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Destroy Marker

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Hi guys!
I need help
I made this script so that when a player takes a marker he earns 30,000, the problem is that I add the destroyElement function to eliminate the marker when taking it, but I want to only delete the player that takes it and not all.
local money2 = createMarker(-282.60000610352, 405.79998779297, 69.300003051758, 'corona', 7, 255, 0, 0, 255)
setElementDimension (money2, 336) 
function playrules(thePlayer)
givePlayerMoney (thePlayer, 35000)
addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", money2, playrules )

Try creating it in client and also it was destroyed for all, besides that gave me error the givePlayerMoney:

local money2 = createMarker(-282.60000610352, 405.79998779297, 69.300003051758, 'corona', 7, 255, 0, 0, 255)
setElementDimension (money, 336) 
function MarkerHit ( thePlayer, amount )
givePlayerMoney (thePlayer, 35000)
addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", money2, MarkerHit )

Who can help me to destroy the marker only to the player who takes it?









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The reason givePlayerMoney isn't working client side is because you're passing it an extra argument, which is thePlayer. givePlayerMoney in client side has only one argument, which is the amount of money to give.


Also, I believe there is no way for an element that is showing to everyone to be destroyed for one player only, hence you should use setElementVisibleTo and a table with stored players that already entered the marker so they don't get the money again.

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Always use givePlayerMoney server-side, because the player's money will not be synchronized with the server and the money will not 'change' when you call getPlayerMoney server-side.

Try this:

addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,
		local money2 = createMarker(-282.60000610352, 405.79998779297, 69.300003051758, 'corona', 7, 255, 0, 0, 255)
		setElementDimension (money2, 336)
		addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", money2, MarkerHit )

function MarkerHit( p, md )
	if p == localPlayer and md then
		triggerServerEvent( "doGiveMoneyOnMarkerHit", p, 35000 )
		destroyElement( source )


addEvent( "doGiveMoneyOnMarkerHit", true )
addEventHandler( "doGiveMoneyOnMarkerHit", root,
	function( v )
		if v then
			givePlayerMoney( client, tonumber(v) )


Edited by DNL291
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