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[Question] moveObject timers/attach moving markers


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Having some problems with an Elevator/lift script I am making, it's all on the comments below, but will write under too. :) 

--lift test
crate = createObject(2669, 2340.3000488281, 1544.9000244141, 11.10000038147, 0, 0, 90)--Creates the lift. 
crate_Rdoor = createObject(2678, 2342.8999023438, 1544.0999755859, 10.970000267029)
crate_Ldoor = createObject(2679, 2342.8999023438, 1545.6999511719, 10.970000267029, 0, 0, 180)
marker_ = createMarker(2338, 1546.1999511719, 11.10000038147, "arrow", 1, 100, 0, 0, 110)--Marker
KeyPad_ = createObject(2922, 2338, 1546.3000488281, 11.199999809265, 0, 0, 180)--Want to attach my marker to move with this.

--Function to close doors will be added here later.

(setTimer, 2000)	--Want to start the function AFTER the player hits the marker.

function crate_up(player) --Moves everything but marker up by 10)

	moveObject(crate, 10000, 2340.3000488281, 1544.9000244141, 21.10000038147)
	moveObject(crate_lift_Rdoor, 10000, 2342.8999023438, 1544.0999755859, 20.970000267029)
	moveObject(crate_lift_Ldoor, 10000, 2342.8999023438, 1545.6999511719, 20.970000267029)
	moveObject(KeyPad_, 10000, 2338, 1546.3000488281, 21.199999809265)


--Another timer for doors opening at top will go here.

--Function to open doors will be added later.

--Final timer to move the crate back down (and marker).

function crate_down(player)

	moveObject(crate, 10000, 2340.3000488281, 1544.9000244141, 11.10000038147)
	moveObject(crate_Rdoor, 10000, 2342.8999023438, 1544.0999755859, 10.970000267029)
	moveObject(crate_Ldoor, 10000, 2342.8999023438, 1545.6999511719, 10.970000267029)
	moveObject(KeyPad_, 10000, 2338, 1546.3000488281, 11.199999809265)


Basically I want my marker attached to my keypad so the marker moves WITH the object.

I also want to set timers starting from marker hit, I am trying to hit marker, close doors, set timer for lift to move, then after that I can figure it out. (Will be using more than one timer.)


Thanks for any help/advice you have! :D 

Edited by kieran
Tried attaching marker to the keypad using attach elements, but it then ignored moveObject function.
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If you look at setTimer on the wiki, you will understand, but to give you an idea

local myTimer = setTimer( function(text)
  outputChatBox("Timer after 5 seconds: " .. text)
end, 5000, 1, "myParam1")
function myFunctionName(text)
  outputChatBox("Timer after 5 seconds: " .. text)
local myTimer = setTimer( myFunctionName, 5000, 1, "myParam1")
-- function() ... end -> anonymous function
-- myFunctionName -> if you already have a function you will call
-- 5000 -> when should the timer start in ms, so 5000 = 5 seconds
-- 1 -> how many times the timer should run, every 5 seconds | 0 = infinite
-- myParam1 -> parameters you will pass to the function


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