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debugging error

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I've been posting a lot here lately, and I am sorry if I'm getting annoying. But after a whole afternoon of trying to get my script to work I'd like to get some feedback.

After I learned of the existence of debugging I immediatly went ahead and tried it. I almost fixed my script, but there's one problem keeping it from working


  1. Player enters vehicle and an uzi is spawned and attached to the vehicle
  2. When the player presses left mouse button the uzi starts firing
  3. When the left mouse button is released the uzi should stop firing.
function hydraFunctions() 
    local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
        if getElementModel(vehicle) == 520 then
		    outputChatBox ("Hydra guns installed")
		    toggleControl ( "accelerate", true )
	        toggleControl ( "brake_reverse", true )
            toggleControl ( "vehicle_secondary_fire", false )
		    toggleControl ( "vehicle_fire", false )
		    setControlState ( "special_control_up", true)
		    toggleControl ( "special_control_down", false)
		    local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle)
            local weapon = createWeapon("uzi", x, y, z)
			local weaponHydraR = setElementData(vehicle, "weaponHydraR", weapon, true)
		    attachElements ( weapon, vehicle, 0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 90)
			setWeaponClipAmmo(weapon, 500)
		    setWeaponFiringRate(weapon, 90)
addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerVehicleEnter", getLocalPlayer(), hydraFunctions )

function hydraFiring() 
    local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
        if getElementModel(vehicle) == 520 then
		    if getElementData(vehicle, "weaponHydraR", true ) then
		        setWeaponState(weapon, "firing") -- Can't seem to find the weapon
		        outputChatBox ("guns activated")

function hydraStopping()
    local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
	    if getElementModel(vehicle) == 520 then	
		    if getElementData(vehicle, "weaponHydraR", true ) then			
		        setWeaponState(weapon, "ready") -- Can't seem to find the weapon
		        outputChatBox ("guns deactivated")

bindKey("mouse1", "down", hydraFiring)
bindKey("mouse1", "up", hydraStopping)
bindKey("lctrl", "down", hydraFiring)
bindKey("lctrl", "up", hydraStopping)
WARNING: 1947weapons\hydraweaponC.lua:41: Bad argument @ 'setWeaponState' [Expected weapon at argument 1, got nil]
WARNING: 1947weapons\hydraweaponC.lua:28: Bad argument @ 'setWeaponState' [Expected weapon at argument 1, got nil]

What I think is happening:

  1. The uzi spawns perfectly fine, but for some reason the following functions (hydraFiring & hydraStopping) cannot "detect" the uzi, hence the [Expected weapon at argument 1, got nil] error message. The uzi is simply not found.

Also, I read on the forums that the setElementData and getElementData should only be used with more important data (which this isn't really I guess.) Is there an alternative that I can use?

Thanks for your time,



Edited by Noah_Antilles
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Using elementdata is fine, just make sure you disable the syncronization when you don't need it. ElementData
 is absolute not for important information. It is very foolish to save passwords or similar data in it.

bool setElementData ( element theElement, string key, var value [, bool synchronize = true ] )


You could also use:

bool setElementParent ( element theElement, element parent )
element getElementParent ( element theElement )  
table getElementChildren ( element parent [, string theType = nil ] ) 
element getElementChild ( element parent, int index ) 


Or learn tables.

Edited by IIYAMA
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The scope of the variable "weapon" is in the function hydraFunction as it's set to be a local variable, so hydraFiring and hydraStopping is outside the scope. You're are already saving the weapon element to an elementData, why not use that instead of the "weapon" variable? Try this:

function hydraFunctions() 
    local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
        if getElementModel(vehicle) == 520 then
		    outputChatBox ("Hydra guns installed")
		    toggleControl ( "accelerate", true )
	        toggleControl ( "brake_reverse", true )
            toggleControl ( "vehicle_secondary_fire", false )
		    toggleControl ( "vehicle_fire", false )
		    setControlState ( "special_control_up", true)
		    toggleControl ( "special_control_down", false)
		    local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle)
            local weapon = createWeapon("uzi", x, y, z)
			local weaponHydraR = setElementData(vehicle, "weaponHydraR", weapon, true)
		    attachElements ( weapon, vehicle, 0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 90)
			setWeaponClipAmmo(weapon, 500)
		    setWeaponFiringRate(weapon, 90)
addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerVehicleEnter", getLocalPlayer(), hydraFunctions )

function hydraFiring() 
    local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
        if getElementModel(vehicle) == 520 then
		    if getElementData(vehicle, "weaponHydraR", true ) then
		        setWeaponState(getElementData(vehicle, "weaponHydraR"), "firing") -- Can't seem to find the weapon
		        outputChatBox ("guns activated")

function hydraStopping()
    local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer)
	    if getElementModel(vehicle) == 520 then	
		    if getElementData(vehicle, "weaponHydraR", true ) then			
		        setWeaponState(getElementData(vehicle, "weaponHydraR"), "ready") -- Can't seem to find the weapon
		        outputChatBox ("guns deactivated")

bindKey("mouse1", "down", hydraFiring)
bindKey("mouse1", "up", hydraStopping)
bindKey("lctrl", "down", hydraFiring)
bindKey("lctrl", "up", hydraStopping)


Edited by pa3ck
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Thank you for your tips and feedback. I was struggling so hard to find why the setWeaponState function didn't work ^^

Now I see the local weapon created in hydraFunctions was outside the scope and thus not recognized by the other functions.

I learned some great tips and tricks thanks to you all. Thanks again!

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