Mr.Dead Posted June 29, 2017 Share Posted June 29, 2017 i have base sytem i need gate open from groups ================================================================= local gatesTable = { -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ADD HERE AS MUCH GATES YOU WANT! --------------- -- EXAMPLE: {ObjectgateID, closedX, closedY, closedZ, closedRoationX, closedRoationY, closedRoationZ, openX, openY, openZ, openSpeed, colSize, groupName, Team -- NOTE: If the base is for a group only just add nil on the place where the team should be -------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------LAW GROUPS------------------------------------------------- -- SWAT -- {10184,2851.078125,-329.0029296875,10,0,0,3.9935302734375,2851.078125,-329.0029296875,1,1000,12,"SWAT", "SWAT"},-- --{3114,2929.900390625, -281.900390625, 1, 90, 0, 158.74694824219,2929.900390625, -281.900390625, 10,1000,12,"SWAT", "SWAT"},-- -- {3294, 2864, -374.20001220703, 5.779900074005, 0, 0, 2864, -374.20001220703, 14.779900074005,1000,12,"SWAT", "SWAT"},-- {10184,2851.078125,-329.0029296875,10,0,0,3.9935302734375,2851.078125,-329.0029296875,1,1000,12,"SWAT", "SWAT"}, {3114,2929.900390625, -281.900390625, 1, 90, 0, 158.74694824219,2929.900390625, -281.900390625, 12,1000,12,"SWAT", "SWAT"}, {3294, 2863.82, -374.23, 4.69, 0, 0, 0, 2863.82, -374.23, 2.69, 1000, 12, "SWAT", "SWAT"}, --createObject ( 980, 1967.6, -313.79999, 37.1 ), --MF {2929, 215.86816, 1875.67871, 13.9,0,0,0, 220, 1875.67871, 13.9,1000,12,"Military Forces","Military Forces"}, {2927, 211.89999, 1875.67896, 13.85,0,0,0,207.7, 1875.67871, 13.85,1000,12,"Military Forces","Military Forces"}, {986, 343.15, 1792.48, 18.79, 0, 0, 38,343.15, 1792.48, 10,1000,12,"Military Forces","Military Forces"}, {986, 349.7, 1797.19, 18.79, 0, 0, 38,349.7, 1797.19, 10,1000,12,"Military Forces","Military Forces"}, {971, 81.4, 1671, 20.125, 0, 0, 270 , 81.39941, 1671, 12.9,1000,12,"Military Forces","Military Forces"}, {985, 90.5, 1925, 18.55, 0, 0, 90,90.5, 1931.19995, 18.55,1000,12,"Military Forces","Military Forces"}, {986, 90.5, 1917.09961, 18.55, 0, 0, 90,90.5, 1911.40002, 18.55,1000,12,"Military Forces","Military Forces"}, {985, 138.89999, 1941.40002, 19.98,0,0,0,144.60001, 1941.40002, 19.98,1000,12,"Military Forces","Military Forces"}, {986, 131, 1941.40002, 19.98,0,0,0,124.5, 1941.40002, 19.98,1000,12,"Military Forces","Military Forces"}, -- USMC -- {980,1429.08,-1048.44,26.25,0,0,0, 1429.08, -1048.44,20, 400, 7, "US Marine Corps"}, --Admins-- {980, 1808.2000000, -3090.8000000, 3,0,0,0, 1808.2000000, -3090.8000000, -10,1000,12}, -- HQ -- {980,-2486.02,-614.5,134,0,0,90,-2486.02,-614.5,125,900,8,"HQ","HQ"}, ----------------------------------------------- CRIMINAL GROUPS------------------------------------------------ -- CO -- {3115,3314.8999023438,2117,13.5,90,0,270, 3314.8999023438,2117,1.5, 400, 8.0, "Military Forces"}, -- {980,3010.83,2117.04,24.5,0,0,90, 3010.83,2117.04,34.72, 400, 8.0, "Military Forces"}, -- {980, 3010.83,2117.04,24.5,0,0,90,0,3010.83,2117.04,2000,12,"The Smurfs","The Smurfs"}, -- {3115, 3314.8999023438,2117,13.5,0,270,0,90,3314.8999023438,2117,2000,12,"The Smurfs","The Smurfs"}, -- G -- {3115,2631.65,635.12,16.39,90,0,270, 2631.65,635.12,34.72, 1000, 12, "Gambinos Mafia"}, ---------------------------------------------- EVERYONE------------------------------------------------------- --Dice {10150,1975.58, -3529.1, 4.64,0,0,90,1975.58, -3529.1, 0.33,5000,0.1,"NoGROUP",command="opendoor34",scale=1.1}, {10150,1975.34, -3523.37, 4.64,0,0,90,1975.34, -3523.37, 0.33,5000,0.1,"NoGROUP",command="opendoor34",scale=1.1}, {10150,2001.79, -3529.17, 4.64,0,0,90,2001.79, -3529.27, 0.33,5000,0.1,"NoGROUP",command="opendoor34",scale=1.1}, {10150,2001.67, -3523.48, 4.64,0,0,90,2001.67, -3523.46, 0.33,5000,0.1,"NoGROUP",command="opendoor34",scale=1.1}, {10150, 1991.58, -3513.31, 4.64,0,0,0, 1991.58, -3513.31, 0.33,5000,0.1,"NoGROUP",command="opendoor34",scale=1.1}, {10150,1985.6, -3513.54, 4.64,0,0,0,1985.65, -3513.54, 0.33,5000,0.1,"NoGROUP",command="opendoor34",scale=1.1}, {10150,1991.54, -3538.47, 4.64,0,0,-2,1991.54, -3538.47, 0.33,5000,0.1,"NoGROUP",command="opendoor34",scale=1.1}, {10150,1985.65, -3538.9, 4.64,0,0,0,1985.65, -3538.9, 0.33,5000,0.1,"NoGROUP",command="opendoor34",scale=1.1}, --maze {3115, 4375.5, -717.59998, 0,270,0,90,4375.5, -717.59998, -10,5000,0.1,"NoGROUP",command="openmaze",scale=1.1}, -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- CHANGE ONLY STUFF BETWEEN THIS AND ABOVE ------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- } theGateID = {} theGateElement = {} moving = {} open={} for i=1,30 do moving=false open=false end function isLaw(p) local name = getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(p)) if name == "Government" or name == "Government Agency" or name == "SWAT" or name == "Military Forces" or name == "Admins" then return true end return false end function gateOpen ( hitElement, matchingDimension,col) if (col) then source=col end local theGate = theGateElement[source] -- source is col, in die table zitten cols gelinked aan hun gate object; als je terug ben upload dit en kijk of het werkt if (theGate) and (getElementType(hitElement) == "player") and (theGateID[theGate]) then local ID = theGateID[theGate] if open[ID]==true then return end --if moving[ID]==true then return end local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( theGate ) -- hoe kom je aan theGate? ik denk dat ie een andere opent. Ik denk dat dit werkt if ((getElementType(hitElement) == "player" and matchingDimension) or (col) ) then if (gatesTable[ID].mustBeInVeh) then if isPedInVehicle(hitElement) == false then return end end if (col) then hitElement=col end if (getElementDimension(hitElement) == 0) then local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(hitElement) if ((col) or ((z2 < gatesTable[ID][4] +5) and (z2 > gatesTable[ID][4] -5)) or (gatesTable[ID].gateColZ ~= nil and (z2 < gatesTable[ID].gateColZ +5) and (z2 > gatesTable[ID].gateColZ -5))) then if ((col) or (exports.server:getPlayerGroupName(hitElement) and ((exports.server:getPlayerGroupName(hitElement) == gatesTable[ID][13] or ((gatesTable[ID].secondGroup) and exports.server:getPlayerGroupName(hitElement) == gatesTable[ID].secondGroup)) or (getPlayerTeam(hitElement) or checkAllianceAccess(hitElement)) and exports.UCDadmin:isPlayerAdmin(hitElement) )) or (getPlayerTeam(hitElement) and getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(hitElement)) == gatesTable[ID][14] )) then if gatesTable[ID][13] ~= nil and gatesTable[ID][13] == "LAW" then if moving[ID]==true then return end end if gatesTable[ID][15] ~= nil then moveObject( theGate, gatesTable[ID][11], gatesTable[ID][8], gatesTable[ID][9], gatesTable[ID][10],gatesTable[ID][15],gatesTable[ID][16],gatesTable[ID][17] ) moving[ID]=true open[ID]=true setTimer(function() moving[ID]=false end,gatesTable[ID][11]+500,1) else moving[ID]=true open[ID]=true setTimer(function() moving[ID]=false end,gatesTable[ID][11]+500,1) moveObject( theGate, gatesTable[ID][11], gatesTable[ID][8], gatesTable[ID][9], gatesTable[ID][10] ) -- geen errors, geen move, niks, rest allemaal wel end elseif gatesTable[ID][13] == "LAW" then if moving[ID]==true then return end if isLaw(hitElement) == true then moving[ID]=true open[ID]=true setTimer(function() moving[ID]=false end,gatesTable[ID][11]+500,1) moveObject( theGate, gatesTable[ID][11], gatesTable[ID][8], gatesTable[ID][9], gatesTable[ID][10],gatesTable[ID][15],gatesTable[ID][16],gatesTable[ID][17] ) end elseif gatesTable[ID][13] == "ALL" then if moving[ID]==true then return end --if isLaw(hitElement) == true then moving[ID]=true open[ID]=true setTimer(function() moving[ID]=false end,gatesTable[ID][11]+500,1) moveObject( theGate, gatesTable[ID][11], gatesTable[ID][8], gatesTable[ID][9], gatesTable[ID][10],gatesTable[ID][15],gatesTable[ID][16],gatesTable[ID][17] ) --end elseif gatesTable[ID][13] == "HQ" then if moving[ID]==true then return end setElementData(hitElement,"hqGateMarker",theGate) triggerClientEvent(hitElement,"requestHQPassword",hitElement,ID) end end end end end end addEvent("openHQGate",true) addEventHandler("openHQGate",root,function(ID) local marker = getElementData(source,"hqGateMarker") if marker and isElement(marker) then if moving[ID] == false then outputDebugString("open HQ") moving[ID]=true open[ID]=true moveObject( marker, gatesTable[ID][11], gatesTable[ID][8], gatesTable[ID][9], gatesTable[ID][10],gatesTable[ID][15],gatesTable[ID][16],gatesTable[ID][17] ) setTimer(function(myid,mr) stopObject(mr) moveObject( mr,gatesTable[myid][11], gatesTable[myid][2], gatesTable[myid][3], gatesTable[myid][4] ) --setElementPosition(mr,-2486.02,-614.5,134) moving[myid]=false open[myid] = false end,5000,1,ID,marker) end end end) function gateClose (hitElement, matchingDimension, col ) if (col) then source=col end local theGate = theGateElement[source] if (theGate) and (getElementType(hitElement) == "player") then local ID = theGateID[theGate] if open[ID]==false then return end --if moving[ID]==true then return end local x,y,z = getElementPosition ( theGate ) if ((getElementType(hitElement) == "player" and matchingDimension) or (col) ) then if (gatesTable[ID].mustBeInVeh) then if isPedInVehicle(hitElement) == false then return end end if (col) then hitElement=col end local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(hitElement) if ((z2 < gatesTable[ID][4] +5) and (z2 > gatesTable[ID][4] -5)) or (gatesTable[ID].gateColZ ~= nil and (z2 < gatesTable[ID].gateColZ +5) and (z2 > gatesTable[ID].gateColZ -5)) then if ((col) or (exports.server:getPlayerGroupName(hitElement) and ((exports.server:getPlayerGroupName(hitElement) == gatesTable[ID][13] or ((gatesTable[ID].secondGroup) and exports.server:getPlayerGroupName(hitElement) == gatesTable[ID].secondGroup)) or (getPlayerTeam(hitElement) or checkAllianceAccess(hitElement)) and exports.UCDadmin:isPlayerAdmin(hitElement) )) or (getPlayerTeam(hitElement) and getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(hitElement)) == gatesTable[ID][14] )) then if gatesTable[ID][13] ~= nil and gatesTable[ID][13] == "LAW" then if moving[ID]==true then return end end if gatesTable[ID][15] ~= nil then moving[ID]=true open[ID]=false setTimer(function() moving[ID]=false end,gatesTable[ID][11]+500,1) moveObject( theGate, gatesTable[ID][11], gatesTable[ID][2], gatesTable[ID][3], gatesTable[ID][4], gatesTable[ID][18], gatesTable[ID][19], gatesTable[ID][20] ) else moving[ID]=true open[ID]=false setTimer(function() moving[ID]=false end,gatesTable[ID][11]+500,1) moveObject( theGate, gatesTable[ID][11], gatesTable[ID][2], gatesTable[ID][3], gatesTable[ID][4] ) end elseif gatesTable[ID][13] == "LAW" then if moving[ID]==true then return end if isLaw(hitElement) == true then moving[ID]=true open[ID]=false setTimer(function() moving[ID]=false end,gatesTable[ID][11]+500,1) moveObject( theGate, gatesTable[ID][11], gatesTable[ID][2], gatesTable[ID][3], gatesTable[ID][4], gatesTable[ID][18], gatesTable[ID][19], gatesTable[ID][20] ) end elseif gatesTable[ID][13] == "ALL" then if moving[ID]==true then return end --if isLaw(hitElement) == true then moving[ID]=true open[ID]=false setTimer(function() moving[ID]=false end,gatesTable[ID][11]+500,1) moveObject( theGate, gatesTable[ID][11], gatesTable[ID][2], gatesTable[ID][3], gatesTable[ID][4], gatesTable[ID][18], gatesTable[ID][19], gatesTable[ID][20] ) --end end end end end end --[[ function checkAllianceAccess(v) local a = getElementData(v,"alliance") if (a) then local t = exports.CSGgroups:alliances_getAllianceSettings(tonumber(a)) if (t.shareGates) == true then return true else return false end end end ]] gateShaderTable={} function newShaderGate(gate,v) local t = {} table.insert(t,{gate,v}) table.insert(gateShaderTable,{gate,v}) setTimer(function() for k,player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do -- triggerClientEvent(player,"recCustomGatesList",player,t) end end,5000,1) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,function() -- triggerClientEvent(source,"recCustomGatesList",source,gateShaderTable) end) for ID, gates in ipairs(gatesTable) do local theGateCol = false if gates.gateColZ == nil then theGateCol=createColSphere ( gates[2], gates[3], gates[4], gates[12] ) else theGateCol= createColSphere ( gates[2], gates[3], gates.gateColZ, gates[12] ) end local theGate = createObject ( gates[1], gates[2], gates[3], gates[4], gates[5], gates[6], gates[7] ) theGateElement[theGateCol] = theGate theGateID[theGate] = ID if gates.scale ~= nil then setObjectScale(theGate,gates.scale) end if gates.image ~= nil then newShaderGate(theGate,gates.image) end if gates.command ~= nil then addCommandHandler(gates.command,function(ps) local id = ID if open[ID] == true then --if gates.command == "togdice" then -- setTimer(function() gateClose(ps,true,theGateCol) end,math.random(2500),1) --else gateClose(ps,true,theGateCol) --end else --if gates.command == "togdice" then -- setTimer(function() gateOpen(ps,true,theGateCol) end,math.random(2500),1) --else gateOpen(ps,true,theGateCol) --end end end) end addEventHandler( "onColShapeHit", theGateCol, gateOpen ) addEventHandler( "onColShapeLeave", theGateCol, gateClose ) end -- Link to comment
Mr.Dead Posted June 30, 2017 Author Share Posted June 30, 2017 Just now, NOONE said: put your script into <> addCommandHandler(gates.command,function(ps) local id = ID if open[ID] == true then --if gates.command == "togdice" then -- setTimer(function() gateClose(ps,true,theGateCol) end,math.random(2500),1) --else gateClose(ps,true,theGateCol) --end else --if gates.command == "togdice" then -- setTimer(function() gateOpen(ps,true,theGateCol) end,math.random(2500),1) --else gateOpen(ps,true,theGateCol) Link to comment
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