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Game Mode IDEAS for mta:SA

Guest Codious

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Ok so i read there will be different game modes. well i have some pretty sweet ideas. I dont know if the could be put into the game and how hard it would be but it would be really nice to see one of them.

My first idea is this.

Territory take-over (or somekind of name like that)

So get this, this is how it works. and i have a few ideas of how this would play out.

You have a gang leader that starts out with money. and then everyone else in the gang. and the ovject is to go to the other gang territoies and have to tag a certain amount of graffiti points to take over the terriotry.

the point of the money the gang leaders have, is that every time some one respawns the money goes down. once you have no more money left. you lose. (similar to the tickets on the battlefield series.

But i figured every gang member could have a smaller amount of money, and for what? to buy more weapons and ammo, say at his/her gangs hideout. and if they die, they drop the money and the gang leader can pick up the money , there for having enough money for more gang members to come in. I think it sounds alittle confusing, unless you hve played one of the battlefields, but i think this would be a great game mode for gta, and it would incorperate some teamplay +plus probably be very fun.

My other idea, comes from the more standard first person shooters, that have capture the flag. well this game i call:

Capture the Rag:

Ok so heres how it goes. You have 2 or more gangs. each gang has a hideout or base of soem kind, (grove street, would have the hood etc..)

ok the point is, just go to the other gangs base and steal there rag (of course there rag would be there gangs color probably in a bandana form of some kind. then you have to bring it back to your gangs hideout/base

and say the capture point would be a Fire, a dumpster, etc.... then you get a point for every rag you trash / burn.

And one more. this idea takes in the idea of a football game.

Smear the Queer.

Now this is how it goes. you have 1 or 2 people that are armed with the dildo that you see in SA (alot of the hookers hold these , what a suprise)

everyone else say about 8-13 people are all going after the people with the dildo, and you get points for how long you have the dildo. so the point is basicly to have the dildo longer then everyone else (i know this sounds strange, please forgive me) and i think the people that are going after the "queers" (people with dildos) shouldnt be armed with much, probably only like a bat or brass knuckles, thats to keep it alittle fair. so when you kill te queer, yo become the queer.

Those are my ideas for fun game modes. I also think there are defined team play games, that pentalize fore team kills, and there should be defined deathmatches where you kill ANYONE, and also for the death matches, you shouldnt spawn the same place as the people in that class, it should b a random location anywhere. thats all i have to say.

please comment on my ideas (whether good or bad, just pleae do not flame about) 8)

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very cool ideas...

i just got GTA SA for pc a couple of days ago... and then i started looking online for some info to read and stuff... and then i came upon the MTA project.. and i loved it.. i didnt even knew it existed for Vice.. i wish i did ..; *sigh* but anyways... by reading about it i also started thinking and also came up with a couple of ideas for the mulitplayer mod

i dont know if they are already mentioned ... but there are just too many dam forums to catch up with :( lol...

-the gumball race

There are about 8 or so roads from east to west on Los Santos. At the start of each road on the east there can be a (one or more) startpoint for the race. each player starts at a different startpoint (therefore at a different road)

There can be like a dozen or so Virtual Checkpoints in Los Santos, a dozen in San Fierro, a dozen in Las Venturas, and so on....

Each racer gets 2 random checkpoints from each city/area to pass... and the finish would be like in Las Venturas like in a hanger at the airport or something

extra twist... the finish can have a couple of possible locations... and as soon as the first racer finished all its checkpoints... the random finish will show for the first time and is then for all players the same finish

sky diving game

2 people jump out of a plane with parachute, and the first who touches the ground and IS STILL ALIVE wins... lol.. wud be funny

I dont know if you are also going to use money and stuff... but if ya do ppl can make bets on the skydiving game... and the race game.. each contender could pay an entry fee that the winner will win...

this may be far fetched but... (well it has to do with my other passion lol ) maybe a poker game included or something wud be cool if ya can shoot ur opponent who busted ur full house with a higher one lol w00t w00t

well.. i havnt seen the VC multi mod.. so i dont know how stuffs done and what is possible and what not... but what do i know

lol... i just thought about some sort of game island... like that at any time you can challenge another player to 1 of the possible games (like skydiving and gumball race, and other past and futire ideas). Then you can also have like stats on a site (or something) on each player on how much money he has...

side ideas: .. the more money you have the more clothes you can choose to pick from, every one starts with the same outfit... the more money you have.. the more clotches unlock, when you loose some money ur clothes get locked again... and you wear what you wore b4 if you are currently wearing stuff that gets locked... or you cant do any more challenges unless you change ur clothes...

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