Ja[B]er[X]Pro Posted March 18, 2016 Share Posted March 18, 2016 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته انا سويت لوحة سبورت لكن ما شغال --client chats = "" gg = "" GUIEditor = { checkbox = {}, progressbar = {}, edit = {}, button = {}, label = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() supportsystem = guiCreateWindow(55, 43, 693, 459, "[GTA-iV]-Support System", false) guiWindowSetSizable(supportsystem, false) guiSetAlpha(supportsystem, 1.00) guiSetVisible(supportsystem,false) supportchat = guiCreateGridList(10, 41, 479, 317, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Player", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Message", 0.5) progressbar1 = guiCreateProgressBar(499, 22, 15, 427, false, supportsystem) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(20, 22, 213, 15, "Support Chat :", false, supportsystem) supportonline = guiCreateGridList(514, 66, 168, 344, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportonline, "PlayerName", 0.9) GUIEditor.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(522, 31, 99, 20, "Support Online :", false, supportsystem) checkbox1 = guiCreateCheckBox(394, 368, 90, 18, "show in chat", false, false, supportsystem) edit1 = guiCreateEdit(9, 399, 380, 36, "", false, supportsystem) button1 = guiCreateButton(394, 401, 90, 34, "Send", false, supportsystem) button2 = guiCreateButton(557, 415, 90, 34, "القوانين", false, supportsystem) ruless = guiCreateWindow(183, 45, 453, 461, "قوانين السبورت|Support Rules", false) guiWindowSetSizable(ruless, false) guiSetAlpha(ruless, 1.00) guiSetVisible(ruless,false) GUIEditor.memo[1] = guiCreateMemo(10, 23, 433, 379, "English : \n\n1-dont ask Admin\n\n2-dont ask Money\n\n3-dont bad talk\n\n\"This Chat For Help\"\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n: العربية\n\n\nعدم طلب ادمن-1\n\nعدم طلب فلوس-2\n\nعدم السب-3\n\n\n\"هذا الشات للمساعدة فقط\"", false, ruless) closeb = guiCreateButton(150, 412, 118, 38, "Close", false, ruless) end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == button2) then guiSetVisible(ruless, not guiGetVisible(ruless) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(ruless) ) end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == closeb)then guiSetVisible(ruless,false) showCursor(false) end end) bindKey("F5","down", function() guiSetVisible(supportsystem, not guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) end) addEvent("online",true) addEventHandler("online",root, function() local g = guiGridListAddRow (supportonline) guiGridListSetItemText (supportchat ,g, 1,""..getPlayerName(localPlayer).."",0,255,0, false, false ) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == button1) then chats = getGuiText(edit1) gg = guiGridListAddRow (supportchat) triggerServerEvent("support",localPlayer) end end) addEvent("sendmessage",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage",root, function() guiGridListSetItemText (supportchat ,gg, 1,"[support] "..getPlayerName(localPlayer).."",0,255,0, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText (supportchat ,gg, 2,""..chats.."",0,255,0, false, false ) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System] "..chats.."",localPlayer,255,255,0) end end) addEvent("sendmessage2",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage2",root, function() guiGridListSetItemText (supportchat ,gg, 1,"[Player] "..getPlayerName(localPlayer).."",255,0,0, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText (supportchat ,gg, 2,""..chats.."",255,0,0, false, false ) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System] "..chats.."",localPlayer,255,255,0) end end) --server for k,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if (v = isObjectInACLGroup ("user.*", aclGetGroup ( "Support" ) ) ) then triggerClientEvent("online",source) end end addEvent("support",true) addEventHanlder("support",root, function() if isObjectInACLGroup ("user.*", aclGetGroup ( "Support" ) ) then triggerClientEvent("sendmessage",source) else triggerClientEvent("sendmessage2",source) end end) Link to comment
Ahmed Ly Posted March 18, 2016 Share Posted March 18, 2016 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهانا سويت لوحة سبورت لكن ما شغال --client chats = "" gg = "" GUIEditor = { checkbox = {}, progressbar = {}, edit = {}, button = {}, label = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() supportsystem = guiCreateWindow(55, 43, 693, 459, "[GTA-iV]-Support System", false) guiWindowSetSizable(supportsystem, false) guiSetAlpha(supportsystem, 1.00) guiSetVisible(supportsystem,false) supportchat = guiCreateGridList(10, 41, 479, 317, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Player", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Message", 0.5) progressbar1 = guiCreateProgressBar(499, 22, 15, 427, false, supportsystem) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(20, 22, 213, 15, "Support Chat :", false, supportsystem) supportonline = guiCreateGridList(514, 66, 168, 344, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportonline, "PlayerName", 0.9) GUIEditor.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(522, 31, 99, 20, "Support Online :", false, supportsystem) checkbox1 = guiCreateCheckBox(394, 368, 90, 18, "show in chat", false, false, supportsystem) edit1 = guiCreateEdit(9, 399, 380, 36, "", false, supportsystem) button1 = guiCreateButton(394, 401, 90, 34, "Send", false, supportsystem) button2 = guiCreateButton(557, 415, 90, 34, "القوانين", false, supportsystem) ruless = guiCreateWindow(183, 45, 453, 461, "قوانين السبورت|Support Rules", false) guiWindowSetSizable(ruless, false) guiSetAlpha(ruless, 1.00) guiSetVisible(ruless,false) GUIEditor.memo[1] = guiCreateMemo(10, 23, 433, 379, "English : \n\n1-dont ask Admin\n\n2-dont ask Money\n\n3-dont bad talk\n\n\"This Chat For Help\"\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n: العربية\n\n\nعدم طلب ادمن-1\n\nعدم طلب فلوس-2\n\nعدم السب-3\n\n\n\"هذا الشات للمساعدة فقط\"", false, ruless) closeb = guiCreateButton(150, 412, 118, 38, "Close", false, ruless) end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == button2) then guiSetVisible(ruless, not guiGetVisible(ruless) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(ruless) ) end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == closeb)then guiSetVisible(ruless,false) showCursor(false) end end) bindKey("F5","down", function() guiSetVisible(supportsystem, not guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) end) addEvent("online",true) addEventHandler("online",root, function() local g = guiGridListAddRow (supportonline) guiGridListSetItemText (supportchat ,g, 1,""..getPlayerName(localPlayer).."",0,255,0, false, false ) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == button1) then chats = getGuiText(edit1) gg = guiGridListAddRow (supportchat) triggerServerEvent("support",localPlayer) end end) addEvent("sendmessage",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage",root, function() guiGridListSetItemText (supportchat ,gg, 1,"[support] "..getPlayerName(localPlayer).."",0,255,0, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText (supportchat ,gg, 2,""..chats.."",0,255,0, false, false ) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System] "..chats.."",localPlayer,255,255,0) end end) addEvent("sendmessage2",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage2",root, function() guiGridListSetItemText (supportchat ,gg, 1,"[Player] "..getPlayerName(localPlayer).."",255,0,0, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemText (supportchat ,gg, 2,""..chats.."",255,0,0, false, false ) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System] "..chats.."",localPlayer,255,255,0) end end) --server for k,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if (v = isObjectInACLGroup ("user.*", aclGetGroup ( "Support" ) ) ) then triggerClientEvent("online",source) end end addEvent("support",true) addEventHanlder("support",root, function() if isObjectInACLGroup ("user.*", aclGetGroup ( "Support" ) ) then triggerClientEvent("sendmessage",source) else triggerClientEvent("sendmessage2",source) end end) وش الخطاء الي يطلع لك بـ الدي بوق ؟ Link to comment
#|_oskar_|# Posted March 18, 2016 Share Posted March 18, 2016 (edited) ماجربته اعذرنى لو في اخطاء supportsystem = guiCreateWindow(55, 43, 693, 459, "[GTA-iV]-Support System", false) guiWindowSetSizable(supportsystem, false) guiSetAlpha(supportsystem, 1.00) guiSetVisible(supportsystem,false) supportchat = guiCreateGridList(10, 41, 479, 317, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Player", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Message", 0.5) progressbar1 = guiCreateProgressBar(499, 22, 15, 427, false, supportsystem) label = guiCreateLabel(20, 22, 213, 15, "Support Chat :", false, supportsystem) supportonline = guiCreateGridList(514, 66, 168, 344, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportonline, "PlayerName", 0.9) label2 = guiCreateLabel(522, 31, 99, 20, "Support Online :", false, supportsystem) checkbox1 = guiCreateCheckBox(394, 368, 90, 18, "show in chat", false, false, supportsystem) edit1 = guiCreateEdit(9, 399, 380, 36, "", false, supportsystem) button1 = guiCreateButton(394, 401, 90, 34, "Send", false, supportsystem) button2 = guiCreateButton(557, 415, 90, 34, "القوانين", false, supportsystem) ruless = guiCreateWindow(183, 45, 453, 461, "قوانين السبورت|Support Rules", false) guiWindowSetSizable(ruless, false) guiSetAlpha(ruless, 1.00) guiSetVisible(ruless,false) memo = guiCreateMemo(10, 23, 433, 379, "English : \n\n1-dont ask Admin\n\n2-dont ask Money\n\n3-dont bad talk\n\n\"This Chat For Help\"\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n: العربية\n\n\nعدم طلب ادمن-1\n\nعدم طلب فلوس-2\n\nعدم السب-3\n\n\n\"هذا الشات للمساعدة فقط\"", false, ruless) closeb = guiCreateButton(150, 412, 118, 38, "Close", false, ruless) function re() guiGridListClear(supportonline) triggerServerEvent("refresh",localPlayer) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == button2) then guiSetVisible(ruless, not guiGetVisible(ruless) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(ruless) ) end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == closeb)then guiSetVisible(ruless,false) showCursor(false) end end) bindKey("F5","down", function() guiSetVisible(supportsystem, not guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) re() end) addEvent("online",true) addEventHandler("online", root, function (name) local g = guiGridListAddRow(supportonline) guiGridListSetItemText(supportonline,g, 1,""..name.."", false, false) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",button1,function () if guiGetText(edit1) ~= '' then triggerServerEvent("support",localPlayer,guiGetText(edit1)) end end, false) addEvent("sendmessage",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1), false, false) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1),255,255,0) end end) addEvent("sendmessage2",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage2",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1), false, false) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1),255,255,0) end end) addEvent("refresh",true) addEventHandler("refresh",root,function () for k,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if ( isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(v)),aclGetGroup("Support")) ) then triggerClientEvent("online",source,getPlayerName(v)) end end end) addEvent("support",true) addEventHandler("support",root,function () if ( isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)),aclGetGroup("Support")) ) then triggerClientEvent("sendmessage",) else triggerClientEvent("sendmessage2",source) end end) Edited March 24, 2016 by Guest Link to comment
Ja[B]er[X]Pro Posted March 18, 2016 Author Share Posted March 18, 2016 ماجربته اعذرنى لو في اخطاء supportsystem = guiCreateWindow(55, 43, 693, 459, "[GTA-iV]-Support System", false) guiWindowSetSizable(supportsystem, false) guiSetAlpha(supportsystem, 1.00) guiSetVisible(supportsystem,false) supportchat = guiCreateGridList(10, 41, 479, 317, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Player", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Message", 0.5) progressbar1 = guiCreateProgressBar(499, 22, 15, 427, false, supportsystem) label = guiCreateLabel(20, 22, 213, 15, "Support Chat :", false, supportsystem) supportonline = guiCreateGridList(514, 66, 168, 344, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportonline, "PlayerName", 0.9) label2 = guiCreateLabel(522, 31, 99, 20, "Support Online :", false, supportsystem) checkbox1 = guiCreateCheckBox(394, 368, 90, 18, "show in chat", false, false, supportsystem) edit1 = guiCreateEdit(9, 399, 380, 36, "", false, supportsystem) button1 = guiCreateButton(394, 401, 90, 34, "Send", false, supportsystem) button2 = guiCreateButton(557, 415, 90, 34, "القوانين", false, supportsystem) ruless = guiCreateWindow(183, 45, 453, 461, "قوانين السبورت|Support Rules", false) guiWindowSetSizable(ruless, false) guiSetAlpha(ruless, 1.00) guiSetVisible(ruless,false) memo = guiCreateMemo(10, 23, 433, 379, "English : \n\n1-dont ask Admin\n\n2-dont ask Money\n\n3-dont bad talk\n\n\"This Chat For Help\"\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n: العربية\n\n\nعدم طلب ادمن-1\n\nعدم طلب فلوس-2\n\nعدم السب-3\n\n\n\"هذا الشات للمساعدة فقط\"", false, ruless) closeb = guiCreateButton(150, 412, 118, 38, "Close", false, ruless) function re() guiGridListClear(supportonline) triggerServerEvent("refresh",localPlayer) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == button2) then guiSetVisible(ruless, not guiGetVisible(ruless) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(ruless) ) end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == closeb)then guiSetVisible(ruless,false) showCursor(false) end end) bindKey("F5","down", function() guiSetVisible(supportsystem, not guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) re() end) addEvent("online",true) addEventHandler("online", root, function (name) local g = guiGridListAddRow(supportonline) guiGridListSetItemText(supportonline,g, 1,""..name.."", false, false) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",button1,function () if guiGetText(edit1) ~= '' then triggerServerEvent("support",localPlayer,guiGetText(edit1)) end end, false) addEvent("sendmessage",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1), false, false) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1),255,255,0) end end) addEvent("sendmessage2",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage2",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1), false, false) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1),255,255,0) end end) addEvent("refresh",true) addEventHandler("refresh",root,function () for k,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if ( isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(v)),aclGetGroup("Support")) ) then triggerClientEvent("online",source,getPlayerName(v)) end end end) addEvent("support",true) addEventHandler("support",root,function () if isObjectInACLGroup ("user.*", aclGetGroup ( "Support" ) ) then triggerClientEvent("sendmessage",source) else triggerClientEvent("sendmessage2",source) end end) شكراً لك لكن هناك مشكلة هي ابي عندما السبورت يكتب شيئ بشات السبورت يجي اللون اخضر والاعب احمر Link to comment
#|_oskar_|# Posted March 18, 2016 Share Posted March 18, 2016 (edited) Edit supportsystem = guiCreateWindow(55, 43, 693, 459, "[GTA-iV]-Support System", false) guiWindowSetSizable(supportsystem, false) guiSetAlpha(supportsystem, 1.00) guiSetVisible(supportsystem,false) supportchat = guiCreateGridList(10, 41, 479, 317, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Player", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Message", 0.5) progressbar1 = guiCreateProgressBar(499, 22, 15, 427, false, supportsystem) label = guiCreateLabel(20, 22, 213, 15, "Support Chat :", false, supportsystem) supportonline = guiCreateGridList(514, 66, 168, 344, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportonline, "PlayerName", 0.9) label2 = guiCreateLabel(522, 31, 99, 20, "Support Online :", false, supportsystem) checkbox1 = guiCreateCheckBox(394, 368, 90, 18, "show in chat", false, false, supportsystem) edit1 = guiCreateEdit(9, 399, 380, 36, "", false, supportsystem) button1 = guiCreateButton(394, 401, 90, 34, "Send", false, supportsystem) button2 = guiCreateButton(557, 415, 90, 34, "القوانين", false, supportsystem) ruless = guiCreateWindow(183, 45, 453, 461, "قوانين السبورت|Support Rules", false) guiWindowSetSizable(ruless, false) guiSetAlpha(ruless, 1.00) guiSetVisible(ruless,false) memo = guiCreateMemo(10, 23, 433, 379, "English : \n\n1-dont ask Admin\n\n2-dont ask Money\n\n3-dont bad talk\n\n\"This Chat For Help\"\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n: العربية\n\n\nعدم طلب ادمن-1\n\nعدم طلب فلوس-2\n\nعدم السب-3\n\n\n\"هذا الشات للمساعدة فقط\"", false, ruless) guiMemoSetReadOnly(memo, true) closeb = guiCreateButton(150, 412, 118, 38, "Close", false, ruless) function re() guiGridListClear(supportonline) triggerServerEvent("refresh",localPlayer) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == button2) then guiBringToFront (ruless) guiSetVisible(ruless, not guiGetVisible(ruless) ) end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == closeb)then guiSetVisible(ruless,false) end end) bindKey("F5","down", function() guiSetVisible(supportsystem, not guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) showCursor(guiGetVisible(supportsystem)) guiSetVisible(ruless,false) re() end) addEvent("online",true) addEventHandler("online", root, function (name) local g = guiGridListAddRow(supportonline) guiGridListSetItemText(supportonline,g, 1,""..name.."", false, false) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",button1,function () if guiGetText(edit1) ~= '' then triggerServerEvent("support",localPlayer,guiGetText(edit1)) end end, false) addEvent("sendmessage",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer), false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 2,guiGetText(edit1), false, false) guiGridListSetItemColor(supportchat,gg, 1, 255, 0, 0, 255) guiGridListSetItemColor(supportchat,gg, 2, 35, 254, 0, 255) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System] #FF0000"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).."#FFFFFF : #00FF00"..guiGetText(edit1),255,255,0,true) end end) addEvent("sendmessage2",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage2",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer), false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 2,guiGetText(edit1), false, false) guiGridListSetItemColor(supportchat,gg, 1, 255, 0, 0, 255) guiGridListSetItemColor(supportchat,gg, 2, 35, 254, 0, 255) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System] #FF0000"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).."#FFFFFF : #00FF00"..guiGetText(edit1),255,255,0,true) end end) Edited March 18, 2016 by Guest Link to comment
Ja[B]er[X]Pro Posted March 18, 2016 Author Share Posted March 18, 2016 supportsystem = guiCreateWindow(55, 43, 693, 459, "[GTA-iV]-Support System", false) guiWindowSetSizable(supportsystem, false) guiSetAlpha(supportsystem, 1.00) guiSetVisible(supportsystem,false) supportchat = guiCreateGridList(10, 41, 479, 317, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Player", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Message", 0.5) progressbar1 = guiCreateProgressBar(499, 22, 15, 427, false, supportsystem) label = guiCreateLabel(20, 22, 213, 15, "Support Chat :", false, supportsystem) supportonline = guiCreateGridList(514, 66, 168, 344, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportonline, "PlayerName", 0.9) label2 = guiCreateLabel(522, 31, 99, 20, "Support Online :", false, supportsystem) checkbox1 = guiCreateCheckBox(394, 368, 90, 18, "show in chat", false, false, supportsystem) edit1 = guiCreateEdit(9, 399, 380, 36, "", false, supportsystem) button1 = guiCreateButton(394, 401, 90, 34, "Send", false, supportsystem) button2 = guiCreateButton(557, 415, 90, 34, "القوانين", false, supportsystem) ruless = guiCreateWindow(183, 45, 453, 461, "قوانين السبورت|Support Rules", false) guiWindowSetSizable(ruless, false) guiSetAlpha(ruless, 1.00) guiSetVisible(ruless,false) memo = guiCreateMemo(10, 23, 433, 379, "English : \n\n1-dont ask Admin\n\n2-dont ask Money\n\n3-dont bad talk\n\n\"This Chat For Help\"\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n: العربية\n\n\nعدم طلب ادمن-1\n\nعدم طلب فلوس-2\n\nعدم السب-3\n\n\n\"هذا الشات للمساعدة فقط\"", false, ruless) closeb = guiCreateButton(150, 412, 118, 38, "Close", false, ruless) function re() guiGridListClear(supportonline) triggerServerEvent("refresh",localPlayer) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == button2) then guiSetVisible(ruless, not guiGetVisible(ruless) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(ruless) ) end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == closeb)then guiSetVisible(ruless,false) showCursor(false) end end) bindKey("F5","down", function() guiSetVisible(supportsystem, not guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) re() end) addEvent("online",true) addEventHandler("online", root, function (name) local g = guiGridListAddRow(supportonline) guiGridListSetItemText(supportonline,g, 1,""..name.."", false, false) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",button1,function () if guiGetText(edit1) ~= '' then triggerServerEvent("support",localPlayer,guiGetText(edit1)) end end, false) addEvent("sendmessage",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer), false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 2,guiGetText(edit1), false, false) guiGridListSetItemColor(supportchat,gg, 1, 255, 0, 0, 255) guiGridListSetItemColor(supportchat,gg, 2, 35, 254, 0, 255) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]#FF0000"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).."#FFFFFF : #00FF00"..guiGetText(edit1),255,255,0,true) end end) addEvent("sendmessage2",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage2",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer), false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 2,guiGetText(edit1), false, false) guiGridListSetItemColor(supportchat,gg, 1, 255, 0, 0, 255) guiGridListSetItemColor(supportchat,gg, 2, 35, 254, 0, 255) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]#FF0000"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).."#FFFFFF : #00FF00"..guiGetText(edit1),255,255,0,true) end end) شكراًً لك كثيراً اسف تعبتك معي Link to comment
#|_oskar_|# Posted March 18, 2016 Share Posted March 18, 2016 العفو مافي تعب ولا شئ عدلت شئ بسيط انسخ الكود مره ثانيه Link to comment
Ja[B]er[X]Pro Posted March 24, 2016 Author Share Posted March 24, 2016 انا عدلت المود واضفت عند كتابة كلمة باف8 ينمسح الكلام الذي بالقريد ليست لكن ما يصير شيئ addEvent("clear",true) addEventHandler("clear",root, function() guiGridListClear(supportchat) end) addCommandHandler("clearsupport", function() if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup ( "Support" )) then triggerClientEvent("clear",root) end end) Link to comment
Me[Z]oO Posted March 24, 2016 Share Posted March 24, 2016 (edited) انا عدلت المود واضفت عند كتابة كلمة باف8ينمسح الكلام الذي بالقريد ليست لكن ما يصير شيئ addEvent("clear",true) addEventHandler("clear",root, function() guiGridListClear(supportchat) end) addCommandHandler("clearsupport", function() if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup ( "Support" )) then triggerClientEvent("clear",root) end end) addCommandHandler("clearsupport", function() local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Support" ) ) then for index,values in ipairs ( getElementsByType('player') ) do triggerClientEvent("clear",values ) end end end) Edited March 24, 2016 by Guest Link to comment
SycroX Posted March 24, 2016 Share Posted March 24, 2016 انا عدلت المود واضفت عند كتابة كلمة باف8ينمسح الكلام الذي بالقريد ليست لكن ما يصير شيئ addEvent("clear",true) addEventHandler("clear",root, function() guiGridListClear(supportchat) end) addCommandHandler("clearsupport", function() if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup ( "Support" )) then triggerClientEvent("clear",root) end end) addCommandHandler("clearsupport", function() if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup ( "Support" )) then for index,values in ipairs ( getElementsByType('player') ) do triggerClientEvent("clear",values ) end end end) addCommandHandler("clearsupport", function(plr) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(plr)), aclGetGroup ( "Support" )) then triggerClientEvent(root,"clear",root) end end ) Link to comment
فاّرس Posted March 24, 2016 Share Posted March 24, 2016 ماجربته اعذرنى لو في اخطاء supportsystem = guiCreateWindow(55, 43, 693, 459, "[GTA-iV]-Support System", false) guiWindowSetSizable(supportsystem, false) guiSetAlpha(supportsystem, 1.00) guiSetVisible(supportsystem,false) supportchat = guiCreateGridList(10, 41, 479, 317, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Player", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Message", 0.5) progressbar1 = guiCreateProgressBar(499, 22, 15, 427, false, supportsystem) label = guiCreateLabel(20, 22, 213, 15, "Support Chat :", false, supportsystem) supportonline = guiCreateGridList(514, 66, 168, 344, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportonline, "PlayerName", 0.9) label2 = guiCreateLabel(522, 31, 99, 20, "Support Online :", false, supportsystem) checkbox1 = guiCreateCheckBox(394, 368, 90, 18, "show in chat", false, false, supportsystem) edit1 = guiCreateEdit(9, 399, 380, 36, "", false, supportsystem) button1 = guiCreateButton(394, 401, 90, 34, "Send", false, supportsystem) button2 = guiCreateButton(557, 415, 90, 34, "القوانين", false, supportsystem) ruless = guiCreateWindow(183, 45, 453, 461, "قوانين السبورت|Support Rules", false) guiWindowSetSizable(ruless, false) guiSetAlpha(ruless, 1.00) guiSetVisible(ruless,false) memo = guiCreateMemo(10, 23, 433, 379, "English : \n\n1-dont ask Admin\n\n2-dont ask Money\n\n3-dont bad talk\n\n\"This Chat For Help\"\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n: العربية\n\n\nعدم طلب ادمن-1\n\nعدم طلب فلوس-2\n\nعدم السب-3\n\n\n\"هذا الشات للمساعدة فقط\"", false, ruless) closeb = guiCreateButton(150, 412, 118, 38, "Close", false, ruless) function re() guiGridListClear(supportonline) triggerServerEvent("refresh",localPlayer) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == button2) then guiSetVisible(ruless, not guiGetVisible(ruless) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(ruless) ) end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == closeb)then guiSetVisible(ruless,false) showCursor(false) end end) bindKey("F5","down", function() guiSetVisible(supportsystem, not guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) showCursor( guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) re() end) addEvent("online",true) addEventHandler("online", root, function (name) local g = guiGridListAddRow(supportonline) guiGridListSetItemText(supportonline,g, 1,""..name.."", false, false) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",button1,function () if guiGetText(edit1) ~= '' then triggerServerEvent("support",localPlayer,guiGetText(edit1)) end end, false) addEvent("sendmessage",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1), false, false) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1),255,255,0) end end) addEvent("sendmessage2",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage2",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1), false, false) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System]"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." : "..guiGetText(edit1),255,255,0) end end) addEvent("refresh",true) addEventHandler("refresh",root,function () for k,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do if ( isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(v)),aclGetGroup("Support")) ) then triggerClientEvent("online",source,getPlayerName(v)) end end end) addEvent("support",true) addEventHandler("support",root,function () if isObjectInACLGroup ("user.*", aclGetGroup ( "Support" ) ) then triggerClientEvent("sendmessage",source) else triggerClientEvent("sendmessage2",source) end end) سطر 12 سيرفر وين التحقق من حساب اللاعب؟ Link to comment
#|_oskar_|# Posted March 24, 2016 Share Posted March 24, 2016 اسف نسيت اضيفه عشان عدلت الكود ع السريع اعذرتى ع الخطاء Link to comment
#|_oskar_|# Posted March 24, 2016 Share Posted March 24, 2016 سويته لك يحذف عدد معين من الرو وليس الكل + اخفاء كود الوان اللاعب supportsystem = guiCreateWindow(55, 43, 693, 459, "[GTA-iV]-Support System", false) guiWindowSetSizable(supportsystem, false) guiSetAlpha(supportsystem, 1.00) guiSetVisible(supportsystem,false) supportchat = guiCreateGridList(10, 41, 479, 317, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Player", 0.5) guiGridListAddColumn(supportchat, "Message", 0.5) progressbar1 = guiCreateProgressBar(499, 22, 15, 427, false, supportsystem) label = guiCreateLabel(20, 22, 213, 15, "Support Chat :", false, supportsystem) supportonline = guiCreateGridList(514, 66, 168, 344, false, supportsystem) guiGridListAddColumn(supportonline, "PlayerName", 0.9) label2 = guiCreateLabel(522, 31, 99, 20, "Support Online :", false, supportsystem) checkbox1 = guiCreateCheckBox(394, 368, 90, 18, "show in chat", false, false, supportsystem) edit1 = guiCreateEdit(9, 399, 380, 36, "", false, supportsystem) button1 = guiCreateButton(394, 401, 90, 34, "Send", false, supportsystem) button2 = guiCreateButton(557, 415, 90, 34, "القوانين", false, supportsystem) ruless = guiCreateWindow(183, 45, 453, 461, "قوانين السبورت|Support Rules", false) guiWindowSetSizable(ruless, false) guiSetAlpha(ruless, 1.00) guiSetVisible(ruless,false) memo = guiCreateMemo(10, 23, 433, 379, "English : \n\n1-dont ask Admin\n\n2-dont ask Money\n\n3-dont bad talk\n\n\"This Chat For Help\"\n\n---------------------------------------\n\n: العربية\n\n\nعدم طلب ادمن-1\n\nعدم طلب فلوس-2\n\nعدم السب-3\n\n\n\"هذا الشات للمساعدة فقط\"", false, ruless) guiMemoSetReadOnly(memo, true) closeb = guiCreateButton(150, 412, 118, 38, "Close", false, ruless) function re() guiGridListClear(supportonline) triggerServerEvent("refresh",localPlayer) end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == button2) then guiBringToFront (ruless) guiSetVisible(ruless, not guiGetVisible(ruless) ) end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function() if (source == closeb)then guiSetVisible(ruless,false) end end) bindKey("F5","down", function() guiSetVisible(supportsystem, not guiGetVisible(supportsystem) ) showCursor(guiGetVisible(supportsystem)) guiSetVisible(ruless,false) re() end) addEvent("online",true) addEventHandler("online", root, function (name) local g = guiGridListAddRow(supportonline) guiGridListSetItemText(supportonline,g, 1,""..name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").."", false, false) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",button1,function () if guiGetText(edit1) ~= '' then triggerServerEvent("support",localPlayer,guiGetText(edit1)) end end, false) addEvent("sendmessage",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 2,guiGetText(edit1), false, false) guiGridListSetItemColor(supportchat,gg, 1, 255, 0, 0, 255) guiGridListSetItemColor(supportchat,gg, 2, 35, 254, 0, 255) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System] #FF0000"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).."#FFFFFF : #00FF00"..guiGetText(edit1),255,255,0,true) end end) addEvent("sendmessage2",true) addEventHandler("sendmessage2",root, function() local gg = guiGridListAddRow(supportchat) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 1,getPlayerName(localPlayer), false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(supportchat,gg, 2,guiGetText(edit1), false, false) guiGridListSetItemColor(supportchat,gg, 1, 255, 0, 0, 255) guiGridListSetItemColor(supportchat,gg, 2, 35, 254, 0, 255) if ( guiCheckBoxGetSelected( checkbox1 ) == true ) then outputChatBox("[support-System] #FF0000"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).."#FFFFFF : #00FF00"..guiGetText(edit1),255,255,0,true) end end) addEvent("clear",true) addEventHandler("clear",root, function() for i = 0,3 do --- غير رقم 3 الى عدد مسح الرو اللى تبيه guiGridListRemoveRow (supportchat,i) end end) Link to comment
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