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netc.dll version

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Hello. I compiled the assembly of MTA SA, I did it according to the instructions https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Compiling_MTASA. Everything turned out, put the date files from the last "nightly" build, but when you try to run it says that netc.dll does not have the version you need. I tried to take it from other "nightly" builds, neither one is suitable. Actually the question. Where can I find a suitable one?

Thus the server (net.dll) is launched normally.

Edited by BeSS0n
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  • MTA Team
  1. Execute the script win-create-projects.bat
  2. Open the solution file MTASA.sln in the Build directory
  3. Compile in Visual Studio with Debug configuration (may take some minutes)
  4. Execute the script win-install-data.bat


You don't have to copy anything from your Nightly installation. Running win-install-data.bat should download the most recent net.dll and netc.dll for your development purposes.

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I started the script win_install_data, Everything started, but when I try to go to the server, the MTA hangs (the process gta_sa.exe loads the processor 30-40% all the time). In the log of the server itself, the player's connection is there, but after a minute it falls off by the timeout, but the MTA continues to hang.

Judging by debugging in VS it hangs on the line of the CStuckProcessDetector stuckProcessDetector (piLoadee.hProcess, 5000); A portion of the timeout code.

What could be the problem ?

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