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Help me, please, as fix convert quartenion to euler angles in .ipl files


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Help me, please, as fix convert quartenion to euler angles in .ipl files
I'm getting an incorrect turn of the object.
But this does not happen with all the objects, but only with a part.


function quaternionToEuler(q) 
	q.x = q[1] 
	q.y = q[2] 
	q.z = q[3] 
	q.w = q[4] 
	local sqx = q.x * q.x 
	local sqy = q.y * q.y 
	local sqz = q.z * q.z 
	local sqw = q.w * q.w 
	local unit = sqx + sqy + sqz + sqw 
	local test = (q.x * q.y) + (q.z * q.w) 
	if (test > 0.499999999 * unit) then 
		return {0.0,(2 * math.atan2( q.x, q.w ) * 57.295779513082320876798154814105) % 360,90.0} 
	elseif ( test < -0.499999999 * unit ) then 
		return {0.0,(-2 * math.atan2( q.x, q.w ) * 57.295779513082320876798154814105) % 360,270.0} 
		(math.atan2((2 * q.x * q.w) - (2 * q.y * q.z) , 1 - (2 * sqx) - (2 * sqz)) * 57.295779513082320876798154814105) % 360, 
		(math.atan2((2 * q.y * q.w) - (2 * q.x * q.z) , 1 - (2 * sqy) - (2 * sqz)) * 57.295779513082320876798154814105) % 360, 
		(math.asin(2 * test) * 57.295779513082320876798154814105) % 360 


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1 hour ago, AfterAll14 said:

At some point I tried hard to solve GTA quaternions. I implemented all possible formulas, none of it worked correctly in GTA SA. It only works for Z rotation. X and Y rotations are screwed by rockstart itself, I guess specifically to prevent modding. So, I'm afraid there's no solution.

can it be possible to somehow translate this function into a reverse action?
its author Essle

Function to translate angles of Euler into quaternions.

  • Arguments: RotX, RotY, RotZ
  • Return: RotX, RotY, RotZ, RotW
  • function math.quaternion(x, y, z)
    	local c = { math.cos(math.rad(-x)), math.cos(math.rad(-y)), math.cos(math.rad(z)) }
    	local s = { math.sin(math.rad(-x)), math.sin(math.rad(-y)), math.sin(math.rad(z)) }
    	local t = { c[2] * c[3], s[1] * s[2] * s[3] + c[1] * c[3], c[1] * c[2] }
    	math.drt(1.0 + t[1] - t[2] - t[3], (c[3] * s[1] - c[1] * s[2] * s[3]) - (-s[1] * c[2])),
    	math.drt(1.0 - t[1] + t[2] - t[3], s[2] + (c[1] * s[2] * c[3] + s[1] * s[3])),
    	math.drt(1.0 - t[1] - t[2] + t[3], (s[1] * s[2] * c[3] - c[1] * s[3]) - (c[2] * s[3])),
    	math.drt(1.0 + t[1] + t[2] + t[3])
    function math.drt(a, b)
    	a = math.sqrt(math.max(0.0, a)) * 0.5
    	return (b and ((b < 0) and -math.abs(a) or math.abs(a)) or a)
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