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Auto Respawn


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Hello ! I've made a script, an AutoExec.

I want to "/respawnall 10" after a time but didn't work, he got nil.. can you help me please ?


WARNING: AutoRespawnAll/respawn.lua:2: Bad argument @ 'executeCommandHandler' [Expected element at argument 2, got nil]




setTimer(function ()
    executeCommandHandler("respawnall 10", thePlayer)
end, 5000, 0)





Sorry for my english, i'm from Romanian.

Edited by CodX
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setTimer(function ()
        local player = {"Alvin_Michael"}
           if player then
          executeCommandHandler("respawnall 10", player)
end, 5000, 0)



I set my character name but now he give an table.

WARNING: AutoRespawnAll/respawn.lua:4: Bad argument @ 'executeCommandHandler' [Expected element at argument 2, got table]

And on "addCommandHandler" is the same.

WARNING: AutoRespawnAll/respawn.lua:4: Bad argument @ 'addCommandHandler' [Expected function at argument 2, got table]

Edited by CodX
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you'v only put the player name in a table 

getPlayerFromName -- use this command to get the player from his name

setTimer(function ()
        local pTable = {"Alvin_Michael"}
           for _,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
      			if pTable[getPlayerName(player)] then
		          executeCommandHandler("respawnall 10", player)
end, 5000, 0)

or another way

setTimer(function ()
        local players = {"Alvin_Michael"}
           for _,value in ipairs(players) do
      			local player = getPlayerFromName(value)
      			if player then
		          executeCommandHandler("respawnall 10", player)
end, 5000, 0)


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5 minutes ago, #x1AhMeD,-09 said:

you'v only put the player name in a table 

getPlayerFromName -- use this command to get the player from his name

setTimer(function ()
        local pTable = {"Alvin_Michael"}
           for _,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
      			if pTable[getPlayerName(player)] then
		          executeCommandHandler("respawnall 10", player)
end, 5000, 0)

or another way

setTimer(function ()
        local players = {"Alvin_Michael"}
           for _,value in ipairs(players) do
      			local player = getPlayerFromName(value)
      			if player then
		          executeCommandHandler("respawnall 10", player)
end, 5000, 0)


At first the command isn't executed and at second says:

WARNING: AutoRespawnall/respawn.lua:6: Bad argument @ 'executeCommandHandler' [Expected string at argument 2, got player].

Is good if got player but why is not executed the command ?
The command is from another script, he need to be exported ?

P.S: Sorry if my english is bad.

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The command don't use arguments.

If you type just /respawnall, in chat will see "All cars will be respawned in 30 seconds".

If you type /respawnall 20 or 10, in chat will see "All cars will be respawned in 20 or 10 seconds."

25 minutes ago, #x1AhMeD,-09 said:

can u show me the args of your command ?


Edited by CodX
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Just don't use executeCommandHandler and use addCommandHandler to work on your respawn function. We can't give further help since we don't know what you asking for and how does your function work and if it even exists. According to your replys I am starting to believe that you think that the command 'respawnall' which you used somewhere else other than in your server is some sort of global MTA hardcoded function which is not. To use that command, you should have a function that actually respawns, connected to the command you wish. 

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Try something like this.

This is a Server script.

function RespawnStuff( ... )
	-- Code to respawn stuff

addCommandHandler( "respawnall", function( plr, cmd, sec )
	local time = sec and (sec * 1000) or 1000
	setTimer( RespawnStuff, time, 1, ... )
	outputChatBox( "Stuff will be respawned in "..sec.." seconds." )


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2 hours ago, Mr.Loki said:

Try something like this.

This is a Server script.

function RespawnStuff( ... )
	-- Code to respawn stuff

addCommandHandler( "respawnall", function( plr, cmd, sec )
	local time = sec and (sec * 1000) or 1000
	setTimer( RespawnStuff, time, 1, ... )
	outputChatBox( "Stuff will be respawned in "..sec.." seconds." )


It work ! Thank you very much !

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