Crow Posted May 8, 2017 Share Posted May 8, 2017 Hi guys i need put set timer for automatic restar resource. But i dont know how this is the script that i need put auto-reset Spoiler local MainT = {} -- main table for important elements local m1 = createMarker(2495.6821289063,-1686.439453125,12.515347480774,"cylinder",2,0,150,20,200) local MissionTeam = createTeam("MissionTeam",0,200,20) local ZombieTeam = createTeam("ZombieMission",200,0,20) local ZomniesTable = {172,173,174,175,176} MainT.ZombieKill = 0 function MissonHit1Marker(E) if (E) and getElementType(E) == "player" then triggerClientEvent(E,"seeGuiMisson",E) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",m1,MissonHit1Marker) addEvent("ClickButtonsServer",true) addEventHandler("ClickButtonsServer",root, function(text) if (text == "Start") then triggerClientEvent(source,"seeGuiMisson",source) destroyElement(m1) MainT.Player = source MissionPart1() setPlayerTeam(MainT.Player,MissionTeam) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",MainT.Player,PlayerWasted) elseif(text == "Closed") then triggerClientEvent(source,"seeGuiMisson",source) end end) function MissionPart1() MainT.Suvivor = exports [ "slothBot" ]:spawnBot(2201.696, -1172.902, 1029.797,90,1,15,0,MissionTeam,24,"hunting") blipPP = createBlipAttachedTo(MainT.Suvivor,52,2) outputChatBox("Go to the MOTEL and Save Maria",MainT.Player) setTimer(function()for i=1,12 do i = exports [ "slothBot" ]:spawnBot( 2217.0888671875+math.random(-2,2),-1188.4528808594+math.random(-2,2),1029.796875,90,ZomniesTable[math.random(1,#ZomniesTable)],15,0,ZombieTeam,0,"chasing",MainT.Suvivor) setElementData(i,"ZombieMission",true)end end,1200,1) end addEventHandler("onPedWasted",root, function() if getElementData(source,"ZombieMission") then MainT.ZombieKill = MainT.ZombieKill+1 end if (MainT.ZombieKill == 12) then MissionPart2() MainT.ZombieKill = nil end if (source == MainT.Suvivor) then outputChatBox("Survivor killed, Mission Failed",MainT.Player) local Res = getResourceFromName("MissionSurvivor") destroyElement(blipPP) stopResource(Res) for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped")) do if getElementData(v,"ZombieMission") then destroyElement(v) end end end end ) function MissionPart2() exports [ "slothBot" ]:setBotFollow(MainT.Suvivor,MainT.Player) MainT.Heli = createVehicle(521,2223.9177246094,-1159.9803466797,25.740327835083) outputChatBox("Go to FCR-900",MainT.Player) addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter",MainT.Heli,MissionPart3) end function MissionPart3(p,seat) if (p == MainT.Player) then if(seat == 0) then MainT.Blip2=createBlip(-2464.6298828125,2251.3701171875,4.787636756897) MainT.Marker2=createMarker(-2464.6298828125,2251.3701171875,4.787636756897,"cylinder",2,0,150,20,200) warpPedIntoVehicle(MainT.Suvivor,source,1) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",MainT.Marker2,MissionPart4) end end end function MissionPart4(E) if (E == MainT.Player) or (E == MainT.Heli) then local p = getVehicleController(MainT.Heli) or MainT.Player givePlayerMoney(p,30000) outputChatBox("Mission 1 Complete go for Mission 2 ",p) destroyElement(MainT.Heli) destroyElement(blipPP) MainT.Heli = nil destroyElement(MainT.Suvivor) MainT.Suvivor = nil destroyElement(MainT.Blip2) MainT.Blip2 = nil destroyElement(MainT.Marker2) MainT.Marker2 = nil end end function PlayerWasted() if (source == MainT.Player) then outputChatBox("You die, Mission Failed",MainT.Player) local Res = getResourceFromName("MissionSurvivor") stopResource(Res) destroyElement(blipPP) for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped")) do if getElementData(v,"ZombieMission") then destroyElement(v) end end end end how i can put set timer for the script auto reset. A guy tell me i need put a " set timer " Link to comment
^iiEcoo'x_) Posted May 8, 2017 Share Posted May 8, 2017 local MainT = {} -- main table for important elements local m1 = createMarker(2495.6821289063,-1686.439453125,12.515347480774,"cylinder",2,0,150,20,200) local MissionTeam = createTeam("MissionTeam",0,200,20) local ZombieTeam = createTeam("ZombieMission",200,0,20) local ZomniesTable = {172,173,174,175,176} MainT.ZombieKill = 0 local aMissionJoin_ = false function aOpenMission_ ( ) setTimer ( function ( ) outputChatBox ( ' Mission Open ' , root ) aMissionJoin_ = true end , 1000 * 60 * 2^2 , 1 ) end aOpenMission_ ( ) function MissonHit1Marker(E) if (E) and getElementType(E) == "player" then if aMissionJoin_ == false then return outputChatBox ( ' Mission Closed ' , E ) end triggerClientEvent(E,"seeGuiMisson",E) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",m1,MissonHit1Marker) addEvent("ClickButtonsServer",true) addEventHandler("ClickButtonsServer",root, function(text) if (text == "Start") then triggerClientEvent(source,"seeGuiMisson",source) destroyElement(m1) MainT.Player = source MissionPart1() setPlayerTeam(MainT.Player,MissionTeam) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",MainT.Player,PlayerWasted) elseif(text == "Closed") then triggerClientEvent(source,"seeGuiMisson",source) end end) function MissionPart1() MainT.Suvivor = exports [ "slothBot" ]:spawnBot(2201.696, -1172.902, 1029.797,90,1,15,0,MissionTeam,24,"hunting") blipPP = createBlipAttachedTo(MainT.Suvivor,52,2) outputChatBox("Go to the MOTEL and Save Maria",MainT.Player) setTimer(function()for i=1,12 do i = exports [ "slothBot" ]:spawnBot( 2217.0888671875+math.random(-2,2),-1188.4528808594+math.random(-2,2),1029.796875,90,ZomniesTable[math.random(1,#ZomniesTable)],15,0,ZombieTeam,0,"chasing",MainT.Suvivor) setElementData(i,"ZombieMission",true)end end,1200,1) end addEventHandler("onPedWasted",root, function() if getElementData(source,"ZombieMission") then MainT.ZombieKill = MainT.ZombieKill+1 end if (MainT.ZombieKill == 12) then MissionPart2() MainT.ZombieKill = nil end if (source == MainT.Suvivor) then outputChatBox("Survivor killed, Mission Failed",MainT.Player) local Res = getResourceFromName("MissionSurvivor") destroyElement(blipPP) stopResource(Res) for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped")) do if getElementData(v,"ZombieMission") then destroyElement(v) end end end end ) function MissionPart2() exports [ "slothBot" ]:setBotFollow(MainT.Suvivor,MainT.Player) MainT.Heli = createVehicle(521,2223.9177246094,-1159.9803466797,25.740327835083) outputChatBox("Go to FCR-900",MainT.Player) addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter",MainT.Heli,MissionPart3) end function MissionPart3(p,seat) if (p == MainT.Player) then if(seat == 0) then MainT.Blip2=createBlip(-2464.6298828125,2251.3701171875,4.787636756897) MainT.Marker2=createMarker(-2464.6298828125,2251.3701171875,4.787636756897,"cylinder",2,0,150,20,200) warpPedIntoVehicle(MainT.Suvivor,source,1) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",MainT.Marker2,MissionPart4) end end end function MissionPart4(E) if (E == MainT.Player) or (E == MainT.Heli) then local p = getVehicleController(MainT.Heli) or MainT.Player givePlayerMoney(p,30000) outputChatBox("Mission 1 Complete go for Mission 2 ",p) destroyElement(MainT.Heli) destroyElement(blipPP) MainT.Heli = nil destroyElement(MainT.Suvivor) MainT.Suvivor = nil destroyElement(MainT.Blip2) MainT.Blip2 = nil destroyElement(MainT.Marker2) MainT.Marker2 = nil end end function PlayerWasted() if (source == MainT.Player) then outputChatBox("You die, Mission Failed",MainT.Player) local Res = getResourceFromName("MissionSurvivor") stopResource(Res) destroyElement(blipPP) for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped")) do if getElementData(v,"ZombieMission") then destroyElement(v) end end end end Link to comment
Crow Posted May 8, 2017 Author Share Posted May 8, 2017 sorry budy i copy and paste your code and dont work... i need put something other code on Client side ? thank you for try Link to comment
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