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So hey there, it's me again :D, how to make a guns (ex. deagle, sniper) damage, like if you hit the head you do 50 damage, if you hit in the legs you do 20 damage, chest 30 damage, arms 10 damage ? 

Edited by Skarbonke
Word correction :c
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2 hours ago, xMKHx said:

local BodyPart = -- Add you Body part here for the shot part, Ex: Head, Leg
if bodypart == BodyPart then
if ( getPlayerWeapon(theAttacker) == wepID )
setElementHealth(theVectim, health )


local BodyPart = Head
if bodypart == BodyPart then
if ( getPlayerWeapon(theAttacker) == 24 )
then setElementHealth(theVectim, 50 ) end end

That gave me an error: 3: Bad argument "getPlayerWeapon"[expected ped at argument 1, got nil]


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I didn't give you a full or working functions

If you want a working one use this

Its Server Side

addEvent "onPlayerHeadshot"

addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(),
	function (attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss)
		if bodypart == 9 then
			if ( getPlayerWeapon(attacker) == wepID )
				killPed(source, attacker, weapon, bodypart)


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3 minutes ago, xMKHx said:

I didn't give you a full or working functions

If you want a working one use this

Its Server Side

addEvent "onPlayerHeadshot"

addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(),
	function (attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss)
		if bodypart == 9 then
			if ( getPlayerWeapon(attacker) == wepID )
				killPed(source, attacker, weapon, bodypart)


I don't need 1 shot kill :|


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Try This

addEvent "onPlayerHeadshot"

addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(),
	function (attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss)
		if bodypart == 9 then
			if ( getPlayerWeapon(attacker) == wepID 
        		setElementHealth(source -50)


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addEvent "onPlayerHeadshot"

addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(),
	function (attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss)
		if bodypart == 9 then 
		     if then ( getPlayerWeapon(attacker) == 24 
        		setElementHealth(source -50)

I get an error that says:5: unexpected symbol near "then" , and i can't get it right

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addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(),
	function (attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss)
		if bodypart == 9 then 
		     if getPlayerWeapon(attacker) == 24 then
        		setElementHealth(source, getElementHealth(source) -50)


15 minutes ago, xMKHx said:

Try This

addEvent "onPlayerHeadshot"

addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(),
	function (attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss)
		if bodypart == 9 then
			if ( getPlayerWeapon(attacker) == wepID 
        		setElementHealth(source -50)


Man, please at least look at your code again and double check it, I know you're trying to help but try to make sure you're not making at least syntax mistakes..

Edited by pa3ck
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4 minutes ago, pa3ck said:

addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(),
	function (attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss)
		if bodypart == 9 then 
		     if getPlayerWeapon(attacker) == 24 then
        		setElementHealth(source, getElementHealth(source) -50)


Man, please at least look at your code again and double check it, I know you're trying to help but try to make sure you're not making at least syntax mistakes..

Thank u, it worked :3

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local weaponTable = {
-- populate this list by adding weapons:
-- [weap_id] = { torso, ass, left_arm, right_arm, left_leg, right_leg, head }
 [24] = { 45, 35, 30, 30, 25, 25, 70 },

addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(),
	function (attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss)
		if getElementType(attacker) == "player" and getPlayerWeapon(attacker) and weaponTable[ getPlayerWeapon(attacker) ] then
			setElementHealth(source, getElementHealth(source) - weaponTable[ getPlayerWeapon(attacker) ] [ bodyPart - 2] + loss)

You're welcome, you can use the following code to create a fully dynamic system. You can set each body part for each weapon using the weaponTable, just follow the current layout of weapon ID 24. 

Edited by pa3ck
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