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Disable players collisions?


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Hi. I have a question how to make players going through each other?

I made something but this is not working.

function on(el,en)
for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
--setElementCollisionsEnabled(v, false)
setElementCollidableWith(v, v, false)
function off(el,en)
for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
--setElementCollisionsEnabled(v, true)
setElementCollidableWith(v, v, true)
addCommandHandler ( "k", on )
addCommandHandler ( "k2", off )


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That doesn't make sense, you are trying to disable the collision for player1 with player1. What I would do is:

local colsEnabled = true

addEventHandler( "onClientElementStreamIn", getRootElement( ),
    function ( )
        if getElementType( source ) == "player" and not colsEnabled then
            setElementCollidableWith(localPlayer, source, false)

function toggleCollisionsForPlayer(p, enabled)
  for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
    setElementCollidableWith(p, v, enabled)

addCommandHandler("toggle_col", function()
    toggleCollisionsForPlayer(localPlayer, not colsEnabled)
    colsEnabled = not colsEnabled

Not tested, but should work. Basically when you enter "/toggle_col", if it is enabled, it calls toggleCollisionsForPlayer that will loop thru each player and disable the collisions between them. But if a player connects to the server, the collision with that player will still be enabled, that is why I added the event onClientElementStreamIn. When that event runs, it checks if the colsEnabled = false (so collisions are disabled) and disables the collision with the source element (the element that got streamed in)

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13 minutes ago, pa3ck said:

That doesn't make sense, you are trying to disable the collision for player1 with player1. What I would do is:

Not tested, but should work. Basically when you enter "/toggle_col", if it is enabled, it calls toggleCollisionsForPlayer that will loop thru each player and disable the collisions between them. But if a player connects to the server, the collision with that player will still be enabled, that is why I added the event onClientElementStreamIn. When that event runs, it checks if the colsEnabled = false (so collisions are disabled) and disables the collision with the source element (the element that got streamed in)

Very thank you!

 There is error getting in line 13 when im using /toggle_col:
"attempt to call global 'setElementCollidableWith' (a nil value)

Edited by arer
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