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Getting, and inserting data to MySQL!


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Hey friends, i want to make an authentication system. But i am not good at SQL and i have no clue where to start, thats why i would like to ask you for an example script with comments. 
Current DB name: mta_test, Current table name: users
I use root.

Basicly i need a command that inserts a string into mysql, and another command that checks if there is anything like the given string.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/10/2017 at 00:54, Dimos7 said:

local conenct = dbConnect("MYSQL", "dbname=mta_test;host=", "root")
local query = dbExec(connect, "INSERT INTO users") or dbQuery(connect, "SELECT * FROM  users")
local result = dbPoll(query, 500)


Very hard to give proper answers isn't it?

Lol. The syntax for INSERT is incomplete and wrong because it is incomplete.

And by the way you do not poll dxExecs.....


Anyways, there is a good tutorial on this. 

Go there and check the first post with db functions.  



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