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[APORTE] DxDrawCircle - DxDrawRoundedRectangle

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Buenas a todos, nada que decir así que dejo esto por aquí.


function dxDrawCircle( x, y, width, height, color, angleStart, angleSweep, borderWidth )
		height = height or width
		color = color or tocolor(255,255,255)
		borderWidth = borderWidth or 1e9
		angleStart = angleStart or 0
		angleSweep = angleSweep or 360 - angleStart
		if ( angleSweep < 360 ) then
			angleEnd = math.fmod( angleStart + angleSweep, 360 ) + 0
			angleStart = 0
			angleEnd = 360
		x = x - width / 2
		y = y - height / 2
		if not circleShader then
			circleShader = dxCreateShader ( "circle.fx" )
		dxSetShaderValue ( circleShader, "sCircleWidthInPixel", width );
		dxSetShaderValue ( circleShader, "sCircleHeightInPixel", height );
		dxSetShaderValue ( circleShader, "sBorderWidthInPixel", borderWidth );
		dxSetShaderValue ( circleShader, "sAngleStart", math.rad( angleStart ) - math.pi );
		dxSetShaderValue ( circleShader, "sAngleEnd", math.rad( angleEnd ) - math.pi );
		dxDrawImage( x, y, width, height, circleShader, 0, 0, 0, color, true )

	function dxDrawRoundedRectangle( x, y, width, height, radius, color )
		if ( radius >= width ) or ( radius >= height ) then dxDrawCircle( x - ( radius / 2 ), y - ( radius / 2 ) ) end -- El radius es relativo al tamaño del rectángulo, para evitar 'bugs' se dibuja el circulo completo.
		dxDrawCircle( x + ( radius / 2 ), y + ( radius / 2 ), radius, radius, color, 270, 90 )
		dxDrawCircle( x + ( radius / 2 ), ( y + height ) - ( radius / 2 ), radius, radius, color, 180, 90 )
		dxDrawCircle( ( x + width ) - ( radius / 2 ), y + ( radius / 2 ), radius, radius, color, 0, 90 )
		dxDrawCircle( ( x + width ) - ( radius / 2 ), ( y + height ) - ( radius / 2 ), radius, radius, color, 90, 90 ) 
		dxDrawRectangle( x, y + ( radius / 2 ), width, ( height ) - ( radius ), color, true )
		dxDrawRectangle( x + ( radius / 2 ), y , ( width ) - ( radius ), ( radius / 2 ), color, true )
		dxDrawRectangle( x + ( radius / 2 ), ( y + height ) - ( radius / 2 ), ( width ) - ( radius ), ( radius / 2 ), color, true )


float sCircleHeightInPixel = 100;
float sCircleWidthInPixel = 100;
float sBorderWidthInPixel = 10;
float sAngleStart = -3.14;
float sAngleEnd = 3.14;

float4 PixelShaderFunction(float4 Diffuse : COLOR0, float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
    float2 uv = float2( TexCoord.x, TexCoord.y ) - float2( 0.5, 0.5 );

    float angle = atan2( -uv.x, uv.y );  // -PI to +PI
    if ( sAngleStart > sAngleEnd )
        if ( angle < sAngleStart && angle > sAngleEnd )
            return 0;
        if ( angle < sAngleStart || angle > sAngleEnd )
            return 0;

    // Calc border width to use
    float2 vec = normalize( uv );
    float CircleRadiusInPixel = lerp( sCircleWidthInPixel, sCircleHeightInPixel, vec.y * vec.y );
    float borderWidth = sBorderWidthInPixel / CircleRadiusInPixel;

    // Check if pixel is inside circle
    float dist =  sqrt( dot( uv, uv ) );
    if ( ( dist > 0.5 ) || ( dist < 0.5 - borderWidth ) )
        return 0;
        return Diffuse;

technique tec0
    pass P0
        PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PixelShaderFunction();

( El shader publicado es uno de los shaders de ejemplo que hay en la wiki de MTA )

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