link to comment
Captain Cody Posted July 23, 2014 Author Share Posted July 23, 2014 Theres a command set up /carpark and /acarpark that should set the vehicles spawn location I want it so people can do /carpark at their house and it will set the cars respawn location and I have no idea how to do this Link to comment
Captain Cody Posted July 23, 2014 Author Share Posted July 23, 2014 And I have spawn cars that I want to respawn at the spawn when they explode or /respawn is triggerd but the explode respawn function on there is affecting this script Link to comment
diesel974 Posted July 23, 2014 Share Posted July 23, 2014 Well, i modified the code and it works now. I tested it and it works great. When a vehicle is destroyed, if it doesnt have any owner, the vehicle is respawn in 5 seconds, but if it has an owner, it wont be respawn. To respawn it, only the owner can type /respawn for the vehicle to be respawned. Also, for you to use the /acarcreate command, bear in mind that you need to be admin to do that. Also the /acarpark works just fine. Heres the codes: severside: local cars={} local buycarpickup={} local maxcars = 0 local destroyedV = {} function spawnVehicles() local root = xmlLoadFile ("cars.xml") if not root then root = xmlCreateFile("cars.xml","root") local cars = xmlCreateChild(root,"car") xmlSaveFile(root) end local houseroot = xmlFindChild (root,"car",0) if (houseroot) then for i,v in ipairs (xmlNodeGetChildren(houseroot)) do local carmodel = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"model") local x = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"x") local y = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"y") local z = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"z") local color1 = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"color1") local color2 = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"color2") local owner = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"owner") local price = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"price") local lock = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"lock") local a = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"a") cars[i] = createVehicle ( tonumber(carmodel),tonumber(x),tonumber(y),tonumber(z), 0, 0, tonumber(a) ) setElementInterior ( cars[i], 0 ) setElementData (cars[i],"xpos",tonumber(x)) setElementData (cars[i],"ypos",tonumber(y)) setElementData (cars[i],"zpos",tonumber(z)) setElementData (cars[i],"angle",tonumber(a)) setElementData (cars[i],"owner",owner) setElementData (cars[i],"price",tonumber(price)) setElementData (cars[i],"lock",tonumber(lock)) setElementData (cars[i], "num", i ) setVehicleColor ( cars[i], tonumber(color1), tonumber(color2), 0, 0 ) if(lock == 1) then setVehicleLocked ( car, true ) end if getElementData ( cars[i], "owner" ) == "Nobody" then buycarpickup[i] = createPickup ( x, y, z, 3, 1274 ) attachElements ( buycarpickup[i], cars[i], 0, 0, 1.9 ) end maxcars = maxcars+1 end outputDebugString ("Cars loaded!") end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(),spawnVehicles) function respawnVehicle(thePlayer,command) local name = getPlayerName(thePlayer) if destroyedV[name] ~= nil then local model = destroyedV[name]["model"] local x = destroyedV[name]["x"] local y = destroyedV[name]["y"] local z = destroyedV[name]["z"] local a = destroyedV[name]["a"] local owner = destroyedV[name]["owner"] local price = destroyedV[name]["price"] local lock = destroyedV[name]["lock"] local num = destroyedV[name]["num"] local col1 = destroyedV[name]["col1"] local col2 = destroyedV[name]["col2"] local col3 = destroyedV[name]["col3"] local col4 = destroyedV[name]["model"] cars[num] = createVehicle ( tonumber(model),tonumber(x),tonumber(y),tonumber(z), 0, 0, tonumber(a) ) setElementInterior (cars[num], 0 ) setElementData (cars[num],"xpos",tonumber(x)) setElementData (cars[num],"ypos",tonumber(y)) setElementData (cars[num],"zpos",tonumber(z)) setElementData (cars[num],"angle",tonumber(a)) setElementData (cars[num],"owner",owner) setElementData (cars[num],"price",tonumber(price)) setElementData (cars[num],"lock",tonumber(lock)) setElementData (cars[num], "num",num) setVehicleColor (cars[num], tonumber(col1), tonumber(col2), tonumber(col3), tonumber(col4)) destroyedV[name] = nil end end addCommandHandler("respawn",respawnVehicle) function saveCars () --outputChatBox("okaa triggered !!") local root = xmlLoadFile ("cars.xml") local houseroot = xmlFindChild (root,"car",0) if (houseroot) then for i,v in ipairs (xmlNodeGetChildren(houseroot)) do local color1, color2, color3, color4 = getVehicleColor ( cars[i] ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "model", getElementModel(cars[i]) ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "x", getElementData(cars[i], "xpos") ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "y", getElementData(cars[i], "ypos") ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "z", getElementData(cars[i], "zpos") ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "a", getElementData(cars[i], "angle") ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "color1", color1 ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "color2", color2 ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "owner", getElementData(cars[i], "owner") ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "price", getElementData(cars[i], "price") ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( v, "lock", getElementData(cars[i], "lock") ) end xmlSaveFile(root) end end function adminCreateVehicle ( source, cmd ) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then local root = xmlLoadFile ("cars.xml") local houseroot = xmlFindChild (root,"car",0) local createdcar = xmlCreateChild ( houseroot, "vehicle" ) local carmodel = xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "model", "451" ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( source ) local xa,ya,a = getElementRotation ( source ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "x", x ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "y", y ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "z", z ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "a", a ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "color1", "0" ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "color2", "0" ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "owner", "Nobody" ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "price", "0" ) xmlNodeSetAttribute ( createdcar, "lock", "0" ) cars[maxcars+1] = createVehicle ( 451,x,y,z,0,0,a ) buycarpickup[maxcars+1] = createPickup ( x, y, z, 3, 1274 ) attachElements ( buycarpickup[maxcars+1], cars[maxcars+1], 0, 0, 1.9 ) setElementData (cars[maxcars+1],"xpos",x) setElementData (cars[maxcars+1],"ypos",y) setElementData (cars[maxcars+1],"zpos",z) setElementData (cars[maxcars+1],"angle", a) setElementData (cars[maxcars+1],"owner","Nobody") setElementData (cars[maxcars+1],"price",0) setElementData (cars[maxcars+1],"lock",0) setElementData(cars[maxcars+1],"num",maxcars+1) xmlSaveFile(root) maxcars = maxcars+1 else outputChatBox ("Error: You can't use this command",source, 255,255,127 ) end end addCommandHandler ("acarcreate", adminCreateVehicle) addCommandHandler ("acarsave", saveCars) function getCar ( car ) return cars[car] end function enterVehicle ( source, seat, jacked ) local playercar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) if(seat == 0) then if (getElementData ( playercar, "owner" )) then if(getElementData ( playercar, "owner" ) ~= "Nobody" ) then if(getElementData ( playercar, "owner" ) == getPlayerName ( source )) then outputChatBox ("It is your car!",source, 255,255,127 ) else outputChatBox ("This vehicle owner: "..getElementData ( playercar, "owner" ).."",source, 255,255,127 ) end else local price = getElementData ( playercar, "price" ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "showBuyCar", source, price) toggleAllControls ( source, false, true, false ) return true end end end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), enterVehicle ) function AcceptToBuyCar ( ) local playercar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) if(getElementData ( playercar, "owner" ) == "Nobody") then if(getPlayerMoney ( source ) > tonumber(getElementData ( playercar, "price"))) then setElementData ( playercar, "owner", getPlayerName ( source )) takePlayerMoney ( source, tonumber(getElementData ( playercar, "price" ))) toggleAllControls ( source, true ) outputChatBox ("You buy this car!", source, 243,149,72 ) destroyElement(buycarpickup[getElementData(playercar,"num")]) saveCars () else outputChatBox ("Error: You don't have enought money", source, 243,149,72 ) setControlState ( source, "enter_exit", true ) end end end addEvent("acceptBuyCar",true) addEventHandler("acceptBuyCar",root,AcceptToBuyCar) function playerCarLock ( source, cmd) for i,v in ipairs (cars) do if(getElementData ( cars[i], "owner" ) == getPlayerName ( source )) then setVehicleLocked ( cars[i], true ) setElementData (cars[i],"lock", 1) outputChatBox ("You closed your car",source, 243,149,72 ) saveCars() end end end addCommandHandler ("lockmycar",playerCarLock) function playerCarUnLock ( source, cmd) for i,v in ipairs (cars) do if(getElementData ( cars[i], "owner" ) == getPlayerName ( source )) then setVehicleLocked ( cars[i], false ) setElementData (cars[i],"lock", 0) outputChatBox ("You opened your car",source, 243,149,72 ) saveCars() end end end addCommandHandler ("unlockmycar",playerCarUnLock) addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode",getRootElement(), function () local x = getElementData (source,"xpos") local y = getElementData (source,"ypos") local z = getElementData (source,"zpos") local a = getElementData (source,"angle") local owner = getElementData (source,"owner") local price = getElementData (source,"price") local lock = getElementData (source,"lock") local num = getElementData(source,"num") local model = getElementModel(source) local col1, col2, col3, col4 = getVehicleColor(source) destroyElement(source) destroyElement(buycarpickup[num]) if num then if owner == "Nobody" then setTimer(function() cars[num] = createVehicle ( tonumber(model),tonumber(x),tonumber(y),tonumber(z), 0, 0, tonumber(a) ) setElementInterior (cars[num], 0 ) setElementData (cars[num],"xpos",tonumber(x)) setElementData (cars[num],"ypos",tonumber(y)) setElementData (cars[num],"zpos",tonumber(z)) setElementData (cars[num],"angle",tonumber(a)) setElementData (cars[num],"owner",owner) setElementData (cars[num],"price",tonumber(price)) setElementData (cars[num],"lock",tonumber(lock)) setElementData (cars[num], "num",num) buycarpickup[num] = createPickup ( x, y, z, 3, 1274 ) attachElements ( buycarpickup[num], cars[num], 0, 0, 1.9 ) setVehicleColor (cars[num], tonumber(col1), tonumber(col2), tonumber(col3), tonumber(col4)) end,5000,1) else destroyedV[owner] = {x = x, y = y, z = z, a = a, owner = owner, price = price, lock = lock, num = num, model = model, col1 = col1, col2 = col2, col3 = col3, col4 = col4} end Link to comment
Captain Cody Posted July 23, 2014 Author Share Posted July 23, 2014 ok Thx I will try it when I get my server back up Link to comment
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