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Get position of world models


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is there a way to get the position of world models, meaning the objects of the defaut San Andreas map?

In the Map editor you can only select them, which automatically changes their position.

I want to recreate them with new objects on their original position.



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Or just creating a simple script :D


local posTable = {}

function replaceAllWorldModels()
  for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("objects")) do --gets alll the object elemnts in the gta world
    local rotx,roty,rotz = getElementRotation(v) -- gets the rotation
    local posTable[v] = {Vector3(getElementPosition(v)),getElementModel(v),rotx,roty,rotz} -- stores the position, and such thing in a table with key of the element.
	removeWorldModel(getElementModel(v),1000,posTable[v][1]) -- removes the world object
  for k,v in ipairs(posTable) do
    createObject(v[2],v[1],v[3],v[4],v[5]) -- This creates the object.

should work fine.. but still cant understand why the hell u want to replace all the objects..this is laggy btw..

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I don't want to replace ALL the objects, only some to I can change their position.

Often, a building etc. consists of many models, so I would have to manually adjust their position again, which would take very long.

I will try checking that file, hopefully the models that belong together are next to each other there.

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