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[HELP]pay code


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Use getPlayerMoney, use this code to check if the player has enough money to pay.

function hasEnoughMoney (thePlayer, amount)
  if isElement(thePlayer) and getElementType(thePlayer) == "player" then
    if amount and tonumber(amount) then
      local amount = tonumber(amount)
      if amount < 0 then
        return false
      local money = getPlayerMoney(thePlayer)
      if money >= amount then
        return true
  return false

Then when you need to check if the player has enough money, call the function.

The first argument is a player element, the second argument is the amount of money you want to check. Example:

if hasEnoughMoney(thePlayer, 30000) then -- If the player has $30,000
  takePlayerMoney(thePlayer, 30000) -- Don't forget to take their money
  -- Your code to execute here --



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