Jayceon Posted May 21, 2017 Share Posted May 21, 2017 Hello dear reader! A few days ago i'm tried to make the Object Editor by XYZ Axle by cursor. But when i'm rotate camera to other side, like Y axle and i'm try to move X axle gets fail. I dont know how to get this perfect. Demonstration image: (red - X axle; green - Y axle; blue - Z axle) The code: local screenX, screenY = guiGetScreenSize() local editorFont = dxCreateFont("files/fonts/Roboto.ttf", 8, false, "antialiased") local editorTable = nil local editorMenu = { {"move", "Move"}, {"rotate", "Rotate"}, {"scale", "Scale"}, {"save", "Save"} } local iconSize = 16 local iconHalfSize = iconSize / 2 local axisLineThickness = 1.5 local editorColors = { axisX = {200, 50, 60}, axisY = {50, 200, 60}, axisZ = {50, 60, 200}, activeMode = {255, 150, 0}, inactiveMode = {255, 255, 255} } bindKey("F4", "down", -- Editor test function () local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local obj = createObject(2867, x, y, z) setElementCollisionsEnabled(obj, false) attachElements(obj, localPlayer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) toggleEditor(obj, false) end ) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function () if not editorTable then return end local absX, absY = 0, 0 if isCursorShowing() then if not isMTAWindowActive() then local relX, relY = getCursorPosition() absX, absY = relX * screenX, relY * screenY end end local elementX, elementY, elementZ = getElementPosition(editorTable["element"]) local startX, startY = getScreenFromWorldPosition(elementX, elementY, elementZ, 128) local xX, xY, xZ = getPositionFromElementOffset(editorTable["element"], editorTable["elementRadius"], 0, 0) local yX, yY, yZ = getPositionFromElementOffset(editorTable["element"], 0, editorTable["elementRadius"], 0) local zX, zY, zZ = getPositionFromElementOffset(editorTable["element"], 0, 0, editorTable["elementRadius"]) endXX, endXY = getScreenFromWorldPosition(xX, xY, xZ, 128) endYX, endYY = getScreenFromWorldPosition(yX, yY, yZ, 128) endZX, endZY = getScreenFromWorldPosition(zX, zY, zZ, 128) if not endXX or not endYX or not endZX or not endXY or not endYY or not endZY then return end dxDrawLine(startX, startY, endXX, endXY, tocolor(editorColors["axisX"][1], editorColors["axisX"][2], editorColors["axisX"][3], 255), axisLineThickness, false) dxDrawLine(startX, startY, endYX, endYY, tocolor(editorColors["axisY"][1], editorColors["axisY"][2], editorColors["axisY"][3], 255), axisLineThickness, false) dxDrawLine(startX, startY, endZX, endZY, tocolor(editorColors["axisZ"][1], editorColors["axisZ"][2], editorColors["axisZ"][3], 255), axisLineThickness, false) dxDrawRectangle(endXX - iconHalfSize, endXY - iconHalfSize, iconSize, iconSize, tocolor(editorColors["axisX"][1], editorColors["axisX"][2], editorColors["axisX"][3], 255)) dxDrawRectangle(endYX - iconHalfSize, endYY - iconHalfSize, iconSize, iconSize, tocolor(editorColors["axisY"][1], editorColors["axisY"][2], editorColors["axisY"][3], 255)) dxDrawRectangle(endZX - iconHalfSize, endZY - iconHalfSize, iconSize, iconSize, tocolor(editorColors["axisZ"][1], editorColors["axisZ"][2], editorColors["axisZ"][3], 255)) dxDrawImage(endXX - iconHalfSize, endXY - iconHalfSize, iconSize, iconSize, "files/images/" .. editorTable["currentMode"] .. ".png") dxDrawImage(endYX - iconHalfSize, endYY - iconHalfSize, iconSize, iconSize, "files/images/" .. editorTable["currentMode"] .. ".png") dxDrawImage(endZX - iconHalfSize, endZY - iconHalfSize, iconSize, iconSize, "files/images/" .. editorTable["currentMode"] .. ".png") if editorTable["hoveredMenuIcon"] then editorTable["hoveredMenuIcon"] = false end if not editorTable["activeAxis"] then for i = 1, #editorMenu do local currentColor = editorColors["inactiveMode"] if editorTable["currentMode"] == editorMenu[i][1] then currentColor = editorColors["activeMode"] end local iconX = ((startX - iconHalfSize) + ((i - 1) * (iconSize + 5))) + 32 local iconY = (startY - iconHalfSize) + 32 dxDrawRectangle(iconX, iconY, iconSize, iconSize, tocolor(currentColor[1], currentColor[2], currentColor[3], 255)) dxDrawImage(iconX, iconY, iconSize, iconSize, "files/images/" .. editorMenu[i][1] .. ".png") if absX >= iconX and absX <= iconX + iconSize and absY >= iconY and absY <= iconY + iconSize then editorTable["hoveredMenuIcon"] = i end end end if editorTable["hoveredMenuIcon"] then local tooltipWidth = dxGetTextWidth(editorMenu[editorTable["hoveredMenuIcon"]][2], 1.0, editorFont) + 10 local tooltipHeight = dxGetFontHeight(1.0, editorFont) + 10 dxDrawRectangle(absX + 10, absY, tooltipWidth, tooltipHeight, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 200)) dxDrawText(editorMenu[editorTable["hoveredMenuIcon"]][2], absX + 10, absY, absX + 10 + tooltipWidth, absY + tooltipHeight, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.0, editorFont, "center", "center") if getKeyState("mouse1") then local hoveredMenuIcon = editorMenu[editorTable["hoveredMenuIcon"]][1] if editorTable["currentMode"] ~= hoveredMenuIcon then if hoveredMenuIcon ~= "save" then editorTable["currentMode"] = hoveredMenuIcon else saveEditorElementChanges() end end end end if editorTable and editorTable["hoveredMode"] then editorTable["hoveredMode"] = false end if absX >= endXX - iconHalfSize and absX <= endXX - iconHalfSize + iconSize and absY >= endXY - iconHalfSize and absY <= endXY - iconHalfSize + iconSize then editorTable["hoveredMode"] = "X" elseif absX >= endYX - iconHalfSize and absX <= endYX - iconHalfSize + iconSize and absY >= endYY - iconHalfSize and absY <= endYY - iconHalfSize + iconSize then editorTable["hoveredMode"] = "Y" elseif absX >= endZX - iconHalfSize and absX <= endZX - iconHalfSize + iconSize and absY >= endZY - iconHalfSize and absY <= endZY - iconHalfSize + iconSize then editorTable["hoveredMode"] = "Z" end -- OBJECT MOVE BY AXLES/CURSOR if editorTable and editorTable["activeAxis"] then if isCursorShowing() and getKeyState("mouse1") then local relX, relY = getCursorPosition() local cameraRotation = getCameraRotation() local elementX, elementY, elementZ = 0, 0, 0 local elementRX, elementRY, elementRZ = 0, 0, 0 local elementSX, elementSY, elementSZ = 0, 0, 0 if isElementAttached(editorTable["element"]) then elementX, elementY, elementZ, elementRX, elementRY, elementRZ = getElementAttachedOffsets(editorTable["element"]) local attachedElementRX, attachedElementRY, attachedElementRZ = getElementRotation(getElementAttachedTo(editorTable["element"])) cameraRotation = cameraRotation + attachedElementRZ else elementX, elementY, elementZ = getElementPosition(editorTable["element"]) elementRX, elementRY, elementRZ = getElementRotation(editorTable["element"]) end if getElementType(editorTable["element"]) == "object" then elementSX, elementSY, elementSZ = getObjectScale(editorTable["element"]) end if editorTable["currentMode"] == "move" then if editorTable["activeAxis"] == "X" then elementX = getInFrontOf(elementX, false, -(cameraRotation + 90), ((relX - 0.5) * 5)) elseif editorTable["activeAxis"] == "Y" then elementY = getInFrontOf(false, elementY, -cameraRotation, -((relY - 0.5) * 5)) elseif editorTable["activeAxis"] == "Z" then elementZ = elementZ - ((relY - 0.5) * 5) end elseif editorTable["currentMode"] == "rotate" then if editorTable["activeAxis"] == "X" then elementRX = getInFrontOf(elementRX, false, -(cameraRotation + 90), ((relY - 0.5) * 15)) elseif editorTable["activeAxis"] == "Y" then elementRY = getInFrontOf(false, elementRY, -cameraRotation, ((relX - 0.5) * 15)) elseif editorTable["activeAxis"] == "Z" then elementRZ = getInFrontOf(elementRZ, false, -(cameraRotation + 90), -((relX - 0.5) * 15)) end elseif editorTable["currentMode"] == "scale" then if editorTable["activeAxis"] == "X" then elementSX = getInFrontOf(elementSX, false, -(cameraRotation + 90), ((relX - 0.5) * 5)) elseif editorTable["activeAxis"] == "Y" then elementSY = getInFrontOf(false, elementSY, -cameraRotation, ((relY - 0.5) * 5)) elseif editorTable["activeAxis"] == "Z" then elementSZ = elementSZ - ((relY - 0.5) * 5) end end if isElementAttached(editorTable["element"]) then setElementAttachedOffsets(editorTable["element"], elementX, elementY, elementZ, elementRX, elementRY, elementRZ) else setElementPosition(editorTable["element"], elementX, elementY, elementZ) setElementRotation(editorTable["element"], elementRX, elementRY, elementRZ) end if getElementType(editorTable["element"]) == "object" then elementSX = math.max(0.25, math.min(3.0, elementSX)) elementSY = math.max(0.25, math.min(3.0, elementSY)) elementSZ = math.max(0.25, math.min(3.0, elementSZ)) setObjectScale(editorTable["element"], elementSX, elementSY, elementSZ) end setCursorPosition(screenX / 2, screenY / 2) setCursorAlpha(0) else if editorTable["activeAxis"] then editorTable["activeAxis"] = false setCursorAlpha(255) end end end end ) addEventHandler("onClientClick", getRootElement(), function (button, state, absX, absY) if not editorTable then return end if button == "left" then if state == "down" then if editorTable["hoveredMode"] then setCursorPosition(screenX / 2, screenY / 2) setCursorAlpha(0) editorTable["activeAxis"] = editorTable["hoveredMode"] end elseif state == "up" then local oldActiveAxis = editorTable["activeAxis"] if oldActiveAxis then editorTable["activeAxis"] = false if oldActiveAxis == "X" then setCursorPosition(endXX, endXY) elseif oldActiveAxis == "Y" then setCursorPosition(endYX, endYY) elseif oldActiveAxis == "Z" then setCursorPosition(endZX, endZY) end setCursorAlpha(255) end end end end ) function toggleEditor(element, saveFunction, ...) if element then editorTable = { element = element, elementRadius = getElementRadius(element) * 1.25, saveFunction = saveFunction, others = {...}, currentMode = "move", hoveredMode = false, hoveredMenuIcon = false, activeAxis = false, } else editorTable = nil setCursorAlpha(255) end end function saveEditorElementChanges() if not editorTable then return end if not editorTable["element"] or not isElement(editorTable["element"]) then return end if editorTable["saveFunction"] then if isElementAttached(editorTable["element"]) then local x, y, z, rx, ry, rz = getElementAttachedOffsets(editorTable["element"]) triggerEvent(editorTable["saveFunction"], localPlayer, {{x, y, z}, {rx, ry, rz}, {getObjectScale(editorTable["element"])}}, unpack(editorTable["others"])) else triggerEvent(editorTable["saveFunction"], localPlayer, {{getElementPosition(editorTable["element"])}, {getElementRotation(editorTable["element"])}, {getObjectScale(editorTable["element"])}}, unpack(editorTable["others"])) end end toggleEditor(false) end function getPositionFromElementOffset(element, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ) local elementMatrix = getElementMatrix(element, false) local elementX = offsetX * elementMatrix[1][1] + offsetY * elementMatrix[2][1] + offsetZ * elementMatrix[3][1] + elementMatrix[4][1] local elementY = offsetX * elementMatrix[1][2] + offsetY * elementMatrix[2][2] + offsetZ * elementMatrix[3][2] + elementMatrix[4][2] local elementZ = offsetX * elementMatrix[1][3] + offsetY * elementMatrix[2][3] + offsetZ * elementMatrix[3][3] + elementMatrix[4][3] return elementX, elementY, elementZ end function getInFrontOf(x, y, angle, distance) distance = distance or 1 if x and not y then return x + distance * math.sin(math.rad(-angle)) elseif not x and y then return y + distance * math.cos(math.rad(-angle)) elseif x and y then return x + distance * math.sin(math.rad(-angle)), y + distance * math.cos(math.rad(-angle)) end end function getCameraRotation() local cx, cy, _, tx, ty = getCameraMatrix() return math.deg(math.atan2(tx - cx, ty - cy)) end Thanks the replies. 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