DaHoM Posted August 13, 2017 Share Posted August 13, 2017 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة كيف الحال ان شاء الله بخير الزبدة ابي احول ذا الكود الى انو يحسب من داتافلوس الاعبين بلله سريع local playersWarping = { } local playersInInterior = { } local lastWarp = { } local blipsState = { } local interiors = { [ 1 ] = { 1, 244.4119, 305.0329, 999.1484 }, [ 2 ] = { 2, 266.5009, 304.9670, 999.1484 }, [ 3 ] = { 4, 302.1809, 300.7229, 999.1484 }, [ 4 ] = { 3, 2496.0065, -1692.8518, 1014.7421 }, [ 5 ] = { 5, 1260.9622, -785.4465, 1091.9062 }, [ 6 ] = { 2, 2468.5056, -1698.2500, 1013.5078 }, [ 7 ] = { 5, 2352.4500, -1180.9650, 1027.976 }, [ 8 ] = { 8, 2807.6347, -1174.2792, 1025.5703 }, [ 9 ] = { 5, 318.6222, 1114.7529, 1083.8828 }, [ 10 ] = { 12, 2324.4501, -1149.2780, 1050.7100 }, [ 11 ] = { 5, 140.2478, 1366.3989, 1083.8593 }, [ 12 ] = { 4, -260.6278, 1456.6441, 1084.3671 }, [ 13 ] = { 8, -42.5800, 1405.6099, 1084.4269 }, [ 14 ] = { 6, -68.8081, 1351.4376, 1080.2109 }, [ 15 ] = { 5, 2233.6950, -1114.8648, 1050.8828 }, [ 16 ] = { 8, 2365.3103, -1135.4029, 1050.8750 }, [ 17 ] = { 11, 2282.9099, -1140.2900, 1050.8980 }, [ 18 ] = { 10, 2270.0161, -1210.4719, 1047.5625 }, [ 19 ] = { 6, 2333.1760, -1077.0630, 1049.0230 }, [ 20 ] = { 2, 491.1, 1398.8, 1080.2 }, [ 21 ] = { 2, 447.0, 1397.2, 1084.3 }, [ 22 ] = { 5, 22.875, 1403.51, 1084.4 }, [ 23 ] = { 5, 226.62, 1114.29, 1080.9 }, [ 24 ] = { 6, 234.16, 1064.05, 1084.21 }, [ 25 ] = { 9, 83.05, 1322.47, 1083.86 }, [ 26 ] = { 10, 23.98, 1340.27, 1084.37 }, [ 27 ] = { 15, 376.85, 1417.34, 1081.32 }, [ 28 ] = { 15, 295.1, 1472.2, 1080.2 }, [ 29 ] = { 3, 2495.97852, -1692.08447, 1014.74219 } } local housesLimit = tonumber ( get ( "maxHouses" ) ) or 999999999 addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) for _, house in ipairs ( getHousingList ( ) ) do createHouse ( house ) end for _, interior in ipairs ( interiors ) do local int, x, y, z = unpack ( interior ) local exitColshape = createColTube ( x, y, ( z - 0.5 ), 1.3, 2.5 ) setElementInterior ( exitColshape, int ) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", exitColshape, onInteriorLeave ) end end ) addEvent ( "housing:isPlayerInsideHouse", true ) addEventHandler ( "housing:isPlayerInsideHouse", root, function ( ) local dimension = getElementDimension ( source ) local houseName = houseIDS [ dimension ] if ( houseName and housesCreated [ houseName ] ) then playersInInterior [ source ] = houseName housesCreated [ houseName ].playersInside [ source ] = true lastWarp [ source ] = getTickCount ( ) local url = housesCreated [ houseName ].data.music if ( url and url ~= "" ) then triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:setStreamMode", source, true, url ) end end end ) function destroyTheBlips ( ) destroyHouseBlips ( source ) blipsState [ source ] = nil end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, destroyTheBlips ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogout", root, destroyTheBlips ) function onHouseColshapeHit ( hitElement ) if ( getElementType ( hitElement ) == "player" and not isPedInVehicle ( hitElement ) ) then local houseName = getElementData ( source, "houseName" ) if ( houseName ) then bindKey ( hitElement, "Z", "down", viewHouseInformation, housesCreated [ houseName ] [ "data" ], source ) exports["UIPtexts"]:output ( "* Housing: Press 'Z' to open house GUI.", hitElement, 255,255,0, true, 8 ) outputChatBox ( "* Press 'Z' to open house GUI", hitElement, 255, 255, 0 ) end end end function onHouseColshapeLeave ( leaveElement ) if ( getElementType ( leaveElement ) == "player" ) then unbindKey ( leaveElement, "Z", "down", viewHouseInformation ) elseif ( getElementType ( leaveElement ) == "vehicle" ) then local seats = getVehicleMaxPassengers ( leaveElement ) for seat = 0, seats do local occupant = getVehicleOccupants ( leaveElement ) [ seat ] if ( occupant ) then unbindKey ( occupant, "Z", "down", viewHouseInformation ) end end end end function viewHouseInformation ( thePlayer, _, _, houseData, colshape ) if ( houseData and type ( houseData ) == "table" ) then if ( colshape and isElement ( colshape ) ) then if ( isElementWithinColShape ( thePlayer, colshape ) ) then local accountName = getPlayerAccountName ( thePlayer ) triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "housing:showHouseInformation", thePlayer, houseData, accountName ) else unbindKey ( thePlayer, "Z", "down", viewHouseInformation ) end end end end function onInteriorLeave ( leaveElement ) if ( getElementType ( leaveElement ) == "player" ) then if ( playersInInterior [ leaveElement ] ) and ( not playersWarping [ leaveElement ] ) and ( getTickCount ( ) - lastWarp [ leaveElement ] >= 3000 ) then setPlayerInInterior ( leaveElement, playersInInterior [ leaveElement ] ) end end end addEvent ( "housing:enterInterior", true ) addEventHandler ( "housing:enterInterior", root, function ( houseName ) local accountName = getPlayerAccountName ( source ) local houseData = housesCreated [ houseName ] [ "data" ] local dimension = houseData.dimension local interior = houseData.interior local doorStatus = houseData.interiorState if ( doorStatus ~= "Open" ) then if ( accountName ~= housesCreated [ houseName ] [ "data" ].owner ) then return triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showInfo", source, "error", "The house is locked!" ) end end setPlayerInInterior ( source, houseName ) end ) function setPlayerInInterior ( thePlayer, houseName ) if ( houseName ) then local houseData = housesCreated [ houseName ] [ "data" ] local dimension = houseData.dimension local interior = houseData.interior toggleAllControls ( thePlayer, false ) fadeCamera ( thePlayer, false, 1 ) playersWarping [ thePlayer ] = true setTimer ( function ( thePlayer, houseName, interior, dimension, streamURL ) if ( isElement ( thePlayer ) ) then if ( getElementInterior ( thePlayer ) == interiors [ interior ] [ 1 ] ) then x, y, z = getElementPosition ( housesCreated [ houseName ] [ "pickup" ] ) int, dimension = 0, 0 else int, x, y, z = unpack ( interiors [ interior ] ) end setElementInterior ( thePlayer, int, x, y, z ) setElementDimension ( thePlayer, dimension ) fadeCamera ( thePlayer, true, 1 ) toggleAllControls ( thePlayer, true ) playersWarping [ thePlayer ] = nil lastWarp [ thePlayer ] = getTickCount ( ) if ( int > 0 ) then if ( streamURL and streamURL ~= "" ) then triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "housing:setStreamMode", thePlayer, true, streamURL ) end housesCreated [ houseName ].playersInside [ thePlayer ] = true playersInInterior [ thePlayer ] = houseName else housesCreated [ houseName ].playersInside [ thePlayer ] = nil playersInInterior [ thePlayer ] = nil triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "housing:setStreamMode", thePlayer, false ) end triggerEvent ( ( dimension == 0 and "onPlayerLeaveHouse" or "onPlayerEnterHouse" ), thePlayer, houseName ) end end ,1000, 1, thePlayer, houseName, interior, dimension, houseData.music ) end end addEvent ( "housing:buyHouse", true ) addEventHandler ( "housing:buyHouse", root, function ( houseName ) if ( not isPlayerLoggedIn ( source ) ) then return triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showInfo", source, "error", "You must be logged in." ) end local house = housesCreated [ houseName ] if ( house [ "data" ] [ "forSale" ] == "Yes" ) then local price = tonumber ( house [ "data" ] [ "price" ] ) local owner = house [ "data" ] [ "owner" ] local accountName = getPlayerAccountName ( source ) if ( #getAccountHouses ( accountName ) >= housesLimit ) then return triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showInfo", source, "error", "You can't buy more than ".. housesLimit .." houses." ) end if ( getPlayerMoney ( source ) >= price ) then if ( owner ~= "" ) then local playerOwner = getAccountPlayer ( getAccount ( owner ) ) if ( not playerOwner ) then return triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showInfo", source, "error", "You can't buy the house because the owner is not online." ) end givePlayerMoney ( playerOwner, price ) outputChatBox ( "Housing: ".. getPlayerName ( source ):gsub ( "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "" ) .." has bought your ".. houseName .." house for $".. convertNumber ( price ) ..".", playerOwner, 0, 255, 0 ) if ( blips [ playerOwner ] and isElement ( blips [ playerOwner ] [ houseName ] ) ) then destroyElement ( blips [ playerOwner ] [ houseName ] ) end end if ( house [ "pickup" ] and isElement ( house [ "pickup" ] ) ) then setPickupType ( house [ "pickup" ], 3, 1272 ) end local cDate, cTime = getCurrentDateAndTime ( ) setHouseData ( houseName, { "houseOwner", "housePrice", "houseForSale", "buyDate", "houseInteriorState" }, { accountName, price, "No", ( cDate .." - ".. cTime ), "Closed" } ) takePlayerMoney ( source, price ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showHouseInformation", source, housesCreated [ houseName ] [ "data" ], accountName ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showInfo", source, "info", "You bought the house for $".. convertNumber ( price ) .."." ) else triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showInfo", source, "error", "You need an additional $".. convertNumber ( price - getPlayerMoney ( source ) ) .."." ) end else triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showInfo", source, "error", "The house is not for sale." ) end end ) addEvent ( "housing:toggleSaleStatus", true ) addEventHandler ( "housing:toggleSaleStatus", root, function ( houseName ) if ( not isPlayerLoggedIn ( source ) ) then return triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showInfo", source, "error", "You must be logged in." ) end local house = housesCreated [ houseName ] local accountName = getPlayerAccountName ( source ) if ( house [ "data" ] [ "owner" ] == accountName ) then local newState = ( house [ "data" ].forSale == "No" and "Yes" or "No" ) local pickupModel = ( newState == "Yes" and 1273 or 1272 ) setPickupType ( house [ "pickup" ], 3, pickupModel ) setHouseData ( houseName, { "houseForSale", "houseInteriorState" }, { newState, ( newState == "Yes" and "Open" or "Closed" ) } ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showInfo", source, "info", ( newState == "Yes" and "The house is now for sale." or "The house is no longer for sale." ) ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showHouseInformation", source, housesCreated [ houseName ] [ "data" ], accountName ) else triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showInfo", source, "error", "You're not the owner of this house." ) end end ) local Command1 = get("CreateHouse") addCommandHandler ( Command1, function ( thePlayer ) local accountName = getPlayerAccountName ( thePlayer ) if ( isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. accountName, aclGetGroup ( get ( "restrictedACL" ) ) ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "housing:showHousingManager", thePlayer, getHousingList ( ), interiors ) end end ) addEvent ( "housing:createHouse", true ) addEventHandler ( "housing:createHouse", root, function ( houseName, housePrice, housePosition, interior ) local added, errorMsg = addHouseToDatabase ( houseName, housePrice, split ( housePosition, " ," ), interior ) if ( added ) then triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:returnHouses", source, getHousingList ( ) ) outputChatBox ( "Housing manager: You have successfully created the house.", source, 0, 255, 0 ) else outputChatBox ( "Housing manager: ".. errorMsg or "Unknown" ..".", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end end ) addEvent ( "housing:removeHouse", true ) addEventHandler ( "housing:removeHouse", root, function ( houseName ) local removed, errorMsg = removeHouseFromDatabase ( houseName ) if ( removed ) then outputChatBox ( "Housing manager: The house has been successfully removed.", source, 0, 255, 0 ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:returnHouses", source, getHousingList ( ) ) else outputChatBox ( "Housing manager: ".. errorMsg or "Unknown" ..".", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end end ) addEvent ( "housing:editHouse", true ) addEventHandler ( "housing:editHouse", root, function ( houseName, houseName_, houseOwner, housePrice, housePosition, interiorID ) if ( houseName ) then local toSet = { [ "houseName" ] = { houseName_, "name" }, [ "houseOwner" ] = { houseOwner, "owner" }, [ "housePrice" ] = { housePrice, "price" }, [ "housePosition" ] = { toJSON ( split ( housePosition, " ," ) ), "position" }, [ "houseInterior" ] = { interiorID, "interior" } } for dataName, dataValue in pairs ( toSet ) do if ( housesCreated [ houseName ] [ "data" ] [ dataValue [ 2 ] ] ~= dataValue [ 1 ] ) then setHouseData ( houseName, dataName, dataValue [ 1 ] ) end end triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:returnHouses", source, getHousingList ( ) ) outputChatBox ( "Housing manager: The house has been successfully updated.", source, 0, 255, 0 ) end end ) addEvent ( "housing:setDoorStatus", true ) addEventHandler ( "housing:setDoorStatus", root, function ( houseName ) local accountName = getPlayerAccountName ( source ) local houseData = housesCreated [ houseName ] [ "data" ] local doorStatus = houseData.interiorState local newDoorStatus = ( doorStatus == "Open" and "Closed" or "Open" ) setHouseData ( houseName, "houseInteriorState", newDoorStatus ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showInfo", source, "info", "The house is now ".. ( newDoorStatus == "Closed" and "locked" or "open" ) .."." ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showHouseInformation", source, housesCreated [ houseName ] [ "data" ], accountName ) end ) addEvent ( "housing:setSalePrice", true ) addEventHandler ( "housing:setSalePrice", root, function ( houseName, housePrice ) if ( not isPlayerLoggedIn ( source ) ) then return triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showInfo", source, "error", "You must be logged in." ) end local house = housesCreated [ houseName ] local accountName = getPlayerAccountName ( source ) if ( house [ "data" ] [ "owner" ] == accountName ) then if ( house [ "data" ] [ "forSale" ] == "No" ) then setHouseData ( houseName, "housePrice", housePrice ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showInfo", source, "info", "Price set to $".. convertNumber ( housePrice ) ) triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showHouseInformation", source, housesCreated [ houseName ] [ "data" ], accountName ) else triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showInfo", source, "error", "You can't set the price during sale." ) end else triggerClientEvent ( source, "housing:showInfo", source, "error", "You're not the owner of this house." ) end end ) addCommandHandler ( "houses", function ( thePlayer ) blipsState [ thePlayer ] = ( not blipsState [ thePlayer ] ) if ( blipsState [ thePlayer ] ) then createHouseBlips ( thePlayer ) else destroyHouseBlips ( thePlayer ) end end ) addCommandHandler ( "housemusic", function ( thePlayer, _, ... ) local url = table.concat ( { ... }, " " ) if ( url ~= "" ) then local houseName = playersInInterior [ thePlayer ] if ( houseName ) then local house = housesCreated [ houseName ] if ( house ) then if ( house.data.owner == getPlayerAccountName ( thePlayer ) ) then setHouseData ( houseName, "streamURL", url ) outputChatBox ( "House music set!", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0 ) end end end end end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", root, function ( ) if ( getElementInterior ( source ) > 0 ) then local houseName = playersInInterior [ source ] if ( houseName ) then local house = housesCreated [ houseName ] if ( house ) then housesCreated [ houseName ].playersInside [ source ] = nil end end playersInInterior [ source ] = nil end end ) ذا كود السيرفر Link to comment
AHMED MOSTAFA Posted August 13, 2017 Share Posted August 13, 2017 وعليكم السلام .. وضح وش تقصد ووين الشي اللي تبي تعدل عليه لأن اكيد ما فيه احد رح يدور في 400 سطر !!! Link to comment
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