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Infinite timer inside onVehicleEnter


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So, i have a problem, im making a script for replacing sounds of cars, the first car i enter works nice, when i change engine state the sound goes off and on but when left a car on with the replaced sound and try to enter to another car and start the engine, it plays the sound on the last car, so if you do this with more cars, the first car plays a lot of sounds. Sorry my english is a bit :~ty cause im spanish.


Heres  some lua code, server side

local wayfarerenginestate = 0
local timerwayfarersound = {}

function OnEnterVehicle ( thePlayer, seat, jacked )
    if getElementModel( source ) == 586 then
        local texture2
        local sourcetxt = tostring(source)
        if string.match(sourcetxt, " ") then
            local extracted = sourcetxt:match("% .+")
            texture2 = extracted:gsub("% ","") 
        outputChatBox( texture2 )
        if getElementData( source, "timer") == false then
            outputChatBox ( "Timer started", thePlayer )
            timerwayfarersound[texture2] = setTimer( checkwayfarerenginestate, 500, 0, source, texture2 )
            setElementData( source, "timer", true)
addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), OnEnterVehicle )

function checkwayfarerenginestate (source, texture2)
    if getVehicleEngineState( source ) == true and wayfarerenginestate == 0 then
        triggerClientEvent( "wayfarersoundcevent", resourceRoot, source, texture2)
        wayfarerenginestate = 1
    elseif getVehicleEngineState( source ) == false and wayfarerenginestate == 1 then
        triggerClientEvent( "wayfarersounddcevent", resourceRoot, texture2)
        wayfarerenginestate = 0


Client side:

local wayfarerenginestate = 0
local wayfarersound = {}

function wayfarersoundf ( veh, texture2 )
    local x, y, z = getElementPosition( veh )
    wayfarersound[texture2] = playSound3D( "sounds/wayfarersound.mp3", x, y, z, true )
    setSoundVolume( wayfarersound[texture2], 0.45 )
    setSoundMaxDistance( wayfarersound[texture2], 100 )
    attachElements( wayfarersound[texture2], veh)
addEvent( "wayfarersoundcevent", true )
addEventHandler( "wayfarersoundcevent", resourceRoot, wayfarersoundf )

function wayfarersounddf (texture2)
    destroyElement( wayfarersound[texture2] )
addEvent( "wayfarersounddcevent", true )
addEventHandler( "wayfarersounddcevent", resourceRoot, wayfarersounddf )

What is the problem? Which 1 vehicle it works nice but, which more than 1 it bugs

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15 hours ago, Jose76Tron said:


I fixed everything just adding another table for the check


local wayfarerenginestate = {}
local wayfarerenginestate = {}

function checkwayfarerenginestate (vehicle, vehicleid)
    if getVehicleEngineState( vehicle ) == true and wayfarerenginestate[vehicleid] == 0 then
        triggerClientEvent( "wayfarersoundcevent", resourceRoot, vehicle, vehicleid)
        wayfarerenginestate[vehicleid] = 1
    elseif getVehicleEngineState( vehicle ) == false and wayfarerenginestate[vehicleid] == 1 then
        triggerClientEvent( "wayfarersounddcevent", resourceRoot, vehicleid)
        wayfarerenginestate[vehicleid] = 0
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