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[BUG] dbQuery - how to insert auto increment?

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Hey guys, this is my query:

local createPPQuery = dbQuery(handler, "INSERT INTO PayPhoneOW VALUES (`PosX`,`PosY`,`PosZ`,`Number`)", x, y, z, phonenumber)

The error is "Column count doesn't match value count at row 1"

if I add ID infront of PosX and also a value for it infront of 'x' then it will work, but ID is auto increment and I don't want to set any value for it when I insert, what is the workaround?

Also 'x', 'y' and 'z' along with the 'phonenumber' doesn't insert anything in the db but if I print them they are okay.


Should the query be like this maybe?

local createPPQuery = dbQuery(handler, "INSERT INTO `PayPhoneOW` (`PosX`,`PosY`,`PosZ`,`Number`) VALUES (?,?,?,?)", x, y, z, phonenumber)

if so, then they should update the wiki and add such an example too because I had to guess it myself...

Edited by Dutchman101
Fix topic title for section requirements
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