hutin123 Posted August 24, 2017 Share Posted August 24, 2017 Can someone help me with this script, please. It has a problem that when one of the clients start command 'vr', the map is just restarted in stead of checking all the clients if they have voted or not. I don't own this script, btw Many thanks. local color = "#FFFFFF" VoteRedo = true playersVoted = 0 mapRestarted = true addCommandHandler("turnVR", function( player, cmd) if isPlayerInACLGroup(player, g_GameOptions.admingroup) then if VoteRedo then VoteRedo = false outputChatBox("[SERVER] "..color.."Command [/vr] Vote Redo #FF4040DISABLED "..color.."by #ffffff"..getPlayerNametagText(player), root, 255, 99, 99, true) else VoteRedo = true outputChatBox("[SERVER] "..color.."Command [/vr] Vote Redo #adff2fENABLED "..color.."by #ffffff"..getPlayerNametagText(player), root, 255, 99, 99, true) end end end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin",root, function () setElementData( source, "hasVoted", "nope" ) end ) function PlayerVoted(thePlayer) if VoteRedo then if not stateAllowsRandomMapVote() or g_CurrentRaceMode:getTimeRemaining() < 1000 then outputChatBox("[SERVER] "..color.."Command only enabled with game in process.", thePlayer, 255, 99, 99, true) return end if mapRestarted then if redo then outputChatBox("[SERVER] "..color.."The map now automatically restart.", thePlayer, 255, 99, 99, true) return end if (getElementData( thePlayer, "hasVoted" ) == "nope") then setElementData( thePlayer, "hasVoted", "voted" ) playersVoted = playersVoted + 1 outputChatBox("[SERVER] #ffffff("..playersVoted.."/".. math.floor(getPlayerCount() /2 + 0.5) ..")"..color.." The player #ffffff"..getPlayerNametagText(thePlayer).." "..color.."voted to restart this map.", root, 255, 99, 99, true) if playersVoted >= math.floor(getPlayerCount() /2 + 0.5) then redo = true outputChatBox ("[SERVER] "..color.."Voting finished, the map will be restarted.", root, 255, 99, 99, true) triggerClientEvent("onSetNextMapRedo",root,redo) triggerEvent("redoByRace",root,redo) end else outputChatBox("[SERVER] "..color.."You have already voted.", thePlayer, 255, 99, 99, true) end else outputChatBox("[SERVER] "..color.."Sorry, This map has been restarted.", thePlayer, 255, 99, 99, true) end else outputChatBox("[SERVER] "..color.."Sorry, Vote Redo is DISABLED", thePlayer, 255, 99, 99, true) end end addCommandHandler ( "vr", PlayerVoted ) Link to comment
hutin123 Posted August 31, 2017 Author Share Posted August 31, 2017 oh, problem solved! Link to comment
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